setup-your-mac / Setup-Your-Mac

Setup Your Mac aims to simplify initial device configuration by leveraging swiftDialog and Jamf Pro Policy Custom Events to allow end-users to self-complete Mac setup post-enrollment.
MIT License
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Fix brandingBannerDisplayText=false not working #140

Closed drtaru closed 4 months ago

drtaru commented 4 months ago

It seems that if bannerText is set to nothing ="" then the title="blah" parameter takes over. Fix is to set bannerText=" " instead of bannerText="" when brandingBannerDisplayText="false"

dan-snelson commented 4 months ago

Thanks, Obi-@drtaru!

(With Valentine's today, I should be able to review in the morning.)

TechTrekkie commented 4 months ago

Tested script, no issues or errors. Tested alternating brandingBannerDisplayText between true and false; functionality appears to be corrected