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envelope broken in firefox 107 #13

Open severak opened 2 years ago

severak commented 2 years ago

What did you do? (steps to reproduce)

Open and play up and down with mouse.

What happened? (actual results)

In Firefox 107 it will crackle like a hell and in Chrome (and other Webkit based browsers) it sounds just OK

This was not an issue before. I used to develop this software on Firefox and while I was doing this (in 2021) it was sounding good.

Now it's crackling due some weird envelope behaviour. I can change code of my program. I can even do some special behaviour for Firefox here but I don't know how to do it.

severak commented 2 years ago

In bugzilla -

severak commented 2 years ago

Maybe this solves this -

severak commented 2 years ago

But first try setTargetAtTime instead of setValueAtTime.

Also linearRampToValueAtTime is broken in Firefox as per

severak commented 2 years ago

I have testing tool.

It seems to be less buggy in testing tool.

severak commented 3 months ago

maybe solution -

severak commented 3 months ago

also: console.log is async

a = "hello";
  console.log( a ); // prints goodbye
a = "goodbye";