setup-your-mac / Setup-Your-Mac

Setup Your Mac aims to simplify initial device configuration by leveraging swiftDialog and Jamf Pro Policy Custom Events to allow end-users to self-complete Mac setup post-enrollment.
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Added Install Buffers to each configuration #78

Closed Eltord closed 12 months ago

Eltord commented 1 year ago

Created new variables to each configuration for install buffers

Added the calculation to add buffer to estimated time for presenting to user

drtaru commented 1 year ago

Hey Eltord,

This is already what the correctionCoeficcient value on #L135 does, if you look starting on #L2251 the size is multiplied by the coefficient to inflate the value. Simply increase the correctionCoefficient value to pad the install time.

Eltord commented 1 year ago

So with some work I was still unable to get the desired results with the correctionCoeficcient value as the different configurations required different "fudge factors", so at a minimum the factors would need a different value per configuration. I've discussed this in an FR I put in previously for this as well.