when i used the google/neuroglancer,i install neuroglancer using pip pip install neuroglancer and then i can start a local neuroglancer server like following codes
import neuroglancer
ip = 'localhost' #or public IP of the machine for sharable display
port = 2333 #change to an unused port number
viewer = neuroglancer.Viewer()
I can copy the above link to Chrome and get a front page for the neuroglancer. If I want to use your version of neuroglancer, how will I start this local service
when i used the google/neuroglancer,i install neuroglancer using pip
pip install neuroglancer
and then i can start a local neuroglancer server like following codesthe viewer is
I can copy the above link to Chrome and get a front page for the neuroglancer. If I want to use your version of neuroglancer, how will I start this local service