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Asylum loader question #49

Closed sezero closed 3 years ago

sezero commented 3 years ago

As reported by Thomas Neumann (@neumatho):

I noticed that in ConvertNote() in Asylum loader, you have a local
variable called lastnote. It seems like it should be a memory of the
last note found and is used as such. The problem is, that when used,
it will always be zero. Should this variable be global instead?
I mean, did I found a bug or is it by purpose the way its doing now?

Indeed, lastnote assignment doesn't seem to matter in present code, it is never used after being assigned.

Further note by Thomas Neumann (@neumatho):

I found one module, where it go into that code path where there is no note,
but an effect. The module is "Crusader - No Remorse - Misc2" and its on
position 3-6 in channel 6. I tried to load the module into OpenMPT to check
what it does. It do not apply any notes, but the effect and instrument.
See screenshot.

I tried to listen to this channel and the same with the MikMod player, and
it sound identical. So I think, that the loader does the right thing by not
applying any notes. Therefore it could be a good idea to make some cleanup
and remove the lastnote variable :-)


sezero commented 3 years ago

Comments? (@AliceLR?)

sagamusix commented 3 years ago

It's bogus.

sezero commented 3 years ago

It's bogus.

Then I suggest the following patch:

diff --git a/libmikmod/loaders/load_asy.c b/libmikmod/loaders/load_asy.c
index 8dbd9d2..33f31bd 100644
--- a/libmikmod/loaders/load_asy.c
+++ b/libmikmod/loaders/load_asy.c
@@ -146,11 +146,10 @@ static void ASY_Cleanup(void)

 static int ConvertNote(MODNOTE *n)
    UBYTE instrument, effect, effdat, note;
    UWORD period;
-   UBYTE lastnote = 0;

    instrument = n->b&0x1f;
    effect = n->c;
    effdat = n->d;

@@ -191,27 +190,23 @@ static int ConvertNote(MODNOTE *n)
                    /* ...unless an effect was specified,
                     * which forces a new note to be
                     * played */
                    if (effect || effdat) {
                        UniInstrument(instrument - 1);
-                       note = lastnote;
                    } else
                            mh->samples[instrument -
                            1].volume & 0x7f);
            } else {
                /* Fasttracker handling */
                UniInstrument(instrument - 1);
-               if (!note)
-                   note = lastnote;
    if (note) {
        UniNote(note + 2 * OCTAVE - 1);
-       lastnote = note;

    /* Convert pattern jump from Dec to Hex */
    if (effect == 0xd)
        effdat = (((effdat & 0xf0) >> 4) * 10) + (effdat & 0xf);


sagamusix commented 3 years ago

Looks sensible to me.

sezero commented 3 years ago

Patch applied as 3c248bac7285b7d4bd93bc39369f8c7bb7257e7a