severalnines / galera-docker-mariadb

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Want to have a server to build three database cluster file #16

Open Conmi-WhiteJoker opened 2 years ago

Conmi-WhiteJoker commented 2 years ago

As a student, I do not have multiple servers, and I always fail to build multiple database clusters based on a single server. I hope that a single "docker-comemess. yml" file can teach me, so that I can learn the configuration principle from a file, thank you.

Conmi-WhiteJoker commented 2 years ago

My changes are based on this file:"" `version: '3'



mariadb_galera_1: container_name: mariadb_galera_1 deploy: mode: global restart_policy: condition: on-failure delay: 10s max_attempts: 10 placement: constraints:

networks: db_galera_net: driver: overlay

volumes: datadir:`