setup-your-mac / Setup-Your-Mac

Setup Your Mac aims to simplify initial device configuration by leveraging swiftDialog and Jamf Pro Policy Custom Events to allow end-users to self-complete Mac setup post-enrollment.
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EULA feature integration #144

Closed mani2care closed 1 month ago

mani2care commented 3 months ago

would like to know SYM is having built in functionality for the end user license agreement page ? Is that possible to integrate its a wonderful feature to have who are using the SYM by manually enrolling the device

azgmacos commented 3 months ago

i recently implemented something similar in my own SYM iteration, please see the following as an example:

title="$$$$$$ Technology Services" icon="/Library/Application Support/Dialog/Dialog.png" message="**Please Confirm the EULA to Enroll with $$$$$$$$** \n\nBy clicking \"I Confirm\", you acknowledge that this device is provided by $$$$$$$$$ and is **NOT** a **PERSONAL** or **CLIENT-OWNED** Mac. \n\nOnly devices provided by $$$$$$$$ are authorized to enroll into $$$$$$$ Systems. \n\n**It is against $$$$$$$$$ Policy 57 to enroll non-$$$$$$$$$ Mac devices.**" button1="Continue" button2="Cancel" updateScriptLog "Prompting user to confirm that the device is $$$$$$$$ provided" userClick=$("$swiftDialog" --icon "$icon" --title "$title" --message "$message" --eula --checkbox "I Confirm this is an $$$$$$$ provided Mac authorized to enroll into $$$$$$$ Systems",enableButton1 --button1disabled --button1text "$button1" --button2text "$button2" --infobox "**Action Required** \n\nConfirm the EULA: \n\nEID: ${loggedInUser} \nDevice: ${serialNumber}" --height 475 --width 550) userClick=$? if [[ $userClick == 0 ]]; then updateScriptLog "Clicked confirm.. proceeding to enrollment" elif [[ $userClick == 2 ]]; then updateScriptLog "User did not confirm device is $$$$$$$$$ provided, removing from Jamf, removing MDM profiles and Jamf framework" sudo /usr/local/jamf/bin/jamf policy -event deleteComputerRecord sudo /usr/local/jamf/bin/jamf removemdmprofile sudo /usr/local/jamf/bin/jamf removeframework exit 1 fi

the $$$$$ is where i redacted the company name, hope this helps

dan-snelson commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the FR, @mani2care.

After counseling with other sym-devs, I'm going to close this as "not planned."

(However, I think someone might have an idea for you …)