setup-your-mac / Setup-Your-Mac

Setup Your Mac aims to simplify initial device configuration by leveraging swiftDialog and Jamf Pro Policy Custom Events to allow end-users to self-complete Mac setup post-enrollment.
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Feature Request: Document SYM “racing-stripes” and gotchas #6

Closed dan-snelson closed 1 year ago

dan-snelson commented 1 year ago

Not every Mac Admin is able to publicly document how they’ve implemented SYM in Production.

Create a “racing-stripes” blog post to point Mac Admins to others’ documentation / tips-and-tricks from #setup-your-mac.

For example:

dan-snelson commented 1 year ago

Perhaps create a blog post when SYM users could submit their "racing-stripes" (with an option for anonymous submissions).

dan-snelson commented 1 year ago

Two words: Zoom Rooms

dan-snelson commented 1 year ago

Document how to not use Configurations:

While I haven't tried it, if you deleted Configuration, the catch-all policyJSON should be all you need to modify.

drtaru commented 1 year ago

I will work on documenting how I personally have implemented EnrollmentComplete next week.

dan-snelson commented 1 year ago

Thanks, Obi-@drtaru!

dan-snelson commented 1 year ago

swiftDialog Pre-install (see also Testing Notes.)

robjschroeder commented 1 year ago

I do have this for ADE + SYM:

I need to create a post about my Zoom Room deployments...

Also, not sure if this is the correct place you want things like this... feel free to let me know!

dan-snelson commented 1 year ago

Yoda says: "Racing stripe No. 1, Master @robjschroeder has already authored … hmmmm?"

dan-snelson commented 1 year ago

Create a screencast of how to Copy "Info.plist" as Pathname

dan-snelson commented 1 year ago

Document how to upgrade to the latest version of SYM

dan-snelson commented 1 year ago

Gotcha: Inaccessible images may prevent swiftDialog from actually rendering otherwise valid code.

dan-snelson commented 1 year ago

If you're updating by more than n releases, just copy-pasta your JSON (and then tweak as necessary).

dan-snelson commented 1 year ago

Update Harvest Self Service Icons screencast.

Screenshot 2023-03-23 at 8 14 38 AM


dan-snelson commented 1 year ago

Document how to change "Configurations."

robjschroeder commented 1 year ago

I have create a small documentation on how to create a dynamically populated drop down list for the welcomeJSON screen. I've posted it here: . In my use case I am populating a choice of buildings based on the user's country.

dan-snelson commented 1 year ago

dan-snelson commented 1 year ago

Document — if possible — how to resume a running SYM script if one purposely quit via quitkey.

jason folsom 3 minutes ago If I quit the active dialog the script still runs in the background, is there any way to restore the active dialog or is just toast until the script quits?

Dan K. Snelson :speech_balloon: 1 minute ago Never tried, Jason. (I suppose, if you launched dialog with --commandfile that might work.)

brianhm commented 1 year ago

Document — if possible — how to resume a running SYM script if one purposely quit via quitkey.

jason folsom 3 minutes ago If I quit the active dialog the script still runs in the background, is there any way to restore the active dialog or is just toast until the script quits?

Dan K. Snelson 💬 1 minute ago Never tried, Jason. (I suppose, if you launched dialog with --commandfile that might work.)

Likewise, if the Swift Dialog quits or crashes, could there be some sort of detection routine that automatically relaunches it and reconnects to the current script execution process?

dan-snelson commented 1 year ago

Likewise, if the Swift Dialog quits or crashes, could there be some sort of detection routine that automatically relaunches it and reconnects to the current script execution process?

Don't know that I've ever observed swiftDialog crash, @brianhm.

dan-snelson commented 1 year ago

Document using Property List Writer to leave a client-side breadcrumb for successful SYM executions.

dan-snelson commented 1 year ago

Write a "Sanitize my SYM" script so MacAdmins can safely post their customized SYM script for support.

dan-snelson commented 1 year ago

Document how to control the "size" of various dialog "windows" (i.e., height).

See also: Custom Window Sizes (test % for height.)

dan-snelson commented 1 year ago

JNUC 2023: Setup Your Mac: Racing Stripes, Gotchas and "One More Thing" [1024]