setup-your-mac / Setup-Your-Mac

Setup Your Mac aims to simplify initial device configuration by leveraging swiftDialog and Jamf Pro Policy Custom Events to allow end-users to self-complete Mac setup post-enrollment.
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Limit the 'loggedInUserFirstname' variable to 25 characters and capitalize its first letter #20

Closed mani2care closed 1 year ago

mani2care commented 1 year ago

Hi Dan,

Greetings for the better visibility and standardising the login user first letter to making it capitalising

from :

to : loggedInUserFullname=$( id -F "${loggedInUser}" | awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)sub(/./,toupper(substr($i,1,1)), $i)}1')

Find the attached out put before :


Find the out put after :

dan-snelson commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the ongoing testing and FRs, @mani2care.

While this strikes me as a "garbage in, garbage out" situation — if users are too lazy to capitalize their own names, why should we reward their bad behavior — please test the following:

loggedInUserFirstname=$( echo "$loggedInUserFullname" | sed -E 's/^.*, // ; s/([^ ]*).*/\1/' | awk '{print toupper(substr($0,1,1))substr($0,2)}' )

Screenshot 2023-04-03 at 2 15 02 AM Screenshot 2023-04-03 at 2 16 03 AM
mani2care commented 1 year ago

hi Dan,

Tested with this loggedInUserFirstname its works well. loggedInUserFirstname=$( echo "$loggedInUserFullname" | sed -E 's/^.*, // ; s/([^ ]*).*/\1/' | awk '{print toupper(substr($0,1,1))substr($0,2)}' )

However, if the account name is very long then 15, its another scenario. for example Raju Manikandanrajusubbaramanigoundar Alexandros Constantinou Anastasia Papadopoulos Christophoros Georgiou Demetrios Anastasiades Eleni Ioannou-Kyprianou Georgios Michalopoulos Katerina Tzortzis-Papadakis Konstantinos Papageorgiou Margarita Kyprianou-Christodoulou Panayiotis Papageorgopoulos

can be possible like this if the name is very longer just to limiting the letters 10

loggedInUserFullname=$( id -F "${loggedInUser}" )
loggedInUserFirstname=$( echo "$loggedInUserFullname" | sed -E 's/^.*, // ; s/([^ ]*).*/\1/' | cut -c 1-10 | awk '{print toupper(substr($0,1,1))substr($0,2)}' )
if [ ${#loggedInUserFullname} -gt 11 ]; then

Manikandan...... so this will be limited printing the letters after if any words will be printed like ...... so this will help us to reducing the over size the table.

Before :

Screenshot 2023-04-04 at 1 32 49 PM

After :

Screenshot 2023-04-04 at 1 33 10 PM
dan-snelson commented 1 year ago


Thanks for the additional details and example strings.

Please test the following:

loggedInUserFirstname=$( echo "$loggedInUserFullname" | sed -E 's/^.*, // ; s/([^ ]*).*/\1/' | sed 's/\(.\{15\}\).*/\1.../' | awk '{print toupper(substr($0,1,1))substr($0,2)}' )

❯ loggedInUserFullname="raju, manikandanrajusubbaramanigoundar"
❯ loggedInUserFirstname=$( echo "$loggedInUserFullname" | sed -E 's/^.*, // ; s/([^ ]*).*/\1/' | sed 's/\(.\{15\}\).*/\1.../' | awk '{print toupper(substr($0,1,1))substr($0,2)}' )
❯ echo $loggedInUserFirstname
dan-snelson commented 1 year ago

@mani2care: The example above is for the first 15 characters; please advise if you'd prefer the first 10 characters (as in your example).

mani2care commented 1 year ago

I think this is looks good shot and sweet ,& prefer the first 10 characters

loggedInUser=$( echo "show State:/Users/ConsoleUser" | scutil | awk '/Name :/ { print $3 }' )
loggedInUserFullname=$( id -F "${loggedInUser}" )
loggedInUserFirstname=$( echo "$loggedInUserFullname" | sed -E 's/^.*, // ; s/([^ ]*).*/\1/' | sed 's/\(.\{15\}\).*/\1.../' | awk '{print toupper(substr($0,1,1))substr($0,2)}' )
echo loggedInUserFullname : $loggedInUserFullname
echo loggedInUserFirstname: $loggedInUserFirstname

Find the test results:

dan-snelson commented 1 year ago

@mani2care: This should be addressed in 1.10.0-rc1.

dan-snelson commented 1 year ago

@mani2care: Please test-drive 1.10.0-rc2.

As mentioned in the #setup-your-mac Channel on the Mac Admins Slack:

Long-term, I feel that if upgrading to the latest version of SYM is well-documented, Mac Admins can roll-their-own customizations now and easily maintain them across versions, without adversely impacting the entire user-base.

dan-snelson commented 1 year ago

(You can uncomment Line No. 216 during testing.)

mani2care commented 1 year ago

Hi @dan-snelson find the attached the test results.

mani2care commented 1 year ago

One more request change the headline to Center align so it’s looks good

dan-snelson commented 1 year ago

@mani2care: This one comes down to personal preference; I think the left-aligned header looks good.

dan-snelson commented 1 year ago

Thanks, @mani2care!