sewpafly / post-thumbnail-editor

Wordpress Plugin to manually edit post thumbnails
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Replacement for Image Optimization #131

Open dsurdyka opened 7 years ago

dsurdyka commented 7 years ago

Hi, this is more of a question than an issue.

I'm wondering if upon page load images are loaded as the largest file and then reduced to the appropriate size during the loading process. I want to keep site speed as fast as possible, and I am little concerned that my original files that are up to 11MB are not optimized through the post-thumbail-editor.

Is best workflow to a. upload original images to WordPress and crop appropriately in post-thumbnail-editor. b. open image in Photoshop, save for web. Then upload to WordPress and crop appropriately in post-thumbnail-editor. or c. open image in Photoshop, crop the image to the largest dimension it will appear as, save for web, upload to WordPress and crop appropriately in post-thumbnail-editor.

Am I ok to upload images with dimensions much much larger than they will ever appear on my site, and not have my site speed affected?