settintotrieste / Victoria-2-Cold-War-Enhancement-Mod-CWE

CWE brings Victoria 2 into the Cold War era and beyond. This is the ultimate Cold War mod with a slew of special features such as ideological blocs, dynamic international institutions and decolonisation chains to accurately simulate the Cold War and Post-Cold War world.
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Region naming suggestions by Nadeko Chips #512

Closed settintotrieste closed 2 years ago

settintotrieste commented 4 years ago

Code for changing region names (example from HPM): random_owned = { limit = { province_id = 2105 } state_scope = { change_region_name = "Transvaal" } }

Changing province name (example from HPM): random_owned = { limit = { province_id = 2113 } change_province_name = "Richards Bay" }



German to Polish and vice versa for renaming


Pommern = Westpommern (German)

Pommern = Zachodniopomorskie (polish)

Westpreussen = Pomorskie (polish)

Schlesien = Slask (polish)

Upper Silesia = Górny Slask (polish) Upper Silesia = Oberschlesien (german)

Posen = Poznan (Polish)

I believe that the "Ostpreussen" province should be split into "Ostpreussen" (Modern Kaliningrad) and "Ermland-Masuren" (The part of East Prussia Poland got after WW2)

Ermland-Masuren = Warminsko-Mazurskie (Polish) Ostpreussen = Królewiec (Polish) Ostpreussen = Kaliningrad (Russian) Ostpreussen = Ostpreußen (German) Ostpreussen = Karaliaučius (Lithuanian)

Province and region names for inner Poland

Region = Mazowieckie

German Name = Masowien


Plock = Plotzk (German) Kalisz = Kalisch (German) Lodz = Lodsch (German) [Litzmannstadt if held by a nationalist dictatorship Germany] Warsaw = Warschau (German)

Warsaw = Warszawa (Polish) Lodz = Lódz (Polish) If Germany rejects "Oder Neisse", they should add "Silesian" to their accepted cultures. Otherwise you could just delete the culture all together and turn it to German. The assimilation modifiers don't work a lot, expecially if you're a nationalist dictatorship

Region: West Galicia

German Name = Westgalizien Polish Name = Galicja Zachodnia Region: Brest


Bialystock = Bialystok (Polish) Brest-Litovsk = Brzesc nad Bugiem (Polish)

Bialystock = Bjelostock (German) Suwalki = Sudauen (German) Grodno = Garten (German) Brest-Litovsk = Brest-Litowsk (German)

A decision for Nationalist Dictatorship Germany

Title: Rename Lodsch? Description: During the course of the second world war, that saw us defeated, the city of Lodz was renamed to "Litzmannstadt" in 1940 after the invasion of Poland, by the then-National Socialist German regime to honour of the German general Karl Litzmann, died four years earlier. Should we restore the name to the city?

This decision will pop up ONLY after Germany renamed the Polish cities in Masowien, that will change the name from "Lodz" to "Lodsch"

I believe that the "Trst" renaming that happens once Yugoslavia gets Trieste, should be removed, because in case Italy gets back Trieste, they'll be stuck with "Trst". a specific decision should be implemented instead, Renaming "Gorizia" to "Gorica" and "Trieste" to "Trst" for Yugoslavia and Slovenia, and vice versa for Italy.

settintotrieste commented 2 years ago

Mod development has stopped and so all outstanding issues will be closed.