seung-lab / neuroglancer

WebGL-based viewer for volumetric data
Apache License 2.0
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Feature request: Method to click an annotation in imagery/perspective view that selects it in the list #483

Open ceesem opened 4 years ago

ceesem commented 4 years ago

A common use case for Neuroglancer is to annotate a number of points (e.g. base of an apical dendrite) for a collection of neurons, producing a long list of annotations. If I want to delete (or add a description or tag) to an annotation, I need to select it. However, currently there seems to be no way to select an annotation from its point in the image or 3d view, only from the list. While there is a visual indicator when the cursor is hovering over the annotation, this only is effective when the annotation is visible in the annotation list, which is often not the case due to the length of this list. It would be extremely useful if there were a method (either by default or with a modifier-click) to select (not just recenter on) an annotation directly from the views.

manuel-castro commented 4 years ago

You can also delete an annotation directly from the view using Ctrl + Alt + Rightclick

ceesem commented 4 years ago

That doesn't solve all the uses cases, but it helps and it is great to know (especially to not do accidentally!)

jefferis commented 3 years ago


eichlerkathi commented 3 years ago

Control + right click on an annotation in 2D and 3D jumps to the annotation in its tab and highlights it in the list now. @ceesem

ceesem commented 3 years ago
