settintotrieste / Victoria-2-Cold-War-Enhancement-Mod-CWE

CWE brings Victoria 2 into the Cold War era and beyond. This is the ultimate Cold War mod with a slew of special features such as ideological blocs, dynamic international institutions and decolonisation chains to accurately simulate the Cold War and Post-Cold War world.
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Middle East Civil War fixes and enhancements #41

Closed ARR8 closed 3 years ago

ARR8 commented 7 years ago

If ISIS wins the Algerian civil war (event 8000318, algeria.txt), there is no event to make it a theocracy. This results in strange consequences, especially if Algeria's government form has changed along the way. v2_1 It is able to join numerous international communities, including the UN, and holds elections for the caliph.

As a more general problem, if ISIS exists at the beginning of the Syrian civil war (event 8014730, syria.txt), and Syria wins, the annex war goal leads to things like this happening: v2_2 I doubt even the pan-Arab republic would be happy with this one.

It should be a simple fix, just changing the war goal for Syria. It can either be acquire all cores, which will leave ISIS with whatever land they had, or something along the lines of a dismantle, as it makes sense that a surrender from ISIS would involve leaving all occupied land.

On that note, it is currently impossible for a great power to intervene against ISIS due to it being a Civil War war goal. If we want to keep it that way, we could add "call_ally" disabled in the war. Although, I'm not sure it makes sense to prevent a GP from intervening, given all the intervening they're currently doing. It could also be considered to simply give the GPs CBs against ISIS so they'll declare their own wars. This makes sense, as our modern great powers aren't exactly cooperating in Syria.

settintotrieste commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the bug report! This will need to be fixed. Ideally for now I prefer to keep to using the restore_order CB against ISIS. The problem with using a special CB for GPs is that they may end up stuck in perpetual wars when they declare war against a land locked ISIS in a nation that did not grant the GP military access. This can cause performance issues and perpetual mobilisation in those GPs.

A compromise solution would be to give states in spheres of GPs and are neighbouring ISIS the intervention CB which is probably more realistic as well as currently the Syrian intervention is still mostly a proxy one.

settintotrieste commented 7 years ago

Syrian Civil War has been changed, Yemeni & Iraqi Civil War added as of 3cf26b0. Testing needs to be conducted on those events though to ensure that it works.

ARR8 commented 7 years ago

In addition to testing, the following are planned enhancements, copied from #80:

Additionally, Saudi intervention in the Yemenese CW may end it almost immediately. It may be necessary to put a barrier between Arabia and Yemen such as the one that exists at the Himalayas.

arandomperson5000 commented 7 years ago

If you want I could help you with this issue as I created both the Yemeni and Syrian civil war event chains for NWO. Also my username at the paradox forums is The Sneaky Top Hat.

settintotrieste commented 7 years ago

Sure, please lend your hand! I will greatly appreciate your help! Thank you very much

ARR8 commented 7 years ago

@arandomperson5000 - That would be great! Keep in mind we changed the Yemeni civil war in #80, so give that at least a cursory glance. Let me know if you have any questions about it, and thanks!

@settintotrieste - I'm not working on this at the moment, so maybe it would be best to take my assignment off this in the mean time?

settintotrieste commented 7 years ago

@ARR8 Sure

arandomperson5000 commented 7 years ago

Given the dynamic nature of CWE, this sets up a lot of interesting ideas for civil wars in the Middle East, for example lets just say in Egypt the Arab Spring gets a much harsher crackdown by Mubarak than in real life prompting a Egyptian civil war or in Bahrain where in an alternate timeline it suffers a small civil war between its Sunni ruling elite and its Shiite majority population. If the Shiites win Bahraini civil war it could install a Iranian friendly government in Bahrain dramatically raising tensions between Iran and Saudi Arabia with the possibility of provoking an international crisis or in a worse case scenario full blown war between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

settintotrieste commented 7 years ago

This is an excellent idea, it will be a great addition to the mod if you could get them into the mod! So I will give you a free hand over the Middle East Civil Wars to realise your ideas.

ARR8 commented 7 years ago

It would definitely be good to use the Arab Spring more. Something to maybe take a look at: the factionalism mechanic, in event nos. 1412074-1214079 in Essential Events 4.txt, as a generic mechanic to end dictatorships and raise militancy within them.

ARR8 commented 7 years ago

Important: to prevent the bug with ISIS joining international orgs, nations with above 25 infamy should have all such decisions hidden.

ARR8 commented 7 years ago

Another problem I noticed, which I think is related to the generic civil war events: Sunni Arab patriots rose up in Iraq, which was Shia culture. Although they occupied most of the country, rather than attaining independence for Mosul as should have happened, they changed the government type and Shia Arab remained the primary culture.