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new source text for Moza de cántaro #8

Open setriplette opened 8 years ago

setriplette commented 8 years ago

@RJP43 @msb81 I just copied the Moza de cántaro text from wikisource. It has more pseudo markup than the La dama boba file I worked with from the same place but it might at least be consistent with itself. It's in source texts.

RJP43 commented 8 years ago

@setriplette ahh yes great! @msb81 can you sit down with me for a little bit today? Hold off on adding the other markup regarding emotions and body to that other file we upconverted. I am still not confident that it is just right and I don't want you doing all that work AGAIN until I am sure our base structural markup is good.

RJP43 commented 8 years ago

@setriplette can you send me the link to that Wikisource. Unfortunately, the text comes in jumbled since we are working on different platforms and my computer has to transfer special characters over differently than yours.

setriplette commented 8 years agoántaro

RJP43 commented 8 years ago

@setriplette did this require you copying page by page to get it into a single document or is there a view plain text button that I am not seeing since it is all in Spanish?

RJP43 commented 8 years ago

Okay, the more I am looking at this I think our converted version is ok... I just have some questions and we will have to adjust the markup accordingly:

<l>¿Qué receta es ésta, di? <stage>Rómpele</stage></l>
<l>Qué médico te la dió?</l>

If a stage direction falls inside of a speech, do you want the <stage> element to sit outside of the <l> element or like above?

RJP43 commented 8 years ago

Now in this speech

<sp><speaker>DON BERNARDO</speaker>
<l>Don Diego me habló, María...</l>
<l>Contigo casarse intenta...</l>
<l>Respondíle que tu gusto</l>
<l>Era la primer licencia,</l>
<l>Y la segunda del Duque.</l>
<l>Escribí, fué la respuesta</l>
<l>No como yo la esperaba;</l>
<l>Que darte dueño quisieran</l>
<l>Estas canas, que me avisan</l>
<l>De que ya mi fin se cerca.</l>
<l>Puse la carta en el pecho,</l>
<l>Lugar que es bien que le deba;</l>
<l>Que llamarme deudo el Duque</l>
<l>Fué de esta cruz encomienda.</l>
<l>Vino á buscarme don Diego</l>
<l>Á la Plaza (¡nunca fuera</l>
<l>Esta mañana á la Plaza!),</l>
<l>Y con humilde apariencia</l>
<l>Me preguntó si tenía</l>
<l>(Aunque con alguna pena)</l>
<l>Carta de Sanlúcar. Yo</l>
<l>Le respondí que tuviera</l>
<l>Á dicha poder servirle:</l>
<l>Breve y bastante respuesta.</l>
<l>Dijo que el Duque sabía</l>
<l>Su calidad y nobleza;</l>
<l>Que le enseñase la carta,</l>
<l>Ó que era mía la afrenta</l>
<l>De la disculpa engañosa.</l>
<l>Yo, por quitar la sospecha,</l>
<l>Saqué la carta del pecho,</l>
<l>Y turbado leyó en ella</l>
<l>Estas razones, María.--</l>
<l>Quien tal mostró, que tal tenga.--</l>
<l>Muy honrado caballero</l>
<l>Es don Diego; pero sea</l>
<l>El que ha de ser vuestro yerno</l>
<l>Tal, que al hábito os suceda</l>
<l>Como á vuestra noble casa.</l>
<l>Entonces don Diego, vuelta</l>
<l>La color en nieve, dice,</l>
<l>Y de ira y cólera tiembla:</l>
<l>Tan bueno soy como el Duque.</l>
<l>Yo con ira descompuesta</l>
<l>Respondo:Los escuderos,</l>
<l>Aunque muy hidalgos sean,</l>
<l>No hacen comparación</l>
<l>Con los príncipes; que es necia.</l>
<l>Desdecíos, ó le escribo</l>
<l>Á don Alonso que venga</l>
<l>Desde Flandes á mataros.</l>
<l>Aquí su mano soberbia...</l>
<l>Pero prosigan mis ojos</l>
<l>Lo que no puede la lengua.</l>
<l>Déjame; que tantas veces</l>
<l>Una afrenta se renueva,</l>
<l>Cuantas el que la recibe</l>
<l>Á el que la ignora la cuenta.</l>
<l>Herrado traigo, María,</l>
<l>El rostro con cinco letras,</l>
<l>Esclavo soy de la infamia,</l>
<l>Cautivo soy de la afrenta.</l>
<l>El eco sonó en el alma;</l>
<l>Que si es la cara la puerta,</l>
<l>Han respondido los ojos,</l>
<l>Viendo que llaman en ella.</l>
<l>Alcé el báculo... Dijeron</l>
<l>Que lo alcancé... no lo creas;</l>
<l>Que mienten á el afrentado,</l>
<l>Pensando que le consuelan.</l>
<l>Prendióle allí la justicia,</l>
<l>Y preso en la cárcel queda:</l>
<l>¡Pluguiera á Dios que la mano</l>
<l>Desde hoy estuviera presa!</l>
<l>¡Ay, hijo del alma mía!</l>
<l>¡Ay, Alonso! ¡Si estuvieras</l>
<l>En Ronda! Pero ¿qué digo?</l>
<l>Mejor es que yo me pierda.</l>
<l>Salid, lágrimas, salid...</l>
<l>Mas no es posible que puedan</l>
<l>Borrar afrentas del rostro,</l>
<l>Porque son moldes de letras,</l>
<l>Que aunque se aparta la mano,</l>
<l>Quedan en al alma impresas. <stage>Vase.</stage></l></sp>

What do you think the parentheses are indicating? In our converted file this speech starts at oXygen line number 367

RJP43 commented 8 years ago

And how are you handling indications when a part of the speech is said as an aside, but the rest is not. So for example:

<l><stage>Ap.</stage> Pensamiento, detened</l>
<l>El paso; que hay honra aquí.<!--end of aside--></l>
<l>Palabra, Isabel, te doy</l>
<l>Que no seré desde hoy</l>
<l>Importuno como fuí.</l>
<l>Desprecia en fin tu belleza</l>
<l>Y ese donaire apacible;</l>
<l>Que ya sé que es imposible</l>
<l>Mudar la naturaleza. <stage>Vase.</stage></l></sp>

In the source file these were indicated by the text Ap. and all of the text that looks like it is said as an aside was in parentheses. So I wrapped the Ap. (which I assume stands for Aparte) in stage and then just dropped an XML comment tag in place of the closing parenthesis until we figured out how to handle this.

RJP43 commented 8 years ago

I am wondering if we should just move any of the stage directions that come at ends of speeches outside of the speech tags. Do they seem to be actions that are not particularly related to the speech? That would be an easy RegEx fix. Then the stage directions that are mid-speech will stay unless you give direction to move them outside of the <l> elements.

We do already have other stage directions sitting outside of speeches. For example:

<stage>La escena es en Ronda, en Adamuz y Madrid</stage>
<div type="act" n="I">
<stage>Sala en casa de don Bernardo, en Ronda.</stage>
<div type="scene" n="I">
<stage>DOÑA MARÍA y LÜISA, con unos papeles</stage>
<l>Es cosa lo que ha pasado</l>
<l>Para morirse de risa.</l></sp>

So are these other stage directions (from comments above) that are generally one or two words and coming at the end of some speeches different and should be inside of the speeches?

setriplette commented 8 years ago

When I use the wikisource files, I have to copy and paste.

Here's an example of an aside embedded in a speech in La dama boba. I've made a judgment call for each. If I think it's part of the speech, it's a child of <sp>. If it happens between speeches, it's in <stage>, a sibling of <sp>.

`RUFINO Aparte. No, sino el alba. (¡Qué hermosa

bestia!)` From what I am seeing the asides are almost always part of the speech, because the character often says one thing for all to hear, then something to the audience, then back to the other characters.
setriplette commented 8 years ago

Also, did you guys catch at the end of La moza del cántaro Lope's claim to have written 1500 plays? Most people think he's exaggerating by a factor of three, but still, he wrote a lot!

setriplette commented 8 years ago

About the stage directions at the end of speeches--I think it would be fine to put them in a <stage> sibling of <sp>

RJP43 commented 8 years ago

<milestone type="asideEnd"/> marks end of the aside. Need these on every aside to replace the closing parenthesis. The <stage type="aside">Aparte.</stage> marks the start of the aside. <stage> always outside of <l> elements <stage> coming at end of speech goes outside of the <sp> element

Note: parentheses are not indication solely of a stage direction; they may be punctuation.

RJP43 commented 8 years ago

@setriplette apparently milestone requires a unit attribute.... hmmm what makes sense here.... line? or instead of type="aside" we say unit="aside" ?? This is how I have them in the text as of right now <milestone unit="line" type="asideEnd"/>

RJP43 commented 8 years ago

@setriplette Okay, the in-person decision made is to mark asides like this

<l><stage type="aside">Ap.</stage> Á el primer encuentro azar.<milestone
                                unit="line" n="1" type="asideEnd"/></l>

So that the n is equal to the number of lines that the aside runs over. I wonder if this is tag abuse or us skirting the line, but couldn't find anything to say a better way to do this or that this is "wrong". Nonetheless lets make it consistent across all files and we can number using an XSLT XML to XML to count the lines for plays that have long and multiple asides. This and the comment above my last one are to help when adding specifications to the codebook and eventually Schematron.

@msb81 This modified XML file of the Cantaro file is the one you should work with when marking up the emotion and body references. Sorry, we have had so many files. You should pull my changes in locally and then resave the file with your initials at the end instead of mine and then begin the markup of the emotion and body references. Let me know if you have issues.

@setriplette I have not flushed out the teiHeader in this file cause I imagine you will want to do this when you decide what you want in there; however, I did leave a note at the beginning of the document informing you of the pseudo-markup removed and the remaining pseudo-markup. You might consider including this info in an <encodingDesc> in the teiHeader. You can read up on that here in the TEI.

RJP43 commented 8 years ago

@setriplette I think I am on to something with the following XPath to grab the text inside of the asides markup for your XSLT:


ebeshero commented 8 years ago

@setriplette @RJP43 This markup is a little complicated, and I'm not sure that it really works with the TEI content model for <l> to have a verse line be holding a <stage> (since that wouldn't literally be part of the speech, right? But kudos for working out a way to hold the info you want! Stacey, I'd like us to get together pretty soon for that monster ODD meeting we were talking about, and we should probably revisit this. Now that I stare at it, I think you may also want some way to indicate the start of a spoken aside after the stage direction, especially in case there are other intervening stage directions before the speech resumes... so, something like:

<stage type="aside">Ap.</stage>
<milestone type="aside" ana="start"/>Á el primer encuentro azar.
<milestone type="aside" ana="end"/>

I get that you want the milestone elements to be able to sit at any level, so they can run over and through the lines. But be careful of confusing stage directions with the spoken verse lines!