setriplette / golden_age

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Research question: first draft #5

Open setriplette opened 7 years ago

setriplette commented 7 years ago

The Lope de Vega Project examines a selection of texts available in the public domain by early modern Spanish playwright Félix Lope de Vega y Carpio. A figure comparable to Shakespeare, Lope de Vega wrote approximately 500 plays, of which 300 are extant. He also published epic and lyric poetry as well as short stories and a novel. Lope de Vega’s plays had a broad, popular appeal, and they indexed many of the particular phenomena of seventeenth-century Spanish culture. The Lope de Vega Project examines the co-occurrence of emotion, gender, the body, and honor in several different works. In his manifesto on theatre, “The New Art of Comedy,” Lope de Vega explained that the purpose of a play is to evoke strong emotion in an audience of ordinary people. Our project team aims to put this theory to the test by using TEI encoding to examine how Lope’s characters express emotion. We will determine whether emotion correlates with gender or class and whether the representation of emotion in Lope’s plays corresponds to the humoral theories expressed in early modern Castilian medical texts.

Our plan is to do data analysis on co-locations of these phenomena, asking questions like:

setriplette commented 7 years ago