seyhunak / twitter-bootstrap-rails

Twitter Bootstrap for Rails 6.0, Rails 5 - Rails 4.x Asset Pipeline
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What about bootstrap version 3.3.x #887

Closed fabn closed 8 years ago

fabn commented 8 years ago

I use this awesome gem, however I'd like to upgrade my bootstrap less files to latest 3.3.x version to get some new features and bugfixes.

I see that lot of PR got merged but none of them are related to boostrap upgrade. Also latest rubygems release was made on January.

What's the current status of this project, will it be upgraded?

seyhunak commented 8 years ago

@fabn Yes, just bumped a new version. I decided to keep project alive and I'll push pull requests and updates regularly to Rubygems.

fabn commented 8 years ago

@seyhunak thanks for the new rubygem release.

What about 3.3 support? Would you accept a PR that adds it? If so, I'll try to submit it tomorrow.

seyhunak commented 8 years ago

@fabn PR's are welcome.

avk commented 8 years ago

Any tips on how to actually upgrade to BS 3.3.*? My gem is at the latest:

twitter-bootstrap-rails (3.2.2)

but even after rake assets:clobber, I'm still serving BS 3.2.0 assets...

fabn commented 8 years ago

@avk #888 is only in master branch. You need to point your Gemfile to github to use it.

avk commented 8 years ago

@fabn thanks, that did it!

@seyhunak any plan to do an actual version release with these changes? Unfortunate to be pushing such a stale version of Bootstrap by default.