severin-lemaignan / paper-architecture-artifical-cognition

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charatcterization of the proposed architecture #2

Open severin-lemaignan opened 10 years ago

severin-lemaignan commented 10 years ago

(section 2) "This architecture moves away from standard layered approaches found in robotics [2, 3, 4]. Interactions between components at the deliberative level are mostly bidirectional and we do not introduce layers of abstraction amongst software components1. Dialogue processing, for instance, illustrates this structure: This component does not simply act as an alternative perceptual input to the symbolic database; it also actively queries previously acquired knowledge to disambiguate and validate the newly created symbolic knowledge (see section 3.2)."

The charatcterization of the proposed architecture wrt the state of the art needs to be discussed in more detail.

severin-lemaignan commented 10 years ago


introduction "This article attempts however to organize them (i.e. the AI challenges in HRI) into a coherent challenge for artificial intelligence, and also to make explicit some of the paths that have been investigated on our robots and that result in a deliberative, knowledge-oriented, architecture for human-robot interaction." This suggests that the architecture plays a central role, but the contribution in terms of architecture is not the most inetersting one.