Open filo891 opened 1 year ago
Same issue. I tried latest version of flaresolver without thinking and after failing I got feeling that problem is somewhere else:
Same problem for me, these last few days. Tried with both FlareSolver 3.3.6 and 3.3.7. But it looks more like that all TOR exit node IPs has been blocked.. which would invalidate this project.
Only use I can imagine, is if it is possible to replace tor, with a proxy client and a list of proxies to use. And then be able to use those private proxies to split up the download process over multiple different IPs.
It works for me but like this: Still beter your result.
I'm rather having issues with this: Cannot download file: Process terminated: Acting on config options left us in a broken state. Dying. (on Tor bf5e234d44e73127)
Edit: so after 2 hours i was at 7 threads.
Bridges could help to solve ip blocking issue? How to obtain bridge
Bridge is working if tor is blocked by your provider /country. So you will connect to bridge, then to tor and then to website. It will be the same. You must have different ip on end of the tor cycle (free proxy /VPN?). But on smartphone I had a error on with comment by cloudflare. So is using cloudflare for blocking tor ip. Maybe there will be a way to bypass cloudflare service.
Do we necessarily need to access it from the tor network ? When I start downloading (from one public IP) the same file with a clear cookies, it lets me download two and then there is a google recaptcha and after that it lets to download the next one. Wouldn't the google recaptcha solver solve this ?
@Ghostman863 Thanks for clarification! Tor exit nodes are publicly available so it may be “easily” blocked by Cloudflare.This won’t be the way ☹️
We could try to use it with proxychain, where we can write a specific free proxy. Then connection will be pc-tor-PROXY-ulozto. With that we can bypass it, but i dont know how it will be work with downloader and changing IP for downloading. Or in issue (i think #157) setnicka wrote something like as "according to their terms, we dont violate anything". So we can try to contact theme for disable filter, because people from third world countries couldnt used it without tor :D
Pekny den, prosim ktory fork momentalne funguje s rychlejsim stahovanim? Niekto v starych vlaknach doporucil pouzit nizsiu verziu, ale tych vlakien je uz tolko, ze naozaj netusim co funguje. je tu velmi vela vlakien :( Diky za pomoc !
Zdravíčko, mně nefunguje ve více vláknech žádná verze. A to ani ta z docker image. ☹️ Už to ani nezkoušim.
Teď už je to asi jedno, ale jak to vlastně dělá jdownloader, že může stahovat více souborů najednou?
Seems Ulozto is striking back and CloudFlare is no longer only enabling bot protection, but compleely blocking Tor exit IPs.
I'm getting the following error on the Flaresolverr branch:
And the view from Tor Browser:
Is it still working for anybody, or we are done again?