seydx / homebridge-camera-ui

Homebridge plugin for RTSP Cameras with HSV, motion detection support, Image Rekognition, Web UI to manage/watch streams and WebApp support
MIT License
638 stars 92 forks source link

MQTT not subscribing on topics #396

Closed ahmadnazirafiq closed 2 years ago

ahmadnazirafiq commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug I'm currently a Xiaofang camera hacked with custom Dafang Hacks firmware and it works well with Camera FFmpeg plugin. I also use a dummy switch to trigger the motion sensor enabled from the plugin. From the web UI, the camera itself can detect motion with MQTT server enabled.

However, with camera-UI I couldn't get the motion to detect anything. I've enabled the MQTT server in the plugin and the recording options does show up in Home app, but its not detecting anything and no timeline appear on the livefeed like a typical HKSV camera. It will only streams despite I've enabled Stream and Allow Recording with my existing 200GB iCloud plan. I've tried turning off/on my HomeKit hubs as well. Tried turning on debug for logs but its not even showing "Initializing HomeKit Secure Video" nor "Adding Motion sensor service" in the log.

Tried following the thread as Xiaofang cameras is simply a chinese variant of Wyze cam but I'm not sure what else to trigger the recording.

Here's my config for two cameras:

        "name": "CameraUI",
        "port": 8081,
        "atHomeSwitch": false,
        "debug": false,
        "mqtt": {
            "active": true,
            "tls": false,
            "host": "",
            "port": 1883,
            "username": "mqtt-user",
            "password": "mqtt-password"
        "http": {
            "active": true,
            "port": 8082,
            "localhttp": true
        "smtp": {
            "active": false,
            "port": 2727,
            "space_replace": "+"
        "ftp": {
            "active": false,
            "useFile": false,
            "port": 5050
        "ssl": {
            "active": false
        "options": {
            "videoProcessor": "/usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg"
        "cameras": [
                "name": "TEST",
                "motion": true,
                "motionTimeout": 15,
                "unbridge": true,
                "hsv": true,
                "prebuffering": true,
                "prebufferLength": 4,
                "videoConfig": {
                    "source": "-i rtsp://",
                    "subSource": "-i rtsp://",
                    "stillImageSource": "-i https://root:ismart12@",
                    "rtspTransport": "tcp",
                    "maxStreams": 3,
                    "maxFPS": 30,
                    "forceMax": true,
                    "vcodec": "copy",
                    "acodec": "libfdk_aac",
                    "audio": true
                "mqtt": {
                    "motionTopic": "XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2",
                    "motionMessage": "ON",
                    "motionResetTopic": "XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2",
                    "motionResetMessage": "OFF"
                "smtp": {
                    "email": "TEST"
                "videoanalysis": {
                    "active": true
                "name": "TEST2",
                "motion": true,
                "motionTimeout": 15,
                "unbridge": true,
                "hsv": true,
                "prebuffering": true,
                "prebufferLength": 4,
                "videoConfig": {
                    "source": "-fflags +discardcorrupt -i rtsp://",
                    "subSource": "-fflags +discardcorrupt -i rtsp://",
                    "stillImageSource": "-i https://root:ismart12@",
                    "maxStreams": 3,
                    "maxFPS": 30,
                    "forceMax": false,
                    "vcodec": "copy",
                    "acodec": "libfdk_aac",
                    "audio": true
                "mqtt": {
                    "motionTopic": "DafangMod1/Dafang1",
                    "motionMessage": "ON",
                    "motionResetTopic": "DafangMod1/Dafang1",
                    "motionResetMessage": "OFF"
                "smtp": {
                    "email": "TEST2"
                "videoanalysis": {
                    "active": true
        "platform": "CameraUI"

Logs [24/01/2022, 12:52:20] [CameraUI] TEST: Setting up camera, please be patient... [24/01/2022, 12:52:20] [CameraUI] TEST2: Setting up camera, please be patient... [24/01/2022, 12:52:21] [Google Smart Home] Finished instance discovery [24/01/2022, 12:52:26] [CameraUI] TEST2: Prebuffering scheduled for restart at 2AM: 788 minutes [24/01/2022, 12:52:26] [CameraUI] TEST: Prebuffering scheduled for restart at 2AM: 788 minutes [24/01/2022, 12:52:26] [CameraUI] TEST2: Videoanalysis scheduled for restart at 4AM: 908 minutes [24/01/2022, 12:52:27] [CameraUI] TEST: Videoanalysis scheduled for restart at 4AM: 908 minutes [24/01/2022, 12:52:27] [CameraUI] camera.ui v5.0.14 is listening on port 8081 (http) [24/01/2022, 12:52:36] [Google Smart Home] Sending Sync Request [24/01/2022, 12:52:36] [Google Smart Home] Received SYNC intent [24/01/2022, 12:52:40] [Google Smart Home] Received QUERY intent [24/01/2022, 12:53:36] [Video Doorbell] Snapshot from Doorbell at 1280x720 [24/01/2022, 12:53:39] [CameraUI] TEST: Starting video stream: native

Screenshots IMG_1990


seydx commented 2 years ago

Hey @ahmadnazirafiq

Can you enable "debug" pls, restart HB and try to trigger a motion again

ahmadnazirafiq commented 2 years ago

Hey @ahmadnazirafiq

Can you enable "debug" pls, restart HB and try to trigger a motion again

Hi, this is what I got from the log:

[24/01/2022, 14:06:06] [CameraUI] TEST2: Pinging [24/01/2022, 14:06:06] [CameraUI] TEST: {"probe":true,"timedout":false,"audio":["mp3","0 channels","fltp"],"video":["h264 (Main)","yuv420p(progressive)","1280x720","25 tbr","90k tbn","50 tbc"]} [24/01/2022, 14:06:06] [CameraUI] TEST: Incoming ping request for: rtsp:// - Timeout: 1s [24/01/2022, 14:06:06] [CameraUI] TEST: Pinging [24/01/2022, 14:06:06] [CameraUI] TEST2: Pinging - successful [24/01/2022, 14:06:06] [CameraUI] TEST2: Start prebuffering... [24/01/2022, 14:06:06] [CameraUI] TEST2: Prebuffering command: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -fflags +genpts -fflags +discardcorrupt -i rtsp:// -vcodec copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc -acodec libfdk_aac -profile:a aac_low -flags +global_header -ar 8k -b:a 100k -ac 1 -f tee -map 0:v? -map 0:a? [movflags=frag_keyframe+empty_moov+default_base_moof:f=mp4]tcp://|[f=mpegts]tcp:// [24/01/2022, 14:06:06] [CameraUI] TEST: Pinging - successful [24/01/2022, 14:06:06] [CameraUI] TEST: Start prebuffering... [24/01/2022, 14:06:06] [CameraUI] TEST: Prebuffering command: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -fflags +genpts -rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp:// -vcodec copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc -acodec libfdk_aac -profile:a aac_low -flags +global_header -ar 8k -b:a 100k -ac 1 -f tee -map 0:v? -map 0:a? [movflags=frag_keyframe+empty_moov+default_base_moof:f=mp4]tcp://|[f=mpegts]tcp:// [24/01/2022, 14:06:11] [CameraUI] TEST2: Prebuffering scheduled for restart at 2AM: 714 minutes [24/01/2022, 14:06:11] [CameraUI] TEST2: Incoming ping request for: rtsp:// - Timeout: 1s [24/01/2022, 14:06:11] [CameraUI] TEST2: Pinging [24/01/2022, 14:06:11] [CameraUI] TEST: Prebuffering scheduled for restart at 2AM: 714 minutes [24/01/2022, 14:06:11] [CameraUI] TEST: Incoming ping request for: rtsp:// - Timeout: 1s [24/01/2022, 14:06:11] [CameraUI] TEST: Pinging [24/01/2022, 14:06:11] [CameraUI] TEST2: Pinging - successful [24/01/2022, 14:06:11] [CameraUI] TEST2: Start videoanalysis... [24/01/2022, 14:06:11] [CameraUI] TEST2: Videoanalysis command: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -analyzeduration 0 -probesize 500000 -f mpegts -i tcp:// -an -vcodec pam -pix_fmt rgb24 -f image2pipe -vf fps=2,scale=640:360 pipe:1 [24/01/2022, 14:06:11] [CameraUI] TEST2: Videoanalysis: Difference: 5 - Sensitivity: 3 - Zones: [{"name":"region0","difference":5,"percent":97,"polygon":[{"x":0,"y":360},{"x":0,"y":0},{"x":640,"y":0},{"x":640,"y":360}]}] [24/01/2022, 14:06:11] [CameraUI] TEST2: Videoanalysis scheduled for restart at 4AM: 834 minutes [24/01/2022, 14:06:11] [CameraUI] TEST: Pinging - successful [24/01/2022, 14:06:11] [CameraUI] TEST: Start videoanalysis... [24/01/2022, 14:06:11] [CameraUI] TEST: Videoanalysis command: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -analyzeduration 0 -probesize 500000 -f mpegts -i tcp:// -an -vcodec pam -pix_fmt rgb24 -f image2pipe -vf fps=2,scale=640:360 pipe:1 [24/01/2022, 14:06:11] [CameraUI] TEST: Videoanalysis: Difference: 4 - Sensitivity: 5 - Zones: [{"name":"region0","difference":4,"percent":95,"polygon":[{"x":0,"y":360},{"x":0,"y":0},{"x":640,"y":0},{"x":640,"y":360}]}] [24/01/2022, 14:06:11] [CameraUI] TEST: Videoanalysis scheduled for restart at 4AM: 834 minutes [24/01/2022, 14:06:11] [CameraUI] Starting interface... [24/01/2022, 14:06:11] [CameraUI] camera.ui v5.0.14 is listening on port 8081 (http) [24/01/2022, 14:06:11] [CameraUI] TEST: Videoanalysis finished launching [24/01/2022, 14:06:11] [CameraUI] TEST2: Videoanalysis finished launching [24/01/2022, 14:06:16] [Google Smart Home] Sending Sync Request [24/01/2022, 14:06:17] [Google Smart Home] Received SYNC intent [24/01/2022, 14:06:21] [Video Doorbell] Snapshot from Doorbell at 1280x720 [24/01/2022, 14:06:21] [CameraUI] TEST2: Snapshot requested: 1280 x 720 [24/01/2022, 14:06:21] [CameraUI] TEST2: Snapshot command: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -analyzeduration 0 -probesize 500000 -f mpegts -i tcp:// -frames:v 1 -f image2 - [24/01/2022, 14:06:22] [CameraUI] TEST: Snapshot requested: 1280 x 720 [24/01/2022, 14:06:22] [CameraUI] TEST: Snapshot command: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -analyzeduration 0 -probesize 500000 -f mpegts -i tcp:// -frames:v 1 -f image2 - [24/01/2022, 14:06:23] [CameraUI] TEST2: Prebuffer request ended [24/01/2022, 14:06:23] [CameraUI] TEST2: Fetching snapshot took 2.113 seconds. [24/01/2022, 14:06:23] [CameraUI] TEST2: Sending snapshot: 1280x720 [24/01/2022, 14:06:23] [CameraUI] TEST2: Resize command: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -i pipe: -frames:v 1 -filter:v scale='min(1280,iw)':'min(720,ih)':force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease -f image2 - [24/01/2022, 14:06:23] [CameraUI] TEST: Prebuffer request ended [24/01/2022, 14:06:23] [CameraUI] TEST: Fetching snapshot took 1.935 seconds. [24/01/2022, 14:06:23] [CameraUI] TEST: Sending snapshot: 1280x720 [24/01/2022, 14:06:23] [CameraUI] TEST: Resize command: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -i pipe: -frames:v 1 -filter:v scale='min(1280,iw)':'min(720,ih)':force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease -f image2 - [24/01/2022, 14:06:24] [CameraUI] TEST2: Start stream requested: 1280x720, 30 fps, 299 kbps [24/01/2022, 14:06:24] [CameraUI] TEST2: Incoming ping request for: rtsp:// - Timeout: 1s [24/01/2022, 14:06:24] [CameraUI] TEST2: Pinging [24/01/2022, 14:06:25] [CameraUI] TEST2: Pinging - successful [24/01/2022, 14:06:25] [CameraUI] TEST2: Setting prebuffer stream as input [24/01/2022, 14:06:25] [CameraUI] TEST2: Starting video stream: native [24/01/2022, 14:06:25] [CameraUI] TEST2: Stream command: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel level -analyzeduration 0 -probesize 500000 -f mpegts -i tcp:// -an -sn -dn -vcodec copy -pix_fmt yuv420p -color_range mpeg -f rawvideo -payload_type 99 -ssrc 9506901 -f rtp -srtp_out_suite AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80 -srtp_out_params mNGeqwEhOvGQIPvJFPQsz9uhIhhFcZIBX3cE0llb srtp:// -vn -sn -dn -acodec libfdk_aac -profile:a aac_eld -flags +global_header -f null -ar 16k -b:a 24k -ac 1 -payload_type 110 -ssrc 3998101 -f rtp -srtp_out_suite AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80 -srtp_out_params c4Cjp4QkFTf/+e4Fkb54PD/R8WstUYgAakbNNLxr srtp:// -progress pipe:1 [24/01/2022, 14:06:27] [CameraUI] TEST2: Getting the first frames took 2.163 seconds. [24/01/2022, 14:06:44] [Video Doorbell] Snapshot from Doorbell at 1280x720 [24/01/2022, 14:06:44] [CameraUI] TEST: Snapshot requested: 1280 x 720 [24/01/2022, 14:06:44] [CameraUI] TEST: Snapshot command: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -analyzeduration 0 -probesize 500000 -f mpegts -i tcp:// -frames:v 1 -f image2 - [24/01/2022, 14:06:45] [CameraUI] TEST2: Stop stream requested [24/01/2022, 14:06:45] [CameraUI] TEST2: Stopped video stream. [24/01/2022, 14:06:45] [CameraUI] TEST2: Prebuffer request ended [24/01/2022, 14:06:45] [CameraUI] TEST2: FFmpeg exited with code: null and signal: SIGKILL (Expected) [24/01/2022, 14:06:47] [CameraUI] TEST: Prebuffer request ended [24/01/2022, 14:06:47] [CameraUI] TEST: Fetching snapshot took 2.604 seconds. [24/01/2022, 14:06:47] [CameraUI] TEST: Sending snapshot: 1280x720 [24/01/2022, 14:06:47] [CameraUI] TEST: Resize command: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -i pipe: -frames:v 1 -filter:v scale='min(1280,iw)':'min(720,ih)':force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease -f image2 - [24/01/2022, 14:06:55] [CameraUI] TEST2: Snapshot requested: 1280 x 720 [24/01/2022, 14:06:55] [CameraUI] TEST2: Snapshot command: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -analyzeduration 0 -probesize 500000 -f mpegts -i tcp:// -frames:v 1 -f image2 - [24/01/2022, 14:06:56] [CameraUI] TEST2: Prebuffer request ended [24/01/2022, 14:06:56] [CameraUI] TEST2: Fetching snapshot took 1.659 seconds. [24/01/2022, 14:06:56] [CameraUI] TEST2: Sending snapshot: 1280x720 [24/01/2022, 14:06:56] [CameraUI] TEST2: Resize command: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -i pipe: -frames:v 1 -filter:v scale='min(1280,iw)':'min(720,ih)':force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease -f image2 - [24/01/2022, 14:06:57] [Video Doorbell] Snapshot from Doorbell at 1280x720 [24/01/2022, 14:06:58] [CameraUI] TEST: Snapshot requested: 1280 x 720 [24/01/2022, 14:06:58] [CameraUI] TEST: Snapshot command: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -analyzeduration 0 -probesize 500000 -f mpegts -i tcp:// -frames:v 1 -f image2 - [24/01/2022, 14:07:00] [CameraUI] TEST: Prebuffer request ended [24/01/2022, 14:07:00] [CameraUI] TEST: Fetching snapshot took 2.035 seconds. [24/01/2022, 14:07:00] [CameraUI] TEST: Sending snapshot: 1280x720 [24/01/2022, 14:07:00] [CameraUI] TEST: Resize command: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -i pipe: -frames:v 1 -filter:v scale='min(1280,iw)':'min(720,ih)':force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease -f image2 - [24/01/2022, 14:07:07] [CameraUI] TEST2: Snapshot requested: 1280 x 720 [24/01/2022, 14:07:07] [CameraUI] TEST2: Snapshot command: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -analyzeduration 0 -probesize 500000 -f mpegts -i tcp:// -frames:v 1 -f image2 - [24/01/2022, 14:07:08] [Video Doorbell] Snapshot from Doorbell at 1280x720 [24/01/2022, 14:07:09] [CameraUI] TEST2: Prebuffer request ended [24/01/2022, 14:07:09] [CameraUI] TEST2: Fetching snapshot took 1.962 seconds. [24/01/2022, 14:07:09] [CameraUI] TEST2: Sending snapshot: 1280x720 [24/01/2022, 14:07:09] [CameraUI] TEST2: Resize command: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -i pipe: -frames:v 1 -filter:v scale='min(1280,iw)':'min(720,ih)':force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease -f image2 - [24/01/2022, 14:07:10] [CameraUI] TEST: Snapshot requested: 1280 x 720 [24/01/2022, 14:07:10] [CameraUI] TEST: Snapshot command: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -analyzeduration 0 -probesize 500000 -f mpegts -i tcp:// -frames:v 1 -f image2 - [24/01/2022, 14:07:12] [CameraUI] TEST: Prebuffer request ended [24/01/2022, 14:07:12] [CameraUI] TEST: Fetching snapshot took 1.619 seconds. [24/01/2022, 14:07:12] [CameraUI] TEST: Sending snapshot: 1280x720 [24/01/2022, 14:07:12] [CameraUI] TEST: Resize command: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -i pipe: -frames:v 1 -filter:v scale='min(1280,iw)':'min(720,ih)':force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease -f image2 -

seydx commented 2 years ago


After responding tarting (and before the "Pinging.." entry) there must be something like

[24.1.2022, 11:25:05] [CameraUI] Setting up MQTT client for motion detection...
[24.1.2022, 11:25:05] [CameraUI] Setting up SMTP server for motion detection...
[24.1.2022, 11:25:05] [CameraUI] Setting up FTP server for motion detection...
[24.1.2022, 11:25:05] [CameraUI] Configuring camera controller...


can you confirm? (only visible if debug = true)

paqpaqpaq commented 2 years ago

It seems I have a similar issue, but in this case with a dahua camera. I cannot get any motion to trigger, and thus (?) any recordings.

[24/01/2022, 12:25:17] [CameraUI] Configuring motion controller... [24/01/2022, 12:25:17] [CameraUI] Setting up MQTT client for motion detection... [24/01/2022, 12:25:17] [CameraUI] Configuring camera controller... [24/01/2022, 12:25:17] [CameraUI] dahua: Setting up camera, please be patient... [24/01/2022, 12:25:17] [CameraUI] dahua: Probe stream: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -i rtsp://admin:admin@ [24/01/2022, 12:25:19] [CameraUI] MQTT Client for motion detection connected to broker on port 1883 [24/01/2022, 12:25:19] [CameraUI] dahua: {"probe":true,"timedout":false,"audio":["aac (LC)","16000 Hz","mono","fltp"],"video":["h264 (High)","yuvj420p(pc","bt709","progressive)","640x480 [SAR 4:3 DAR 16:9]","25 tbr","90k tbn","50 tbc"]} [24/01/2022, 12:25:19] [CameraUI] Starting interface... [24/01/2022, 12:25:19] [CameraUI] camera.ui v5.0.14 is listening on port 3333 (http) [24/01/2022, 12:25:26] [Airmega] Found AIRMEGA 400S [24/01/2022, 12:27:30] [CameraUI] dahua: Snapshot requested: 1280 x 720 [24/01/2022, 12:27:30] [CameraUI] dahua: Snapshot command: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -i rtsp://admin:admin@ -frames:v 1 -f image2 - [24/01/2022, 12:27:32] [CameraUI] dahua: Fetching snapshot took 2.092 seconds. [24/01/2022, 12:27:32] [CameraUI] dahua: Sending snapshot: 1280x720 [24/01/2022, 12:27:32] [CameraUI] dahua: Resize command: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -i pipe: -frames:v 1 -filter:v scale='min(1280,iw)':'min(720,ih)':force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease -f image2 - [24/01/2022, 12:27:32] [CameraUI] dahua: Start stream requested: 1280x720, 30 fps, 299 kbps [24/01/2022, 12:27:32] [CameraUI] dahua: Incoming ping request for: rtsp://admin:admin@ - Timeout: 1s [24/01/2022, 12:27:32] [CameraUI] dahua: Pinging [24/01/2022, 12:27:32] [CameraUI] dahua: Pinging - successful [24/01/2022, 12:27:32] [CameraUI] dahua: Starting video stream: native [24/01/2022, 12:27:32] [CameraUI] dahua: Stream command: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel level -stimeout 100000000 -i rtsp://admin:admin@ -an -sn -dn -vcodec copy -pix_fmt yuv420p -color_range mpeg -f rawvideo -payload_type 99 -ssrc 9626852 -f rtp -srtp_out_suite AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80 -srtp_out_params 4+kDHbhywsBjUdjknLEY/HmgEaqNrVOvvTFgHDjY srtp:// -progress pipe:1 [24/01/2022, 12:27:35] [CameraUI] dahua: Getting the first frames took 2.669 seconds. [24/01/2022, 12:27:39] [CameraUI] dahua: Stop stream requested [24/01/2022, 12:27:39] [CameraUI] dahua: Stopped video stream. [24/01/2022, 12:27:39] [CameraUI] dahua: FFmpeg exited with code: null and signal: SIGKILL (Expected) [24/01/2022, 12:27:50] [CameraUI] dahua: Snapshot requested: 1280 x 720 [24/01/2022, 12:27:50] [CameraUI] dahua: Snapshot command: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -i rtsp://admin:admin@ -frames:v 1 -f image2 - [24/01/2022, 12:27:52] [CameraUI] dahua: Fetching snapshot took 2.069 seconds. [24/01/2022, 12:27:52] [CameraUI] dahua: Sending snapshot: 1280x720 [24/01/2022, 12:27:52] [CameraUI] dahua: Resize command: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -i pipe: -frames:v 1 -filter:v scale='min(1280,iw)':'min(720,ih)':force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease -f image2 -

seydx commented 2 years ago

It seems I have a similar issue, but in this case with a dahua camera. I cannot get any motion to trigger, and thus (?) any recordings.

[24/01/2022, 12:25:17] [CameraUI] Configuring motion controller... [24/01/2022, 12:25:17] [CameraUI] Setting up MQTT client for motion detection... [24/01/2022, 12:25:17] [CameraUI] Configuring camera controller... [24/01/2022, 12:25:17] [CameraUI] dahua: Setting up camera, please be patient... [24/01/2022, 12:25:17] [CameraUI] dahua: Probe stream: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -i rtsp://admin:admin@ [24/01/2022, 12:25:19] [CameraUI] MQTT Client for motion detection connected to broker on port 1883 [24/01/2022, 12:25:19] [CameraUI] dahua: {"probe":true,"timedout":false,"audio":["aac (LC)","16000 Hz","mono","fltp"],"video":["h264 (High)","yuvj420p(pc","bt709","progressive)","640x480 [SAR 4:3 DAR 16:9]","25 tbr","90k tbn","50 tbc"]} [24/01/2022, 12:25:19] [CameraUI] Starting interface... [24/01/2022, 12:25:19] [CameraUI] camera.ui v5.0.14 is listening on port 3333 (http) [24/01/2022, 12:25:26] [Airmega] Found AIRMEGA 400S [24/01/2022, 12:27:30] [CameraUI] dahua: Snapshot requested: 1280 x 720 [24/01/2022, 12:27:30] [CameraUI] dahua: Snapshot command: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -i rtsp://admin:admin@ -frames:v 1 -f image2 - [24/01/2022, 12:27:32] [CameraUI] dahua: Fetching snapshot took 2.092 seconds. [24/01/2022, 12:27:32] [CameraUI] dahua: Sending snapshot: 1280x720 [24/01/2022, 12:27:32] [CameraUI] dahua: Resize command: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -i pipe: -frames:v 1 -filter:v scale='min(1280,iw)':'min(720,ih)':force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease -f image2 - [24/01/2022, 12:27:32] [CameraUI] dahua: Start stream requested: 1280x720, 30 fps, 299 kbps [24/01/2022, 12:27:32] [CameraUI] dahua: Incoming ping request for: rtsp://admin:admin@ - Timeout: 1s [24/01/2022, 12:27:32] [CameraUI] dahua: Pinging [24/01/2022, 12:27:32] [CameraUI] dahua: Pinging - successful [24/01/2022, 12:27:32] [CameraUI] dahua: Starting video stream: native [24/01/2022, 12:27:32] [CameraUI] dahua: Stream command: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel level -stimeout 100000000 -i rtsp://admin:admin@ -an -sn -dn -vcodec copy -pix_fmt yuv420p -color_range mpeg -f rawvideo -payload_type 99 -ssrc 9626852 -f rtp -srtp_out_suite AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80 -srtp_out_params 4+kDHbhywsBjUdjknLEY/HmgEaqNrVOvvTFgHDjY srtp:// -progress pipe:1 [24/01/2022, 12:27:35] [CameraUI] dahua: Getting the first frames took 2.669 seconds. [24/01/2022, 12:27:39] [CameraUI] dahua: Stop stream requested [24/01/2022, 12:27:39] [CameraUI] dahua: Stopped video stream. [24/01/2022, 12:27:39] [CameraUI] dahua: FFmpeg exited with code: null and signal: SIGKILL (Expected) [24/01/2022, 12:27:50] [CameraUI] dahua: Snapshot requested: 1280 x 720 [24/01/2022, 12:27:50] [CameraUI] dahua: Snapshot command: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -i rtsp://admin:admin@ -frames:v 1 -f image2 - [24/01/2022, 12:27:52] [CameraUI] dahua: Fetching snapshot took 2.069 seconds. [24/01/2022, 12:27:52] [CameraUI] dahua: Sending snapshot: 1280x720 [24/01/2022, 12:27:52] [CameraUI] dahua: Resize command: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -i pipe: -frames:v 1 -filter:v scale='min(1280,iw)':'min(720,ih)':force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease -f image2 -

can you post your config.json pls

paqpaqpaq commented 2 years ago


"platform": "MiHumidifier" }, { "name": "CameraUI", "port": 3333, "atHomeSwitch": false, "debug": true, "mqtt": { "active": true, "tls": false, "host": "", "port": 1883 }, "http": { "active": false, "port": 1883, "localhttp": false }, "smtp": { "active": false, "port": 2727, "space_replace": "+" }, "ftp": { "active": false, "useFile": false, "port": 5050 }, "ssl": { "active": false }, "options": { "videoProcessor": "/usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg" }, "cameras": [ { "name": "dahua", "motion": true, "motionTimeout": 15, "unbridge": true, "hsv": true, "prebuffering": false, "prebufferLength": 4, "videoConfig": { "source": "-i rtsp://admin:admin@", "subSource": "-i rtsp://admin:admin@", "stillImageSource": "-i rtsp://admin:admin@", "maxStreams": 2, "vcodec": "copy", "acodec": "libfdk_aac", "stimeout": 10, "audio": false, "debug": false }, "smtp": { "email": "dahua" }, "videoanalysis": { "active": false }, "mqtt": {} } ], "platform": "CameraUI" }

seydx commented 2 years ago

@seydx "platform": "MiHumidifier" }, { "name": "CameraUI", "port": 3333, "atHomeSwitch": false, "debug": true, "mqtt": { "active": true, "tls": false, "host": "", "port": 1883 }, "http": { "active": false, "port": 1883, "localhttp": false }, "smtp": { "active": false, "port": 2727, "space_replace": "+" }, "ftp": { "active": false, "useFile": false, "port": 5050 }, "ssl": { "active": false }, "options": { "videoProcessor": "/usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg" }, "cameras": [ { "name": "dahua", "motion": true, "motionTimeout": 15, "unbridge": true, "hsv": true, "prebuffering": false, "prebufferLength": 4, "videoConfig": { "source": "-i rtsp://admin:admin@", "subSource": "-i rtsp://admin:admin@", "stillImageSource": "-i rtsp://admin:admin@", "maxStreams": 2, "vcodec": "copy", "acodec": "libfdk_aac", "stimeout": 10, "audio": false, "debug": false }, "smtp": { "email": "dahua" }, "videoanalysis": { "active": false }, "mqtt": {} } ], "platform": "CameraUI" }

Your camera has no mqtt topics/messages in your config.json

Pleas read

seydx commented 2 years ago


i need the full log, from the time where homebridge process is killed (due to restarting)

paqpaqpaq commented 2 years ago

@seydx Sorry overlooked on that. I added the mqqt config, but no changes. Not trying to hi-jack this topic though; how can one determine if one is using the right topics?

seydx commented 2 years ago

@seydx Sorry overlooked on that. I added the mqqt config, but no changes. Not trying to hi-jack this topic though; how can one determine if one is using the right topics?

You need to set the mqtt topics which is used by your camera


My Camera MQTT Settings:


According to this, my camera mqtt config

"name": "Yi Cam",
"videoConfig": {
"mqtt": {
  "motionTopic": "yicam_dome_keller/motion",
  "motionMessage": "ON",
  "motionResetTopic": "yicam_dome_keller/motion",
  "motionResetMessage": "OFF"
ahmadnazirafiq commented 2 years ago


i need the full log, from the time where homebridge process is killed (due to restarting)

Few hours earlier, one of the camera works and records (HKSV timeline appears). However, after I renamed the camera in Homebridge, I had to pair it back. New cameras added as well: namely Dafang (which works earlier), Xiaofang2 and IMOU.

[24/01/2022, 20:01:37] [Homebridge UI] Homebridge restart request received [24/01/2022, 20:01:37] [Homebridge UI] UI / Bridge settings have not changed; only restarting Homebridge process [24/01/2022, 20:01:37] [Homebridge UI] Sending SIGTERM to Homebridge [24/01/2022, 20:01:37] Got SIGTERM, shutting down Homebridge... [24/01/2022, 20:01:37] Got SIGTERM, shutting down child bridge process... [24/01/2022, 20:01:37] Got SIGTERM, shutting down child bridge process... [24/01/2022, 20:01:37] Got SIGTERM, shutting down child bridge process... [24/01/2022, 20:01:37] Got SIGTERM, shutting down child bridge process... [24/01/2022, 20:01:37] Got SIGTERM, shutting down child bridge process... [24/01/2022, 20:01:37] Got SIGTERM, shutting down child bridge process... [24/01/2022, 20:01:37] Got SIGTERM, shutting down child bridge process... [24/01/2022, 20:01:37] Got SIGTERM, shutting down child bridge process... [24/01/2022, 20:01:37] Got SIGTERM, shutting down child bridge process... [24/01/2022, 20:01:37] Got SIGTERM, shutting down child bridge process... [24/01/2022, 20:01:38] [CameraUI] Xiaofang2: Prebufferring process closed [24/01/2022, 20:01:38] [CameraUI] Dafang: Prebufferring process closed [24/01/2022, 20:01:42] [HB Supervisor] Homebridge Process Ended. Code: 143, Signal: null [24/01/2022, 20:01:47] [HB Supervisor] Restarting Homebridge... [24/01/2022, 20:01:47] [HB Supervisor] Starting Homebridge with extra flags: -I [24/01/2022, 20:01:47] [HB Supervisor] Started Homebridge v1.4.0 with PID: 5450 [24/01/2022, 20:01:49] Loaded config.json with 6 accessories and 11 platforms. [24/01/2022, 20:01:50] Loaded 0 cached accessories from cachedAccessories. [24/01/2022, 20:01:50] --- [24/01/2022, 20:01:55] Loaded plugin: homebridge-alexa@0.5.55 [24/01/2022, 20:01:55] Registering platform 'homebridge-alexa.Alexa' [24/01/2022, 20:01:55] --- [24/01/2022, 20:01:55] Loaded plugin: homebridge-camera-ffmpeg@3.1.4 [24/01/2022, 20:01:55] Registering platform 'homebridge-camera-ffmpeg.Camera-ffmpeg' [24/01/2022, 20:01:55] --- [24/01/2022, 20:01:56] Loaded plugin: homebridge-camera-ui@5.0.14 [24/01/2022, 20:01:56] Registering platform 'homebridge-camera-ui.CameraUI' [24/01/2022, 20:01:56] --- [24/01/2022, 20:01:56] Loaded plugin: homebridge-config-ui-x@4.42.0 [24/01/2022, 20:01:56] Registering platform 'homebridge-config-ui-x.config' [24/01/2022, 20:01:56] --- [24/01/2022, 20:01:56] Loaded plugin: homebridge-gsh@2.2.0 [24/01/2022, 20:01:56] Registering platform '' [24/01/2022, 20:01:56] --- [24/01/2022, 20:01:57] Loaded plugin: homebridge-mi-humidifier@2.4.5 [24/01/2022, 20:01:57] Registering platform 'homebridge-mi-humidifier.MiHumidifier' [24/01/2022, 20:01:57] --- [24/01/2022, 20:01:57] Loaded plugin: homebridge-mi-hygrothermograph@3.1.0 [24/01/2022, 20:02:03] Registering accessory 'homebridge-mi-hygrothermograph.Hygrotermograph' [24/01/2022, 20:02:03] --- [24/01/2022, 20:02:05] Loaded plugin: homebridge-miot@0.9.19 [24/01/2022, 20:02:05] Registering platform 'homebridge-miot.miot' [24/01/2022, 20:02:05] --- [24/01/2022, 20:02:05] Loaded plugin: homebridge-switchsound@1.0.8 [24/01/2022, 20:02:05] Registering platform 'homebridge-switchsound.SwitchSound' [24/01/2022, 20:02:05] --- [24/01/2022, 20:02:06] Loaded plugin: homebridge-tuya-platform@1.5.0 [24/01/2022, 20:02:06] Registering platform 'homebridge-tuya-platform.TuyaPlatform' [24/01/2022, 20:02:06] --- [24/01/2022, 20:02:10] Loaded plugin: homebridge-videodoorbell@0.3.2 [24/01/2022, 20:02:10] Registering platform 'homebridge-videodoorbell.Video-doorbell' [24/01/2022, 20:02:10] --- [24/01/2022, 20:02:11] Loaded plugin: homebridge-xiaomi-aqara-ac-cooler@1.0.5 [24/01/2022, 20:02:11] Plugin 'homebridge-xiaomi-aqara-ac-cooler' tried to register with an incorrect plugin identifier: 'homebridge-Xiaomi-Aqara-AC-Cooler'. Please report this to the developer! [24/01/2022, 20:02:11] Registering accessory 'homebridge-xiaomi-aqara-ac-cooler.MiAqaraACCooler' [24/01/2022, 20:02:11] --- [24/01/2022, 20:02:11] Loaded plugin: homebridge-xiaomi-mi-air-purifier@2.0.2 [24/01/2022, 20:02:11] Registering accessory 'homebridge-xiaomi-mi-air-purifier.XiaomiMiAirPurifier' [24/01/2022, 20:02:11] --- [24/01/2022, 20:02:12] Loaded plugin: @switchbot/homebridge-switchbot@1.10.0 [24/01/2022, 20:02:12] Registering platform '@switchbot/homebridge-switchbot.SwitchBot' [24/01/2022, 20:02:12] --- [24/01/2022, 20:02:12] Loading 11 platforms... [24/01/2022, 20:02:12] [Config] Initializing config platform... [24/01/2022, 20:02:12] [Config] Running in Service Mode [24/01/2022, 20:02:12] [Camera FFmpeg] Initializing Camera-ffmpeg platform... [24/01/2022, 20:02:12] [Camera FFmpeg] Initializing child bridge 0E:81:CB:02:76:84 [24/01/2022, 20:02:12] [Video Doorbell] Initializing Video-doorbell platform... [24/01/2022, 20:02:12] [MiHumidifier] Initializing MiHumidifier platform... [24/01/2022, 20:02:12] [MiHumidifier] Initializing child bridge 0E:F0:7B:EC:E7:74 [24/01/2022, 20:02:12] [SwitchSound] Initializing SwitchSound platform... [24/01/2022, 20:02:12] [SwitchSound] Initializing child bridge 0E:32:84:66:86:92 [24/01/2022, 20:02:12] [Google Smart Home] Initializing google-smarthome platform... [24/01/2022, 20:02:12] [TuyaPlatform] Initializing TuyaPlatform platform... [24/01/2022, 20:02:12] [TuyaPlatform] Initializing child bridge 0E:AD:E3:B6:96:93 [24/01/2022, 20:02:12] [miot] Initializing miot platform... [24/01/2022, 20:02:12] [miot] Initializing child bridge 0E:E5:5F:84:EE:D6 [24/01/2022, 20:02:12] [SwitchBot] Initializing SwitchBot platform... [24/01/2022, 20:02:12] [SwitchBot] Initializing child bridge 0E:B4:E3:43:85:FA [24/01/2022, 20:02:12] [Alexa] Initializing Alexa platform... [24/01/2022, 20:02:12] [Alexa] Initializing child bridge 0E:F9:88:F3:9D:E9 [24/01/2022, 20:02:12] [CameraUI] Initializing CameraUI platform... [24/01/2022, 20:02:12] Loading 6 accessories... [24/01/2022, 20:02:12] No plugin was found for the accessory "MiHeaterCooler" in your config.json. Please make sure the corresponding plugin is installed correctly. [24/01/2022, 20:02:12] [Aircond] Initializing MiAqaraACCooler accessory... [24/01/2022, 20:02:12] [Aircond] Initializing child bridge 0E:7E:B5:67:17:79 [24/01/2022, 20:02:12] [Air Purifier] Initializing XiaomiMiAirPurifier accessory... [24/01/2022, 20:02:12] [Air Purifier] Initializing child bridge 0E:CE:EC:2D:CC:AB [24/01/2022, 20:02:12] [Air Purifier 3] Initializing XiaomiMiAirPurifier accessory... [24/01/2022, 20:02:12] [Air Purifier 3] Adding to existing child bridge 0E:CE:EC:2D:CC:AB [24/01/2022, 20:02:12] [16A Outlet] Initializing MiAqaraACCooler accessory... [24/01/2022, 20:02:12] [Hygrometer] Initializing Hygrotermograph accessory... [24/01/2022, 20:02:12] [Hygrometer] Initializing child bridge 0E:8C:D5:48:4B:47 [24/01/2022, 20:02:13] [CameraUI] Config changed through interface, saving... [24/01/2022, 20:02:14] [CameraUI] Initializing camera.ui with PID: 5450 [24/01/2022, 20:02:14] [CameraUI] Configuring server... Setup Payload: X-HM://0023N1LTIA4C5 Enter this code with your HomeKit app on your iOS device to pair with Homebridge:

│ 102-66-550 │     

[24/01/2022, 20:02:20] [Video Doorbell] Video-doorbell Doorbell is listening on port 1884 [24/01/2022, 20:02:20] Doorbell CB27 is running on port 43413. [24/01/2022, 20:02:20] Please add [Doorbell CB27] manually in Home app. Setup Code: 102-66-550 [24/01/2022, 20:02:20] Homebridge v1.4.0 (HAP v0.10.0) (Homebridge) is running on port 51241. [24/01/2022, 20:02:20] [Alexa] Launched child bridge with PID 5537 [24/01/2022, 20:02:20] [Camera FFmpeg] Launched child bridge with PID 5502 [24/01/2022, 20:02:20] [CameraUI] Dafang: Configuring unbridged accessory... [24/01/2022, 20:02:21] [CameraUI] Dafang: Setting up accessory... [24/01/2022, 20:02:21] [CameraUI] Dafang: Adding motion sensor service [24/01/2022, 20:02:21] [CameraUI] Dafang: Initializing HomeKit Secure Video [24/01/2022, 20:02:23] [CameraUI] IMOU: Configuring unbridged accessory... [24/01/2022, 20:02:23] [CameraUI] IMOU: Setting up accessory... [24/01/2022, 20:02:23] [CameraUI] IMOU: Adding motion sensor service [24/01/2022, 20:02:23] [CameraUI] IMOU: Initializing HomeKit Secure Video [24/01/2022, 20:02:23] [CameraUI] Xiaofang2: Configuring unbridged accessory... [24/01/2022, 20:02:23] [CameraUI] Xiaofang2: Setting up accessory... [24/01/2022, 20:02:23] [CameraUI] Xiaofang2: Adding motion sensor service [24/01/2022, 20:02:23] [CameraUI] Xiaofang2: Initializing HomeKit Secure Video [24/01/2022, 20:02:23] [CameraUI] Accessories refreshed and config.json saved! [24/01/2022, 20:02:23] Dafang 0BC4 is running on port 36057. [24/01/2022, 20:02:23] Please add [Dafang 0BC4] manually in Home app. Setup Code: 102-66-550 [24/01/2022, 20:02:23] IMOU 49A4 is running on port 34385. [24/01/2022, 20:02:23] Please add [IMOU 49A4] manually in Home app. Setup Code: 102-66-550 [24/01/2022, 20:02:23] Xiaofang2 B7AF is running on port 38457. [24/01/2022, 20:02:23] Please add [Xiaofang2 B7AF] manually in Home app. Setup Code: 102-66-550 [24/01/2022, 20:02:23] [homebridge-miot] Launched child bridge with PID 5524 [24/01/2022, 20:02:23] [homebridge-mi-humidifier] Launched child bridge with PID 5508 [24/01/2022, 20:02:23] [SwitchSound] Launched child bridge with PID 5515 [24/01/2022, 20:02:23] [homebridge-xiaomi-mi-air-purifier] Launched child bridge with PID 5552 [24/01/2022, 20:02:23] [TuyaPlatform] Launched child bridge with PID 5518 [24/01/2022, 20:02:23] [Aircond] Launched child bridge with PID 5548 [24/01/2022, 20:02:23] [SwitchBot] Launched child bridge with PID 5531 [24/01/2022, 20:02:22] Registering platform 'homebridge-camera-ffmpeg.Camera-ffmpeg' [24/01/2022, 20:02:23] [Camera FFmpeg] Loaded homebridge-camera-ffmpeg v3.1.4 child bridge successfully [24/01/2022, 20:02:23] [Hygrometer] Launched child bridge with PID 5560 [24/01/2022, 20:02:23] Loaded 0 cached accessories from cachedAccessories.0E81CB027684. [24/01/2022, 20:02:24] [Camera FFmpeg] [XXX Dafang1] Configuring unbridged accessory... [24/01/2022, 20:02:24] [Camera FFmpeg] [XXX Xiaofang2] Configuring unbridged accessory... [24/01/2022, 20:02:23] Registering platform 'homebridge-switchsound.SwitchSound' [24/01/2022, 20:02:24] [SwitchSound] Loaded homebridge-switchsound v1.0.8 child bridge successfully [24/01/2022, 20:02:24] [Camera FFmpeg] [Pantry] Configuring unbridged accessory... [24/01/2022, 20:02:24] [Camera FFmpeg] Setting up MQTT connection... [24/01/2022, 20:02:24] Loaded 8 cached accessories from cachedAccessories.0E3284668692. [24/01/2022, 20:02:25] [SwitchSound] Updating accessory to new config options: 000000000001Name: Alarm Toggle [24/01/2022, 20:02:25] [SwitchSound] Updating accessory to new config options: 000000000002Name: Doorbell Toggle [24/01/2022, 20:02:25] [SwitchSound] Updating accessory to new config options: 000000000003Name: Immersion Toggle [24/01/2022, 20:02:25] [SwitchSound] Updating accessory to new config options: 000000000004Name: Good AQI Toggle [24/01/2022, 20:02:25] [SwitchSound] Updating accessory to new config options: 000000000005Name: Poor AQI Toggle [24/01/2022, 20:02:25] [SwitchSound] Updating accessory to new config options: 000000000006Name: Smoke Toggle [24/01/2022, 20:02:25] [SwitchSound] Updating accessory to new config options: 000000000007Name: TV On Toggle [24/01/2022, 20:02:25] [SwitchSound] Updating accessory to new config options: 000000000008Name: TV Off Toggle [24/01/2022, 20:02:25] [Google Smart Home] Connected (1) - wss:// [24/01/2022, 20:02:24] Plugin 'homebridge-xiaomi-aqara-ac-cooler' tried to register with an incorrect plugin identifier: 'homebridge-Xiaomi-Aqara-AC-Cooler'. Please report this to the developer! [24/01/2022, 20:02:24] Registering accessory 'homebridge-xiaomi-aqara-ac-cooler.MiAqaraACCooler' [24/01/2022, 20:02:25] [Aircond] Loaded homebridge-xiaomi-aqara-ac-cooler v1.0.5 child bridge successfully [24/01/2022, 20:02:24] Registering platform 'homebridge-mi-humidifier.MiHumidifier' [24/01/2022, 20:02:25] [homebridge-mi-humidifier] Loaded homebridge-mi-humidifier v2.4.5 child bridge successfully [24/01/2022, 20:02:25] Loaded 0 cached accessories from cachedAccessories.0E7EB5671779. [24/01/2022, 20:02:25] Loaded 1 cached accessories from cachedAccessories.0EF07BECE774. [24/01/2022, 20:02:25] [Camera FFmpeg] Setting up localhost-only HTTP server on port 8080... [24/01/2022, 20:02:25] Homebridge v1.4.0 (HAP v0.10.0) (Camera FFmpeg) is running on port 34719. [24/01/2022, 20:02:25] [homebridge-mi-humidifier] This plugin generated a warning from the characteristic 'Firmware Revision': Characteristic not in required or optional characteristic section for service AccessoryInformation. Adding anyway.. See for more info. [24/01/2022, 20:02:26] Homebridge v1.4.0 (HAP v0.10.0) (homebridge-mi-humidifier) is running on port 44045. [24/01/2022, 20:02:25] Homebridge v1.4.0 (HAP v0.10.0) (SwitchSound) is running on port 30213. [24/01/2022, 20:02:25] XXX Dafang1 B9EE is running on port 36245. [24/01/2022, 20:02:25] Please add [XXX Dafang1 B9EE] manually in Home app. Setup Code: 102-66-550 [24/01/2022, 20:02:25] XXX Xiaofang2 8403 is running on port 44793. [24/01/2022, 20:02:25] Please add [XXX Xiaofang2 8403] manually in Home app. Setup Code: 102-66-550 [24/01/2022, 20:02:25] Pantry 7978 is running on port 38707. [24/01/2022, 20:02:26] Please add [Pantry 7978] manually in Home app. Setup Code: 102-66-550 [24/01/2022, 20:02:26] Homebridge v1.4.0 (HAP v0.10.0) (Aircond) is running on port 36729. [24/01/2022, 20:02:29] [homebridge-xiaomi-aqara-ac-cooler] This plugin generated a warning from the characteristic 'Target Heater-Cooler State': characteristic value 0 is not contained in valid values array. See for more info. [24/01/2022, 20:02:26] Registering platform 'homebridge-tuya-platform.TuyaPlatform' [24/01/2022, 20:02:29] [TuyaPlatform] Loaded homebridge-tuya-platform v1.5.0 child bridge successfully [24/01/2022, 20:02:28] Registering accessory 'homebridge-xiaomi-mi-air-purifier.XiaomiMiAirPurifier' [24/01/2022, 20:02:30] [homebridge-xiaomi-mi-air-purifier] Loaded homebridge-xiaomi-mi-air-purifier v2.0.2 child bridge successfully with 2 accessories [24/01/2022, 20:02:27] Registering platform '@switchbot/homebridge-switchbot.SwitchBot' [24/01/2022, 20:02:30] [SwitchBot] Loaded @switchbot/homebridge-switchbot v1.10.0 child bridge successfully [24/01/2022, 20:02:29] Registering platform 'homebridge-alexa.Alexa' [24/01/2022, 20:02:30] [Alexa] Loaded homebridge-alexa v0.5.55 child bridge successfully [24/01/2022, 20:02:29] Loaded 11 cached accessories from cachedAccessories.0EADE3B69693. [24/01/2022, 20:02:31] Homebridge v1.4.0 (HAP v0.10.0) (TuyaPlatform) is running on port 52847. [24/01/2022, 20:02:30] Loaded 0 cached accessories from cachedAccessories.0ECEEC2DCCAB. [24/01/2022, 20:02:30] [Air Purifier] Air Purifier finished initializing! [24/01/2022, 20:02:30] [Air Purifier 3] Air Purifier 3 finished initializing! [24/01/2022, 20:02:31] Homebridge v1.4.0 (HAP v0.10.0) (homebridge-xiaomi-mi-air-purifier) is running on port 36905. [24/01/2022, 20:02:30] Loaded 2 cached accessories from cachedAccessories.0EB4E34385FA. [24/01/2022, 20:02:30] [SwitchBot] Loading accessory from cache: Curtain [24/01/2022, 20:02:30] [SwitchBot] Loading accessory from cache: Bot Press [24/01/2022, 20:02:31] Homebridge v1.4.0 (HAP v0.10.0) (SwitchBot) is running on port 43709. [24/01/2022, 20:02:30] Loaded 0 cached accessories from cachedAccessories.0EF988F39DE9. [24/01/2022, 20:02:30] [Alexa] homebridge-alexa v0.5.55, node v16.13.2, homebridge v1.4.0 [24/01/2022, 20:02:30] Initializing platform accessory 'Alexa'... [24/01/2022, 20:02:31] Registering platform 'homebridge-miot.miot' [24/01/2022, 20:02:32] [homebridge-miot] Loaded homebridge-miot v0.9.19 child bridge successfully [24/01/2022, 20:02:32] Homebridge v1.4.0 (HAP v0.10.0) (Alexa) is running on port 58937. [24/01/2022, 20:02:32] [Air Purifier] Connected to "Air Purifier" @! [24/01/2022, 20:02:32] [Air Purifier 3] Connected to "Air Purifier 3" @! [24/01/2022, 20:02:32] Loaded 12 cached accessories from cachedAccessories.0EE55F84EED6. [24/01/2022, 20:02:33] [SwitchBot] Total SwitchBot Devices Found: 3 [24/01/2022, 20:02:33] [SwitchBot] Restoring existing accessory from cache: Curtain DeviceID: C91266242A9F [24/01/2022, 20:02:33] [SwitchBot] Restoring existing accessory from cache: Bot Press DeviceID: ED6B018B9EE7 [24/01/2022, 20:02:33] [SwitchBot] Total IR Devices Found: 1 [24/01/2022, 20:02:33] [SwitchBot] Adding new accessory: Hisense TV TV DeviceID: 02-202110160110-24375822 [24/01/2022, 20:02:33] [SwitchBot] Bot: Bot Press Displaying as Switch [24/01/2022, 20:02:33] [SwitchBot] Curtain: Curtain Config: {"disable_group":true,"hide_lightsensor":true} [24/01/2022, 20:02:33] [SwitchBot] Bot: Bot Press Config: {"mode":"press","deviceType":"switch"} [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] Initializing devices [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Washer] Got device configuration, initializing device with name: Washer [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Washer] Device model known: chuangmi.plug.212a01! Creating device! [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Washer] Initializing device properties [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Washer] Initializing device actions [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Washer] Successfully created a Outlet device! It is a Mi Smart Power Plug 2. [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Washer] Initializing accessory! [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Washer] Accessory successfully initialized! [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Stand Fan] Got device configuration, initializing device with name: Stand Fan [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Stand Fan] Device model known:! Creating device! [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Stand Fan] Initializing device properties [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Stand Fan] Initializing device actions [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Stand Fan] Successfully created a Fan device! It is a Smartmi Standing Fan 2s. [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Stand Fan] Initializing accessory! [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Stand Fan] Accessory successfully initialized! [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Mom’s Aircond] Got device configuration, initializing device with name: Mom’s Aircond [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Mom’s Aircond] Device model known: lumi.acpartner.mcn02! Creating device! [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Mom’s Aircond] Initializing device properties [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Mom’s Aircond] Initializing device actions [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Mom’s Aircond] Successfully created a AirConditioner device! It is a Xiaomi Mi Air Conditioner Companion 2. [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Mom’s Aircond] Initializing accessory! [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Mom’s Aircond] Accessory successfully initialized! [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Ariff’s Aircond] Got device configuration, initializing device with name: Ariff’s Aircond [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Ariff’s Aircond] Device model known: lumi.acpartner.mcn02! Creating device! [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Ariff’s Aircond] Initializing device properties [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Ariff’s Aircond] Initializing device actions [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Ariff’s Aircond] Successfully created a AirConditioner device! It is a Xiaomi Mi Air Conditioner Companion 2. [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Ariff’s Aircond] Initializing accessory! [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Ariff’s Aircond] Accessory successfully initialized! [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Tower Fan] Got device configuration, initializing device with name: Tower Fan [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Tower Fan] Device model known:! Creating device! [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Tower Fan] Initializing device properties [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Tower Fan] Initializing device actions [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Tower Fan] Device actions: [ "toggle" ] [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Tower Fan] Successfully created a Fan device! It is a Mi Smart Tower Fan. [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Tower Fan] Initializing accessory! [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Tower Fan] Accessory successfully initialized! [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Swing Fan] Got device configuration, initializing device with name: Swing Fan [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Swing Fan] Device model known:! Creating device! [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Swing Fan] Initializing device properties [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Swing Fan] Initializing device actions [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Swing Fan] Device actions: [ "toggle_power", "toggle_mode", "toggle_level" ] [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Swing Fan] Successfully created a Fan device! It is a Mijia DC Circulating Fan. [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Swing Fan] Initializing accessory! [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Swing Fan] Accessory successfully initialized! [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Robot Vacuum] Got device configuration, initializing device with name: Robot Vacuum [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Robot Vacuum] Device model known: rockrobo.vacuum.v1! Creating device! [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Robot Vacuum] Initializing device properties [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Robot Vacuum] Initializing device actions [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Robot Vacuum] Device actions: [ "start_sweep", "stop_sweep", "start_charge" ] [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Robot Vacuum] Successfully created a RobotCleaner device! It is a Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum. [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Robot Vacuum] Initializing accessory! [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Robot Vacuum] Accessory successfully initialized! [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Multimedia] Got device configuration, initializing device with name: Multimedia [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Multimedia] Device model known: chuangmi.plug.v3! Creating device! [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Multimedia] Initializing device properties [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Multimedia] Initializing device actions [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Multimedia] Successfully created a Outlet device! It is a Xiaomi Chuangmi Plug V3. [24/01/2022, 20:02:34] [homebridge-miot] [Multimedia] Initializing accessory! [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Multimedia] Accessory successfully initialized! [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Diffuser] Got device configuration, initializing device with name: Diffuser [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Diffuser] Device model known: chuangmi.plug.v3! Creating device! [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Diffuser] Initializing device properties [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Diffuser] Initializing device actions [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Diffuser] Successfully created a Outlet device! It is a Xiaomi Chuangmi Plug V3. [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Diffuser] Initializing accessory! [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Diffuser] Accessory successfully initialized! [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Cameras] Got device configuration, initializing device with name: Cameras [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Cameras] Device model known: chuangmi.plug.v3! Creating device! [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Cameras] Initializing device properties [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Cameras] Initializing device actions [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Cameras] Successfully created a Outlet device! It is a Xiaomi Chuangmi Plug V3. [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Cameras] Initializing accessory! [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Cameras] Accessory successfully initialized! [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Repellent] Got device configuration, initializing device with name: Repellent [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Repellent] Device model known: chuangmi.plug.m3! Creating device! [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Repellent] Initializing device properties [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Repellent] Initializing device actions [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Repellent] Successfully created a Outlet device! It is a Xiaomi Chuangmi Plug M3. [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Repellent] Initializing accessory! [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Repellent] Accessory successfully initialized! [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Powerstrip] Got device configuration, initializing device with name: Powerstrip [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Powerstrip] Device model known: zimi.powerstrip.v2! Creating device! [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Powerstrip] Initializing device properties [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Powerstrip] Initializing device actions [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Powerstrip] Initializing accessory! [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Powerstrip] Accessory successfully initialized! [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] Homebridge v1.4.0 (HAP v0.10.0) (homebridge-miot) is running on port 47935. [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Mom’s Aircond] Connected to device: lumi.acpartner.mcn02 [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Mom’s Aircond] Setting up device! [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Mom’s Aircond] Doing device specific setup [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Mom’s Aircond] Device requires MiCloud! Trying to connect! [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Ariff’s Aircond] Connected to device: lumi.acpartner.mcn02 [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Ariff’s Aircond] Setting up device! [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Ariff’s Aircond] Doing device specific setup [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Ariff’s Aircond] Device requires MiCloud! Trying to connect! [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Repellent] Connected to device: chuangmi.plug.m3 [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Repellent] Setting up device! [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Repellent] Doing device specific setup [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Repellent] Device requires MiCloud! Trying to connect! [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Swing Fan] Connected to device: [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Swing Fan] Setting up device! [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Swing Fan] Doing device specific setup [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Swing Fan] Doing initial property fetch [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Swing Fan] Device setup finished! Device ready, you can now control your device! [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Diffuser] Connected to device: chuangmi.plug.v3 [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Diffuser] Setting up device! [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Diffuser] Doing device specific setup [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Diffuser] Device requires MiCloud! Trying to connect! [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Cameras] Connected to device: chuangmi.plug.v3 [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Cameras] Setting up device! [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Cameras] Doing device specific setup [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Cameras] Device requires MiCloud! Trying to connect! [24/01/2022, 20:02:36] [homebridge-miot] [Tower Fan] Connected to device: [24/01/2022, 20:02:36] [homebridge-miot] [Tower Fan] Setting up device! [24/01/2022, 20:02:36] [homebridge-miot] [Tower Fan] Doing device specific setup [24/01/2022, 20:02:36] [homebridge-miot] [Tower Fan] Doing initial property fetch [24/01/2022, 20:02:36] [homebridge-miot] [Tower Fan] Device setup finished! Device ready, you can now control your device! [24/01/2022, 20:02:36] [homebridge-miot] [Stand Fan] Connected to device: [24/01/2022, 20:02:36] [homebridge-miot] [Stand Fan] Setting up device! [24/01/2022, 20:02:36] [homebridge-miot] [Stand Fan] Doing device specific setup [24/01/2022, 20:02:36] [homebridge-miot] [Stand Fan] Device requires MiCloud! Trying to connect! [24/01/2022, 20:02:36] [homebridge-miot] [Multimedia] Connected to device: chuangmi.plug.v3 [24/01/2022, 20:02:36] [homebridge-miot] [Multimedia] Setting up device! [24/01/2022, 20:02:36] [homebridge-miot] [Multimedia] Doing device specific setup [24/01/2022, 20:02:36] [homebridge-miot] [Multimedia] Device requires MiCloud! Trying to connect! [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] Hisense TV BA94 is running on port 34047. [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] Please add [Hisense TV BA94] manually in Home app. Setup Code: 102-66-550 [24/01/2022, 20:02:35] [homebridge-miot] [Powerstrip] Device not supported! Using a generic device with limited properties! Consider requesting device support! [24/01/2022, 20:02:36] [homebridge-miot] [Powerstrip] Connected to device: zimi.powerstrip.v2 [24/01/2022, 20:02:36] [homebridge-miot] [Powerstrip] Setting up device! [24/01/2022, 20:02:36] [homebridge-miot] [Powerstrip] Doing device specific setup [24/01/2022, 20:02:36] [homebridge-miot] [Powerstrip] Device requires MiCloud! Trying to connect! [24/01/2022, 20:02:36] [homebridge-miot] [Robot Vacuum] Connected to device: rockrobo.vacuum.v1 [24/01/2022, 20:02:36] [homebridge-miot] [Robot Vacuum] Setting up device! [24/01/2022, 20:02:36] [homebridge-miot] [Robot Vacuum] Doing device specific setup [24/01/2022, 20:02:36] [homebridge-miot] [Robot Vacuum] Device requires MiCloud! Trying to connect! [24/01/2022, 20:02:49] [CameraUI] Configuring socket... [24/01/2022, 20:02:49] [CameraUI] Configuring database... [24/01/2022, 20:02:39] Registering accessory 'homebridge-mi-hygrothermograph.Hygrotermograph' [24/01/2022, 20:02:50] [Hygrometer] Loaded homebridge-mi-hygrothermograph v3.1.0 child bridge successfully [24/01/2022, 20:02:40] [homebridge-miot] [Repellent] Successfully connected to MiCloud! [24/01/2022, 20:02:40] [homebridge-miot] [Repellent] Doing initial property fetch [24/01/2022, 20:02:40] [homebridge-miot] [Repellent] Device setup finished! Device ready, you can now control your device! [24/01/2022, 20:02:40] [homebridge-miot] [Repellent] Getting device info from MiCloud! [24/01/2022, 20:02:40] [homebridge-miot] [Diffuser] Successfully connected to MiCloud! [24/01/2022, 20:02:40] [homebridge-miot] [Diffuser] Doing initial property fetch [24/01/2022, 20:02:40] [homebridge-miot] [Diffuser] Device setup finished! Device ready, you can now control your device! [24/01/2022, 20:02:40] [homebridge-miot] [Diffuser] Getting device info from MiCloud! [24/01/2022, 20:02:40] [homebridge-miot] [Mom’s Aircond] Successfully connected to MiCloud! [24/01/2022, 20:02:40] [homebridge-miot] [Mom’s Aircond] Doing initial property fetch [24/01/2022, 20:02:40] [homebridge-miot] [Mom’s Aircond] Device setup finished! Device ready, you can now control your device! [24/01/2022, 20:02:40] [homebridge-miot] [Mom’s Aircond] Getting device info from MiCloud! [24/01/2022, 20:02:40] [homebridge-miot] [Ariff’s Aircond] Successfully connected to MiCloud! [24/01/2022, 20:02:40] [homebridge-miot] [Ariff’s Aircond] Doing initial property fetch [24/01/2022, 20:02:40] [homebridge-miot] [Ariff’s Aircond] Device setup finished! Device ready, you can now control your device! [24/01/2022, 20:02:40] [homebridge-miot] [Ariff’s Aircond] Getting device info from MiCloud! [24/01/2022, 20:02:40] [homebridge-miot] [Robot Vacuum] Successfully connected to MiCloud! [24/01/2022, 20:02:40] [homebridge-miot] [Robot Vacuum] Doing initial property fetch [24/01/2022, 20:02:40] [homebridge-miot] [Robot Vacuum] Device setup finished! Device ready, you can now control your device! [24/01/2022, 20:02:40] [homebridge-miot] [Robot Vacuum] Getting device info from MiCloud! [24/01/2022, 20:02:40] [homebridge-miot] [Tower Fan] Successfully connected to MiCloud! [24/01/2022, 20:02:40] [homebridge-miot] [Tower Fan] Getting device info from MiCloud! [24/01/2022, 20:02:40] [homebridge-miot] [Swing Fan] Successfully connected to MiCloud! [24/01/2022, 20:02:40] [homebridge-miot] [Swing Fan] Getting device info from MiCloud! [24/01/2022, 20:02:40] [homebridge-miot] [Stand Fan] Successfully connected to MiCloud! [24/01/2022, 20:02:40] [homebridge-miot] [Stand Fan] Doing initial property fetch [24/01/2022, 20:02:40] [homebridge-miot] [Stand Fan] Device setup finished! Device ready, you can now control your device! [24/01/2022, 20:02:40] [homebridge-miot] [Stand Fan] Getting device info from MiCloud! [24/01/2022, 20:02:40] [homebridge-miot] [Cameras] Successfully connected to MiCloud! [24/01/2022, 20:02:40] [homebridge-miot] [Cameras] Doing initial property fetch [24/01/2022, 20:02:40] [homebridge-miot] [Cameras] Device setup finished! Device ready, you can now control your device! [24/01/2022, 20:02:40] [homebridge-miot] [Cameras] Getting device info from MiCloud! [24/01/2022, 20:02:40] [homebridge-miot] [Powerstrip] Successfully connected to MiCloud! [24/01/2022, 20:02:40] [homebridge-miot] [Powerstrip] Doing initial property fetch [24/01/2022, 20:02:40] [homebridge-miot] [Powerstrip] Device setup finished! Device ready, you can now control your device! [24/01/2022, 20:02:40] [homebridge-miot] [Powerstrip] Getting device info from MiCloud! [24/01/2022, 20:02:40] [homebridge-miot] [Multimedia] Successfully connected to MiCloud! [24/01/2022, 20:02:40] [homebridge-miot] [Multimedia] Doing initial property fetch [24/01/2022, 20:02:40] [homebridge-miot] [Multimedia] Device setup finished! Device ready, you can now control your device! [24/01/2022, 20:02:40] [homebridge-miot] [Multimedia] Getting device info from MiCloud! [24/01/2022, 20:02:45] [homebridge-miot] [Multimedia] FetchError: network timeout at: [24/01/2022, 20:02:50] Loaded 0 cached accessories from cachedAccessories.0E8CD5484B47. [24/01/2022, 20:02:50] Homebridge v1.4.0 (HAP v0.10.0) (Hygrometer) is running on port 59538. [24/01/2022, 20:02:51] [Alexa] INFO: DeviceList - The following devices are deny => [ 'Water Purifier', 'Air Fryer', 'Cameras', 'Cat House', 'Oven', 'Power Bay', 'Rice Cooker', 'Appliances', 'HomePod mini' ] [24/01/2022, 20:02:51] [Alexa] INFO: DeviceList - deny => Air Fryer [24/01/2022, 20:02:51] [Alexa] INFO: DeviceList - deny => Appliances [24/01/2022, 20:02:51] [Alexa] INFO: DeviceList - deny => Cameras [24/01/2022, 20:02:51] [Alexa] INFO: DeviceList - deny => HomePod mini [24/01/2022, 20:02:51] [Alexa] INFO: DeviceList - deny => Oven [24/01/2022, 20:02:51] [Alexa] INFO: DeviceList - deny => Power Bay [24/01/2022, 20:02:51] [Alexa] INFO: DeviceList - deny => Rice Cooker [24/01/2022, 20:02:51] [Alexa] INFO: DeviceList - deny => Water Purifier [24/01/2022, 20:02:51] [Alexa] INFO: DeviceList - deny => Cameras [24/01/2022, 20:02:51] [Alexa] ERROR: Parsing failed, removing duplicate endpointID => Mode - Natural Wind [24/01/2022, 20:02:51] [Alexa] ERROR: Parsing failed, removing duplicate endpointID => Mode - Natural Wind [24/01/2022, 20:02:51] [Alexa] ERROR: Parsing failed, removing duplicate endpointID => Mode - Straight Wind [24/01/2022, 20:02:51] [Alexa] ERROR: Parsing failed, removing duplicate endpointID => Mode - Straight Wind [24/01/2022, 20:02:51] [Alexa] ERROR: Parsing failed, removing duplicate endpointID => USB [24/01/2022, 20:02:51] [Alexa] ERROR: Parsing failed, removing duplicate endpointID => USB [24/01/2022, 20:02:51] [Alexa] WARNING: Duplicate device name Aircond [24/01/2022, 20:02:51] [Alexa] WARNING: Duplicate device name Dafang 0BC4 [24/01/2022, 20:02:51] [Alexa] WARNING: Duplicate device name IMOU 49A4 [24/01/2022, 20:02:51] [Alexa] alexaDiscovery - returned 68 devices [24/01/2022, 20:02:54] [CameraUI] Starting atHome automation [24/01/2022, 20:02:54] [CameraUI] Clear timer for notification (31d9e11ed9) reached [24/01/2022, 20:02:54] [CameraUI] Configuring event controller... [24/01/2022, 20:02:58] [CameraUI] Configuring motion controller... [24/01/2022, 20:02:58] [CameraUI] Setting up HTTP server for motion detection... [24/01/2022, 20:02:58] [CameraUI] Setting up MQTT client for motion detection... [24/01/2022, 20:02:58] [CameraUI] Configuring camera controller... [24/01/2022, 20:02:58] [CameraUI] Dafang: Setting up camera, please be patient... [24/01/2022, 20:02:58] [CameraUI] Dafang: Probe stream: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -fflags +discardcorrupt -i rtsp:// [24/01/2022, 20:02:58] [CameraUI] IMOU: Setting up camera, please be patient... [24/01/2022, 20:02:58] [CameraUI] IMOU: Probe stream: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp://admin:L2657671@ [24/01/2022, 20:02:58] [CameraUI] Xiaofang2: Setting up camera, please be patient... [24/01/2022, 20:02:58] [CameraUI] Xiaofang2: Probe stream: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -i rtsp:// [24/01/2022, 20:02:59] [CameraUI] HTTP server for motion detection is listening on port 8082 [24/01/2022, 20:02:59] [CameraUI] Dafang: {"probe":true,"timedout":false,"audio":["pcm_mulaw","16000 Hz","mono","s16","128 kb/s"],"video":["h264","none","90k tbr","90k tbn","180k tbc"]} [24/01/2022, 20:02:59] [CameraUI] Dafang: Incoming ping request for: rtsp:// - Timeout: 1s [24/01/2022, 20:02:59] [CameraUI] Dafang: Pinging [24/01/2022, 20:02:59] [CameraUI] Xiaofang2: {"probe":true,"timedout":false,"audio":["mp3 (mp3float)","0 channels","fltp): unspecified frame size"],"video":[]} [24/01/2022, 20:02:59] [CameraUI] Xiaofang2: Incoming ping request for: rtsp:// - Timeout: 1s [24/01/2022, 20:02:59] [CameraUI] Xiaofang2: Pinging [24/01/2022, 20:02:59] [CameraUI] Xiaofang2: Pinging - successful [24/01/2022, 20:02:59] [CameraUI] Xiaofang2: Start prebuffering... [24/01/2022, 20:02:59] [CameraUI] Xiaofang2: Prebuffering command: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -fflags +genpts -i rtsp:// -vcodec copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc -acodec libfdk_aac -profile:a aac_low -flags +global_header -ar 8k -b:a 100k -ac 1 -f tee -map 0:v? -map 0:a? [movflags=frag_keyframe+empty_moov+default_base_moof:f=mp4]tcp://|[f=mpegts]tcp:// [24/01/2022, 20:02:59] [CameraUI] IMOU: {"probe":true,"timedout":false,"audio":["aac (LC)","16000 Hz","mono","fltp"],"video":["hevc (Main)","yuvj420p(pc","bt470bg/bt470bg/smpte170m)","1920x1080","90k tbr","90k tbn","90k tbc"]} [24/01/2022, 20:02:59] [CameraUI] IMOU: Incoming ping request for: rtsp://admin:L2657671@ - Timeout: 1s [24/01/2022, 20:02:59] [CameraUI] IMOU: Pinging [24/01/2022, 20:02:59] [CameraUI] Dafang: Pinging - successful [24/01/2022, 20:02:59] [CameraUI] Dafang: Start prebuffering... [24/01/2022, 20:02:59] [CameraUI] Dafang: Prebuffering command: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -fflags +genpts -fflags +discardcorrupt -i rtsp:// -vcodec copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc -acodec libfdk_aac -profile:a aac_low -flags +global_header -ar 8k -b:a 100k -ac 1 -f tee -map 0:v? -map 0:a? [movflags=frag_keyframe+empty_moov+default_base_moof:f=mp4]tcp://|[f=mpegts]tcp:// [24/01/2022, 20:03:00] [Google Smart Home] Finished instance discovery [24/01/2022, 20:03:00] [CameraUI] IMOU: Pinging - successful [24/01/2022, 20:03:00] [CameraUI] IMOU: Start videoanalysis... [24/01/2022, 20:03:00] [CameraUI] IMOU: Videoanalysis command: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp://admin:L2657671@ -an -vcodec pam -pix_fmt rgb24 -f image2pipe -vf fps=2,scale=640:360 pipe:1 [24/01/2022, 20:03:00] [CameraUI] IMOU: Videoanalysis: Difference: 50 - Sensitivity: 40 - Zones: [{"name":"region0","difference":50,"percent":60,"polygon":[{"x":0,"y":360},{"x":0,"y":0},{"x":640,"y":0},{"x":640,"y":360}]}] [24/01/2022, 20:03:00] [CameraUI] IMOU: Videoanalysis scheduled for restart at 4AM: 477 minutes [24/01/2022, 20:03:03] [CameraUI] Dafang: Prebuffering scheduled for restart at 2AM: 357 minutes [24/01/2022, 20:03:03] [CameraUI] Dafang: Incoming ping request for: rtsp:// - Timeout: 1s [24/01/2022, 20:03:03] [CameraUI] Dafang: Pinging [24/01/2022, 20:03:03] [CameraUI] Dafang: Pinging - successful [24/01/2022, 20:03:03] [CameraUI] Dafang: Start videoanalysis... [24/01/2022, 20:03:03] [CameraUI] Dafang: Videoanalysis command: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -analyzeduration 0 -probesize 500000 -f mpegts -i tcp:// -an -vcodec pam -pix_fmt rgb24 -f image2pipe -vf fps=2,scale=640:360 pipe:1 [24/01/2022, 20:03:03] [CameraUI] Dafang: Videoanalysis: Difference: 5 - Sensitivity: 1 - Zones: [{"name":"region0","difference":5,"percent":99,"polygon":[{"x":0,"y":360},{"x":0,"y":0},{"x":640,"y":0},{"x":640,"y":360}]}] [24/01/2022, 20:03:04] [CameraUI] Dafang: Videoanalysis scheduled for restart at 4AM: 477 minutes [24/01/2022, 20:03:04] [CameraUI] Xiaofang2: Prebuffering scheduled for restart at 2AM: 357 minutes [24/01/2022, 20:03:04] [CameraUI] Xiaofang2: Incoming ping request for: rtsp:// - Timeout: 1s [24/01/2022, 20:03:04] [CameraUI] Xiaofang2: Pinging [24/01/2022, 20:03:04] [CameraUI] Xiaofang2: Pinging - successful [24/01/2022, 20:03:04] [CameraUI] Xiaofang2: Start videoanalysis... [24/01/2022, 20:03:04] [CameraUI] Xiaofang2: Videoanalysis command: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -analyzeduration 0 -probesize 500000 -f mpegts -i tcp:// -an -vcodec pam -pix_fmt rgb24 -f image2pipe -vf fps=2,scale=640:360 pipe:1 [24/01/2022, 20:03:04] [CameraUI] Xiaofang2: Videoanalysis: Difference: 15 - Sensitivity: 7 - Zones: [{"name":"region0","difference":15,"percent":93,"polygon":[{"x":0,"y":360},{"x":0,"y":0},{"x":640,"y":0},{"x":640,"y":360}]}] [24/01/2022, 20:03:04] [CameraUI] Xiaofang2: Videoanalysis scheduled for restart at 4AM: 477 minutes [24/01/2022, 20:03:04] [CameraUI] Starting interface... [24/01/2022, 20:03:04] [CameraUI] camera.ui v5.0.14 is listening on port 8081 (http) [24/01/2022, 20:03:04] [CameraUI] Dafang: Videoanalysis finished launching [24/01/2022, 20:03:04] [CameraUI] IMOU: Videoanalysis finished launching [24/01/2022, 20:03:04] [CameraUI] Xiaofang2: Videoanalysis finished launching [24/01/2022, 20:03:15] [Google Smart Home] Sending Sync Request [24/01/2022, 20:03:15] [Google Smart Home] Received SYNC intent

paqpaqpaq commented 2 years ago

@seydx Right. OK now it is triggering according to the logs, but still no recording.

[24/01/2022, 13:08:38] [CameraUI] VIDEOANALYSIS: New message: Data: {"time":"2022-01-24T12:08:38.949Z","event":"dwellTime (60s)"} - Motion: resetted - Camera: dahua [24/01/2022, 13:08:38] [CameraUI] dahua: {"error":false,"message":"Handling through extern controller.."} Socket Closed with error "Error" read ECONNRESET [24/01/2022, 13:08:41] [Yeelighter] [0x0000000007768506] Disconnected [] [24/01/2022, 13:08:47] [Yeelighter] [0x0000000007768506] ceiling10 Connected [] [24/01/2022, 13:08:50] [CameraUI] VIDEOANALYSIS: New message: Data: [{"zone":"region0","percent":94.33406066894531,"sensitivity":7,"dwell":60,"forceClose":3}] - Motion: detected - Camera: dahua [24/01/2022, 13:08:50] [CameraUI] dahua: {"error":false,"message":"Handling through extern controller.."} [24/01/2022, 13:08:50] [CameraUI] dahua: Motion ON [24/01/2022, 13:08:51] [CameraUI] dahua: Video fragments requested from HSV [24/01/2022, 13:08:51] [CameraUI] dahua: Start recording... [24/01/2022, 13:08:51] [CameraUI] dahua: Recording command: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -hide_banner -stimeout 100000000 -i rtsp://admin:admin@ -f mp4 -vcodec copy -an -movflags frag_keyframe+empty_moov+default_base_moof -max_muxing_queue_size 1024 tcp:// [24/01/2022, 13:08:51] [CameraUI] dahua: New motion detected, resetting motion in 60s.. [24/01/2022, 13:08:51] [CameraUI] dahua: Motion data: [{"zone":"region0","percent":98.21685028076172,"sensitivity":3,"dwell":60,"forceClose":3}]} [24/01/2022, 13:08:51] [CameraUI] dahua: New motion detected, resetting motion in 60s.. [24/01/2022, 13:08:51] [CameraUI] dahua: Motion data: [{"zone":"region0","percent":76.03167724609375,"sensitivity":25,"dwell":60,"forceClose":3}]} [24/01/2022, 13:08:52] [CameraUI] dahua: New motion detected, resetting motion in 60s.. [24/01/2022, 13:08:52] [CameraUI] dahua: Motion data: [{"zone":"region0","percent":71.12994384765625,"sensitivity":30,"dwell":60,"forceClose":3}]} [24/01/2022, 13:08:52] [CameraUI] dahua: Recording started [24/01/2022, 13:08:52] [CameraUI] dahua: New motion detected, resetting motion in 60s.. [24/01/2022, 13:08:52] [CameraUI] dahua: Motion data: [{"zone":"region0","percent":66.89978790283203,"sensitivity":34,"dwell":60,"forceClose":3}]} [24/01/2022, 13:08:53] [CameraUI] dahua: New motion detected, resetting motion in 60s.. [24/01/2022, 13:08:53] [CameraUI] dahua: Motion data: [{"zone":"region0","percent":99.09684753417969,"sensitivity":2,"dwell":60,"forceClose":3}]} [24/01/2022, 13:09:05] [CameraUI] dahua: Motion OFF - Motion handler timeout. [24/01/2022, 13:09:07] [CameraUI] dahua: Recording completed (HSV) [24/01/2022, 13:09:07] [CameraUI] dahua: New custom alert [24/01/2022, 13:09:08] [CameraUI] dahua: Notifications not enabled, skip Webhook.. [24/01/2022, 13:09:08] [CameraUI] dahua: Notifications not enabled, skip Alexa.. [24/01/2022, 13:09:08] [CameraUI] dahua: Recording not enabled, skip recording.. [24/01/2022, 13:09:08] [CameraUI] dahua: Recording skipped. Notification skipped. [24/01/2022, 13:09:08] [CameraUI] dahua: Closing recording process [24/01/2022, 13:09:08] [CameraUI] dahua: FFmpeg recording process exited (expected)

seydx commented 2 years ago


Disable SSL in your camera settings for smtp, this will fix the "ECONRESET" error

And because of the HSV recordings, everything looks good in your log, please read the wiki for "No HSV recordings"

seydx commented 2 years ago


Allright, i can see that camera.ui is trying to connect to your mqtt server, but its not connecting at all?

After this line

[24/01/2022, 20:02:58] [CameraUI] Setting up MQTT client for motion detection...

there must be something like this

MQTT Client for motion detection connected to broker on port 1883

Can you change the "host" to an ip adress (not localhost or

paqpaqpaq commented 2 years ago


Disable SSL in your camera settings for smtp, this will fix the "ECONRESET" error

And because of the HSV recordings, everything looks good in your log, please read the wiki for "No HSV recordings"

Thanks, I will try with the higher resolutions. I setup camera.ui yesterday, and this morning homekit asked be about HSV settings, so i figure this has been 'handled'.

As for SSL, SMTP is off, and no SSL active.

seydx commented 2 years ago

@paqpaqpaq Disable SSL in your camera settings for smtp, this will fix the "ECONRESET" error And because of the HSV recordings, everything looks good in your log, please read the wiki for "No HSV recordings"

Thanks, I will try with the higher resolutions. I setup camera.ui yesterday, and this morning homekit asked be about HSV settings, so i figure this has been 'handled'.

As for SSL, SMTP is off, and no SSL active.

Allright, sometimes Apple needs some time to configure the camera as a HSV camera, therefore try rebooting your hub and disabling/enabling "Stream & Record" multiple times within Home App

paqpaqpaq commented 2 years ago

Yep, that last thing made it work :)

ahmadnazirafiq commented 2 years ago


Allright, i can see that camera.ui is trying to connect to your mqtt server, but its not connecting at all?

After this line

[24/01/2022, 20:02:58] [CameraUI] Setting up MQTT client for motion detection...

there must be something like this

MQTT Client for motion detection connected to broker on port 1883

Can you change the "host" to an ip adress (not localhost or

I've changed it to my Homebridge server IP address but I'm not getting the message you mentioned. However, I do receive this message...

[24/01/2022, 21:26:24] [CameraUI] HTTP server for motion detection is listening on port 8080

Kinda odd that it sorta works earlier before I rename the camera and re-pair it back in Apple Home.

ahmadnazirafiq commented 2 years ago

Here's the log:

[24/01/2022, 21:26:23] [CameraUI] Configuring motion controller... [24/01/2022, 21:26:23] [CameraUI] Setting up HTTP server for motion detection... [24/01/2022, 21:26:23] [CameraUI] Setting up MQTT client for motion detection... [24/01/2022, 21:26:23] [CameraUI] Configuring camera controller... [24/01/2022, 21:26:24] [CameraUI] Dafang: Setting up camera, please be patient... [24/01/2022, 21:26:24] [CameraUI] Dafang: Probe stream: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -fflags +discardcorrupt -i rtsp:// [24/01/2022, 21:26:24] [CameraUI] IMOU: Setting up camera, please be patient... [24/01/2022, 21:26:24] [CameraUI] IMOU: Probe stream: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp://admin:L2657671@ [24/01/2022, 21:26:24] [CameraUI] Xiaofang2: Setting up camera, please be patient... [24/01/2022, 21:26:24] [CameraUI] Xiaofang2: Probe stream: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -i rtsp:// [24/01/2022, 21:26:24] [CameraUI] HTTP server for motion detection is listening on port 8080 [24/01/2022, 21:26:24] [CameraUI] Dafang: {"probe":true,"timedout":false,"audio":["pcm_mulaw","16000 Hz","mono","s16","128 kb/s"],"video":["h264 (Main)","yuv420p(progressive)","1280x720","25 fps","25 tbr","90k tbn","50 tbc"]} [24/01/2022, 21:26:24] [CameraUI] Dafang: Incoming ping request for: rtsp:// - Timeout: 1s [24/01/2022, 21:26:24] [CameraUI] Dafang: Pinging [24/01/2022, 21:26:24] [CameraUI] Xiaofang2: {"probe":true,"timedout":false,"audio":["mp3","0 channels","fltp"],"video":["h264 (Main)","yuv420p(progressive)","1280x720","25 tbr","90k tbn","50 tbc"]} [24/01/2022, 21:26:24] [CameraUI] Xiaofang2: Incoming ping request for: rtsp:// - Timeout: 1s [24/01/2022, 21:26:24] [CameraUI] Xiaofang2: Pinging [24/01/2022, 21:26:24] [Google Smart Home] Finished instance discovery [24/01/2022, 21:26:24] [CameraUI] Dafang: Pinging - successful [24/01/2022, 21:26:24] [CameraUI] Dafang: Start prebuffering... [24/01/2022, 21:26:24] [CameraUI] Dafang: Prebuffering command: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -fflags +genpts -fflags +discardcorrupt -i rtsp:// -vcodec copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc -acodec libfdk_aac -profile:a aac_low -flags +global_header -ar 8k -b:a 100k -ac 1 -f tee -map 0:v? -map 0:a? [movflags=frag_keyframe+empty_moov+default_base_moof:f=mp4]tcp://|[f=mpegts]tcp:// [24/01/2022, 21:26:24] [CameraUI] Xiaofang2: Pinging - successful [24/01/2022, 21:26:24] [CameraUI] Xiaofang2: Start prebuffering... [24/01/2022, 21:26:24] [CameraUI] Xiaofang2: Prebuffering command: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -fflags +genpts -i rtsp:// -vcodec copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc -acodec libfdk_aac -profile:a aac_low -flags +global_header -ar 8k -b:a 100k -ac 1 -f tee -map 0:v? -map 0:a? [movflags=frag_keyframe+empty_moov+default_base_moof:f=mp4]tcp://|[f=mpegts]tcp:// [24/01/2022, 21:26:24] [CameraUI] IMOU: {"probe":true,"timedout":false,"audio":["aac (LC)","16000 Hz","mono","fltp"],"video":["hevc (Main)","yuvj420p(pc","bt470bg/bt470bg/smpte170m)","1920x1080","90k tbr","90k tbn","90k tbc"]} [24/01/2022, 21:26:24] [CameraUI] IMOU: Incoming ping request for: rtsp://admin:L2657671@ - Timeout: 1s [24/01/2022, 21:26:24] [CameraUI] IMOU: Pinging [24/01/2022, 21:26:24] [CameraUI] IMOU: Pinging - successful [24/01/2022, 21:26:24] [CameraUI] IMOU: Start videoanalysis... [24/01/2022, 21:26:24] [CameraUI] IMOU: Videoanalysis command: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp://admin:L2657671@ -an -vcodec pam -pix_fmt rgb24 -f image2pipe -vf fps=2,scale=640:360 pipe:1 [24/01/2022, 21:26:24] [CameraUI] IMOU: Videoanalysis: Difference: 50 - Sensitivity: 40 - Zones: [{"name":"region0","difference":50,"percent":60,"polygon":[{"x":0,"y":360},{"x":0,"y":0},{"x":640,"y":0},{"x":640,"y":360}]}] [24/01/2022, 21:26:25] [CameraUI] IMOU: Videoanalysis scheduled for restart at 4AM: 394 minutes [24/01/2022, 21:26:28] [CameraUI] Dafang: Prebuffering scheduled for restart at 2AM: 274 minutes [24/01/2022, 21:26:28] [CameraUI] Dafang: Incoming ping request for: rtsp:// - Timeout: 1s [24/01/2022, 21:26:28] [CameraUI] Dafang: Pinging [24/01/2022, 21:26:28] [CameraUI] Dafang: Pinging - successful [24/01/2022, 21:26:28] [CameraUI] Dafang: Start videoanalysis... [24/01/2022, 21:26:28] [CameraUI] Dafang: Videoanalysis command: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -analyzeduration 0 -probesize 500000 -f mpegts -i tcp:// -an -vcodec pam -pix_fmt rgb24 -f image2pipe -vf fps=2,scale=640:360 pipe:1 [24/01/2022, 21:26:28] [CameraUI] Dafang: Videoanalysis: Difference: 14 - Sensitivity: 4 - Zones: [{"name":"region0","difference":14,"percent":96,"polygon":[{"x":0,"y":360},{"x":0,"y":0},{"x":640,"y":0},{"x":640,"y":360}]}]

seydx commented 2 years ago


The ip adresse must be from the device where the mqtt server is running

ahmadnazirafiq commented 2 years ago


The ip adresse must be from the device where the mqtt server is running

I’ve installed Mosquitto onto Raspberry Pi itself and I now see the message MQTT Client for motion detection connected to broker on port 1883.

ahmadnazirafiq commented 2 years ago

Here's the log. I've removed other unrelated plugins and leaving just the Camera-UI. Hope this helps:

[25/01/2022, 00:13:25] [CameraUI] Configuring socket... [25/01/2022, 00:13:25] [CameraUI] Configuring database... [25/01/2022, 00:13:29] [CameraUI] Starting atHome automation [25/01/2022, 00:13:29] [CameraUI] Configuring event controller... [25/01/2022, 00:13:35] [CameraUI] Configuring motion controller... [25/01/2022, 00:13:35] [CameraUI] Setting up MQTT client for motion detection... [25/01/2022, 00:13:36] [CameraUI] Configuring camera controller... [25/01/2022, 00:13:36] [CameraUI] Dafang: Setting up camera, please be patient... [25/01/2022, 00:13:36] [CameraUI] Dafang: Probe stream: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -fflags +discardcorrupt -i rtsp:// [25/01/2022, 00:13:36] [CameraUI] IMOU: Setting up camera, please be patient... [25/01/2022, 00:13:36] [CameraUI] IMOU: Probe stream: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -i rtsp://admin:L2657671@ [25/01/2022, 00:13:36] [CameraUI] Xiaofang2: Setting up camera, please be patient... [25/01/2022, 00:13:36] [CameraUI] Xiaofang2: Probe stream: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -i rtsp:// [25/01/2022, 00:13:36] [CameraUI] Dafang: {"probe":true,"timedout":false,"audio":["pcm_mulaw","16000 Hz","mono","s16","128 kb/s"],"video":["h264","none","90k tbr","90k tbn","180k tbc"]} [25/01/2022, 00:13:36] [CameraUI] Dafang: Incoming ping request for: rtsp:// - Timeout: 1s [25/01/2022, 00:13:36] [CameraUI] Dafang: Pinging [25/01/2022, 00:13:36] [CameraUI] Xiaofang2: {"probe":true,"timedout":false,"audio":["mp3","0 channels","fltp"],"video":["h264 (Main)","yuv420p(progressive)","1280x720","25 fps","25 tbr","90k tbn","50 tbc"]} [25/01/2022, 00:13:36] [CameraUI] Xiaofang2: Incoming ping request for: rtsp:// - Timeout: 1s [25/01/2022, 00:13:36] [CameraUI] Xiaofang2: Pinging [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT Client for motion detection connected to broker on port 1883 [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] Subscribing to MQTT topic: DafangMod1/Dafang1 [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] Subscribing to MQTT topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2 [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/leds/blue - Data: OFF - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/leds/blue) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/leds/yellow - Data: OFF - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/leds/yellow) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/leds/ir - Data: ON - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/leds/ir) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/ir_cut - Data: OFF - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/ir_cut) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/rtsp_server - Data: ON - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/rtsp_server) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/night_mode - Data: ON - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/night_mode) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/night_mode/auto - Data: ON - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/night_mode/auto) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/detection - Data: ON - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/detection) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/led - Data: ON - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/led) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/snapshot - Data: OFF - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/snapshot) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/video - Data: OFF - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/video) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/mqtt_publish - Data: ON - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/mqtt_publish) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/mqtt_snapshot - Data: ON - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/mqtt_snapshot) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/send_mail - Data: OFF - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/send_mail) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/send_telegram - Data: ON - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/send_telegram) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/tracking - Data: OFF - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/tracking) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/recording - Data: OFF - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/recording) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/timelapse - Data: OFF - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/timelapse) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motors/vertical - Data: 0 - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motors/vertical) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motors/horizontal - Data: 0 - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motors/horizontal) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2 - Data: {"uptime":" 00:13:06 up 2:25, 0 users, load average: 2.62, 2.78, 2.61", "ssid":"Terminal", "bitrate":"72.2 Mb/s", "signal_level":"88%", "link_quality":"87%", "noise_level":"0%" } - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: {"camera":"Xiaofang2","topic":"XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2","data":"{\"uptime\":\" 00:13:06 up 2:25, 0 users, load average: 2.62, 2.78, 2.61\", \"ssid\":\"Terminal\", \"bitrate\":\"72.2 Mb/s\", \"signal_level\":\"88%\", \"link_quality\":\"87%\", \"noise_level\":\"0%\" }","json":false,"message":"ON","try":0} [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: {"camera":"Xiaofang2","topic":"XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2","data":"{\"uptime\":\" 00:13:06 up 2:25, 0 users, load average: 2.62, 2.78, 2.61\", \"ssid\":\"Terminal\", \"bitrate\":\"72.2 Mb/s\", \"signal_level\":\"88%\", \"link_quality\":\"87%\", \"noise_level\":\"0%\" }","json":false,"message":"OFF","try":1} [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] The incoming MQTT message ({"uptime":" 00:13:06 up 2:25, 0 users, load average: 2.62, 2.78, 2.61", "ssid":"Terminal", "bitrate":"72.2 Mb/s", "signal_level":"88%", "link_quality":"87%", "noise_level":"0%" }) for the topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2) was not the same as set in config.json (ON). Skip... [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/night_mode - Data: ON - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/night_mode) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] IMOU: {"probe":true,"timedout":false,"audio":["aac (LC)","16000 Hz","mono","fltp"],"video":["hevc (Main)","yuvj420p(pc","bt470bg/bt470bg/smpte170m)","1920x1080","90k tbr","90k tbn","90k tbc"]} [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] IMOU: Incoming ping request for: rtsp://admin:L2657671@ - Timeout: 1s [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] IMOU: Pinging [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/night_mode/auto - Data: ON - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/night_mode/auto) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/detection - Data: ON - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:13:37] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/detection) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 00:13:38] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/led - Data: ON - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:13:38] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/led) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 00:13:38] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/snapshot - Data: OFF - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:13:38] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/snapshot) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 00:13:38] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/video - Data: OFF - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:13:38] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/video) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 00:13:38] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/mqtt_publish - Data: ON - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:13:38] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/mqtt_publish) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 00:13:38] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/mqtt_snapshot - Data: ON - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:13:38] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/mqtt_snapshot) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 00:13:38] [CameraUI] Dafang: Pinging - successful [25/01/2022, 00:13:38] [CameraUI] Dafang: Start prebuffering... [25/01/2022, 00:13:38] [CameraUI] Dafang: Prebuffering command: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -fflags +genpts -fflags +discardcorrupt -i rtsp:// -vcodec copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc -acodec libfdk_aac -profile:a aac_low -flags +global_header -ar 8k -b:a 100k -ac 1 -f tee -map 0:v? -map 0:a? [movflags=frag_keyframe+empty_moov+default_base_moof:f=mp4]tcp://|[f=mpegts]tcp:// [25/01/2022, 00:13:38] [CameraUI] Xiaofang2: Pinging - successful [25/01/2022, 00:13:38] [CameraUI] Xiaofang2: Start prebuffering... [25/01/2022, 00:13:38] [CameraUI] Xiaofang2: Prebuffering command: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -fflags +genpts -i rtsp:// -vcodec copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc -acodec libfdk_aac -profile:a aac_low -flags +global_header -ar 8k -b:a 100k -ac 1 -f tee -map 0:v? -map 0:a? [movflags=frag_keyframe+empty_moov+default_base_moof:f=mp4]tcp://|[f=mpegts]tcp:// [25/01/2022, 00:13:38] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/send_mail - Data: OFF - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:13:38] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/send_mail) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 00:13:38] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/send_telegram - Data: ON - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:13:38] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/send_telegram) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 00:13:38] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/tracking - Data: OFF - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:13:38] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/tracking) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 00:13:38] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/recording - Data: OFF - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:13:38] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/recording) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 00:13:39] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/timelapse - Data: OFF - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:13:39] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/timelapse) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 00:13:39] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motors/vertical - Data: 0 - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:13:39] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motors/vertical) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 00:13:39] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motors/horizontal - Data: 0 - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:13:39] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motors/horizontal) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 00:13:39] [CameraUI] IMOU: Pinging - successful [25/01/2022, 00:13:39] [CameraUI] IMOU: Start videoanalysis... [25/01/2022, 00:13:39] [CameraUI] IMOU: Videoanalysis command: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp://admin:L2657671@ -an -vcodec pam -pix_fmt rgb24 -f image2pipe -vf fps=2,scale=640:360 pipe:1 [25/01/2022, 00:13:39] [CameraUI] IMOU: Videoanalysis: Difference: 50 - Sensitivity: 40 - Zones: [{"name":"region0","difference":50,"percent":60,"polygon":[{"x":0,"y":360},{"x":0,"y":0},{"x":640,"y":0},{"x":640,"y":360}]}] [25/01/2022, 00:13:39] [CameraUI] IMOU: Videoanalysis scheduled for restart at 4AM: 226 minutes [25/01/2022, 00:13:39] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2 - Data: {"uptime":" 00:13:39 up 2:25, 0 users, load average: 2.48, 2.73, 2.60", "ssid":"Terminal", "bitrate":"72.2 Mb/s", "signal_level":"90%", "link_quality":"84%", "noise_level":"0%" } - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:13:39] [CameraUI] MQTT: {"camera":"Xiaofang2","topic":"XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2","data":"{\"uptime\":\" 00:13:39 up 2:25, 0 users, load average: 2.48, 2.73, 2.60\", \"ssid\":\"Terminal\", \"bitrate\":\"72.2 Mb/s\", \"signal_level\":\"90%\", \"link_quality\":\"84%\", \"noise_level\":\"0%\" }","json":false,"message":"ON","try":0} [25/01/2022, 00:13:39] [CameraUI] MQTT: {"camera":"Xiaofang2","topic":"XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2","data":"{\"uptime\":\" 00:13:39 up 2:25, 0 users, load average: 2.48, 2.73, 2.60\", \"ssid\":\"Terminal\", \"bitrate\":\"72.2 Mb/s\", \"signal_level\":\"90%\", \"link_quality\":\"84%\", \"noise_level\":\"0%\" }","json":false,"message":"OFF","try":1} [25/01/2022, 00:13:39] [CameraUI] The incoming MQTT message ({"uptime":" 00:13:39 up 2:25, 0 users, load average: 2.48, 2.73, 2.60", "ssid":"Terminal", "bitrate":"72.2 Mb/s", "signal_level":"90%", "link_quality":"84%", "noise_level":"0%" }) for the topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2) was not the same as set in config.json (ON). Skip... [25/01/2022, 00:13:40] [CameraUI] Dafang: Prebuffering scheduled for restart at 2AM: 106 minutes [25/01/2022, 00:13:40] [CameraUI] Dafang: Incoming ping request for: rtsp:// - Timeout: 1s [25/01/2022, 00:13:40] [CameraUI] Dafang: Pinging [25/01/2022, 00:13:40] [CameraUI] Dafang: Pinging - successful [25/01/2022, 00:13:40] [CameraUI] Dafang: Start videoanalysis... [25/01/2022, 00:13:40] [CameraUI] Dafang: Videoanalysis command: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -analyzeduration 0 -probesize 500000 -f mpegts -i tcp:// -an -vcodec pam -pix_fmt rgb24 -f image2pipe -vf fps=2,scale=640:360 pipe:1 [25/01/2022, 00:13:41] [CameraUI] Dafang: Videoanalysis: Difference: 14 - Sensitivity: 4 - Zones: [{"name":"region0","difference":14,"percent":96,"polygon":[{"x":0,"y":360},{"x":0,"y":0},{"x":640,"y":0},{"x":640,"y":360}]}] [25/01/2022, 00:13:41] [CameraUI] Dafang: Videoanalysis scheduled for restart at 4AM: 226 minutes [25/01/2022, 00:13:41] [Google Smart Home] Sending Sync Request [25/01/2022, 00:13:42] [Google Smart Home] Received SYNC intent [25/01/2022, 00:13:42] [CameraUI] Xiaofang2: Prebuffering scheduled for restart at 2AM: 106 minutes [25/01/2022, 00:13:42] [CameraUI] Xiaofang2: Incoming ping request for: rtsp:// - Timeout: 1s [25/01/2022, 00:13:42] [CameraUI] Xiaofang2: Pinging [25/01/2022, 00:13:46] [CameraUI] Xiaofang2: Pinging - successful [25/01/2022, 00:13:46] [CameraUI] Xiaofang2: Start videoanalysis... [25/01/2022, 00:13:46] [CameraUI] Xiaofang2: Videoanalysis command: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -analyzeduration 0 -probesize 500000 -f mpegts -i tcp:// -an -vcodec pam -pix_fmt rgb24 -f image2pipe -vf fps=2,scale=640:360 pipe:1 [25/01/2022, 00:13:46] [CameraUI] Xiaofang2: Videoanalysis: Difference: 15 - Sensitivity: 7 - Zones: [{"name":"region0","difference":15,"percent":93,"polygon":[{"x":0,"y":360},{"x":0,"y":0},{"x":640,"y":0},{"x":640,"y":360}]}] [25/01/2022, 00:13:46] [CameraUI] Xiaofang2: Videoanalysis scheduled for restart at 4AM: 226 minutes [25/01/2022, 00:13:46] [CameraUI] Starting interface... [25/01/2022, 00:13:46] [CameraUI] camera.ui v5.0.14 is listening on port 8081 (http) [25/01/2022, 00:13:46] [CameraUI] Dafang: Videoanalysis finished launching [25/01/2022, 00:13:46] [CameraUI] IMOU: Videoanalysis finished launching [25/01/2022, 00:13:46] [CameraUI] Xiaofang2: Videoanalysis finished launching [25/01/2022, 00:14:09] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/leds/blue - Data: OFF - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:14:09] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/leds/blue) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 00:14:09] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/leds/yellow - Data: OFF - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:14:09] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/leds/yellow) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 00:14:10] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/leds/ir - Data: ON - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:14:10] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/leds/ir) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 00:14:10] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/ir_cut - Data: OFF - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:14:10] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/ir_cut) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 00:14:10] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/rtsp_server - Data: ON - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:14:10] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/rtsp_server) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 00:14:10] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/night_mode - Data: ON - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:14:10] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/night_mode) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 00:14:11] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/night_mode/auto - Data: ON - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:14:11] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/night_mode/auto) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 00:14:11] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/detection - Data: ON - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:14:11] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/detection) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 00:14:11] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/led - Data: ON - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:14:11] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/led) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 00:14:11] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/snapshot - Data: OFF - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:14:11] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/snapshot) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 00:14:11] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/video - Data: OFF - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:14:11] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/video) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 00:14:11] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/mqtt_publish - Data: ON - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:14:11] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/mqtt_publish) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 00:14:11] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/mqtt_snapshot - Data: ON - Type: string [25/01/2022, 00:14:11] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (XiaoMod2/Xiaofang2/motion/mqtt_snapshot) to a camera!

ahmadnazirafiq commented 2 years ago

Holy shit! Is this a good sign?? It does show up on my Apple TV.


But only one camera so far. The IMOU camera doesn't even have MQTT feature, would it work with just HTTP-based motion?

seydx commented 2 years ago

Holy shit! Is this a good sign?? It does show up on my Apple TV.


But only one camera so far. The IMOU camera doesn't even have MQTT feature, would it work with just HTTP-based motion?

Sure, if the http server is enabled, you can automatically trigger motion for this camera


ahmadnazirafiq commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately, it stops working again. I've tried restarting MQTT, rebooted hub, rebooted the camera, restarted Homebridge multiple times. It seems like when it detects something, it starts to produce a really long cryptic messages in the log:

EH IL MP QT UX YZ[^ _stszqco64 k�/�;_D�O}]Kf�rx~����^���5�eħ!-8VJoT�[�l;vc��^�����������m��J��C �;�#�d�o�u�{������7�-����ɨ����y�����)�2�>-F7W9]�h$'6/>�E�M YzbOjr����.���x���0����C�����������&�/'�trak\tkhd���� ��@�{mdia mdhd����X :hdlrmhlrvideapplApple Video Media Handlerminfvmhd@���9hdlrdhlralisapplApple Alias Data Handler$dinfdref alis�stbl�stsd�avc1appl�HHH.264��.avcCM@��gM@��n��h�<�sttst(<stss %1=IUamtstsc�stszt [��4rs��n�c��?M� ��8���(���Z�I�����`]8��$�-��� �P [25/01/2022, 10:19:00] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (DafangMod1/Dafang1/motion/video) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 10:19:01] [CameraUI] Dafang: Prebuffering scheduled for restart at 2AM: 941 minutes [25/01/2022, 10:19:06] [CameraUI] Dafang: Incoming ping request for: rtsp:// - Timeout: 1s [25/01/2022, 10:19:06] [CameraUI] Dafang: Pinging [25/01/2022, 10:19:06] [CameraUI] Dafang: FFmpeg prebuffer process exited (expected) [25/01/2022, 10:19:06] [CameraUI] Dafang: Prebufferring process closed [25/01/2022, 10:19:06] [CameraUI] Dafang: Restart prebuffer session.. [25/01/2022, 10:19:06] [CameraUI] Dafang: FFMPEG socket closed during read for 8 bytes! [25/01/2022, 10:19:06] [CameraUI] Dafang: Pinging - successful [25/01/2022, 10:19:06] [CameraUI] Dafang: Start prebuffering... [25/01/2022, 10:19:06] [CameraUI] Dafang: Prebuffering command: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -fflags +genpts -fflags +discardcorrupt -i rtsp:// -vcodec copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc -acodec libfdk_aac -profile:a aac_low -flags +global_header -ar 8k -b:a 100k -ac 1 -f tee -map 0:v? -map 0:a? [movflags=frag_keyframe+empty_moov+default_base_moof:f=mp4]tcp://|[f=mpegts]tcp:// [25/01/2022, 10:19:10] [CameraUI] MQTT: New message: Topic: DafangMod1/Dafang1/motion - Data: OFF - Type: string [25/01/2022, 10:19:10] [CameraUI] MQTT: Can not assign the MQTT topic (DafangMod1/Dafang1/motion) to a camera! [25/01/2022, 10:19:11] [CameraUI] Dafang: Prebuffering scheduled for restart at 2AM: 941 minutes [25/01/2022, 10:19:16] [CameraUI] Dafang: Incoming ping request for: rtsp:// - Timeout: 1s [25/01/2022, 10:19:16] [CameraUI] Dafang: Pinging [25/01/2022, 10:19:16] [CameraUI] Dafang: FFmpeg prebuffer process exited (expected) [25/01/2022, 10:19:16] [CameraUI] Dafang: Prebufferring process closed [25/01/2022, 10:19:16] [CameraUI] Dafang: Restart prebuffer session.. [25/01/2022, 10:19:16] [CameraUI] Dafang: FFMPEG socket closed during read for 8 bytes! [25/01/2022, 10:19:16] [CameraUI] Dafang: Pinging - successful [25/01/2022, 10:19:16] [CameraUI] Dafang: Start prebuffering... [25/01/2022, 10:19:16] [CameraUI] Dafang: Prebuffering command: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-camera-ui/node_modules/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -fflags +genpts -fflags +discardcorrupt -i rtsp:// -vcodec copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc -acodec libfdk_aac -profile:a aac_low -flags +global_header -ar 8k -b:a 100k -ac 1 -f tee -map 0:v? -map 0:a? [movflags=frag_keyframe+empty_moov+default_base_moof:f=mp4]tcp://|[f=mpegts]tcp:// [25/01/2022, 10:19:21] [CameraUI] Dafang: Prebuffering scheduled for restart at 2AM: 941 minutes

seydx commented 2 years ago


The camera sends a video buffer to topic „ DafangMod1/Dafang1/motion/video“ which can not be assigned to a camera

what are the defined topics in your config?

ahmadnazirafiq commented 2 years ago


The camera sends a video buffer to topic „ DafangMod1/Dafang1/motion/video“ which can not be assigned to a camera

what are the defined topics in your config?

The topics are DafangMod1/Dafang1 which I pasted inside Motion Topic Prefix of the camera.

seydx commented 2 years ago

@ahmadnazirafiq The camera sends a video buffer to topic „ DafangMod1/Dafang1/motion/video“ which can not be assigned to a camera what are the defined topics in your config?

The topics are DafangMod1/Dafang1 which I pasted inside Motion Topic Prefix of the camera.

Are these fixed topics defined by the camera? Or can you change it in the camera settings?

can you post a screenshot of the camera mqtt settings pls

ahmadnazirafiq commented 2 years ago

Yes, that’s the only way I could define the topic for this Dafang camera. Below is the web UI for the camera:


Odd enough, after removing other cameras from the Camera-UI (leaving just Dafang), it suddenly reports the motion again. Not sure if its a bug.

seydx commented 2 years ago


can you change the topics in your config.json to DafangMod1/Dafang1/motion and try again pls

ahmadnazirafiq commented 2 years ago


can you change the topics in your config.json to DafangMod1/Dafang1/motion and try again pls

This helps. It’s consistently monitoring motion and notifies me now. I’ll add additional camera to camera-ui with similar specs and see how this goes. Thanks for your help! 👍