settintotrieste / Victoria-2-Cold-War-Enhancement-Mod-CWE

CWE brings Victoria 2 into the Cold War era and beyond. This is the ultimate Cold War mod with a slew of special features such as ideological blocs, dynamic international institutions and decolonisation chains to accurately simulate the Cold War and Post-Cold War world.
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A few possible bugs. #810

Closed ccfox closed 3 years ago

ccfox commented 3 years ago

I found a few issues coming back to this after so many years, my apologies that I likely won't be able to help to the degree I had before.

Also, some suggestions:

For the 1992 start date, so feel free to ignore if you don't feel like dealing with it:

ccfox commented 3 years ago

Also as a bonus here is a - probably poorly coded - event for the Mongolian Constitution since despite its democratization protests happening in 1990 was not written until 1992 and seemed to be written by the MPRP itself (technically the Mongolian People's Republic' also wasn't abolished until then, though effectively they had reformed into a multi-party state already). Mongolia 1992.txt

settintotrieste commented 3 years ago

Hi Chrisfox, massive thanks for the feedback and suggestions! I've looked at them and done the changes save those mentioned below:

  1. The weird flex is due to a necessary event to establish the Autonomous Kurdistan state in Iraq as there is no other good way I can think of to do it.

  2. I'm afraid I can't remember what was the proposed Danzig event and don't have a copy of it anymore.

  3. Vicky 3 is coming soon so I'm gonna give it a pass. Creating any superstate add/remove culture system for this mod is quite labour intensive due to a strange hardcoded bug that makes any subsequent changes to the cultures of the current country tag also change those of the previous country tag, if change_tag was used. This means an additional system is needed to track which country the superstate was formed from.

  4. I dropped the communist intervention part as it was too complex to script.