sf-inc / music_control

More control over Minecraft musics!
MIT License
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Continuous Music [request] #25

Open Anoaxx opened 1 year ago

Anoaxx commented 1 year ago

I was thinking recently about something... why we cant listen to music continouously, without stopping music in pause menu/leaving world/server and changing immidetaly in main menu. Is it even possible yet?

charlyb01 commented 1 year ago

Hi again! I was going to check this actually because someone else asked me the same thing. I don't know if it's possible, maybe it checks for specific resource pack when loading a world. I will check it after the GUI, which is almost done 😉

Anoaxx commented 7 months ago


charlyb01 commented 7 months ago

I was focusing on the last major change previously (the music configuration menu). I have a bit of time in the coming days, so I promise to check that soon this time! Sorry for the delay

Anoaxx commented 7 months ago

As u said last time: you wanted to finish GUI before that, and i notice u made an update with config options

charlyb01 commented 7 months ago

I spent quite a lot of time trying to find what was stopping the sound when joining a world, but sadly I didn't find. This is likely not trivial, or maybe I just missed something. I will stop searching for now, as it should not take this much time for a simple feature.
However, I added an option to not pause music when we pause the game. That's at least one part of your request. I will release a new version including this shortly.

charlyb01 commented 7 months ago

I released a new version with the option to not pause music in the game menu. Don't hesitate to try it out!

alien-sunset commented 3 months ago

i know this issue seems to be a bit bigger than it initially looked, so don't feel rushed, but I just wanted to pop in a and say that I also would like the music to not stop when joining a world or when i go through portals

Anoaxx commented 3 months ago

i mean part of it should be in.. music in pause menu is already in, but probably its going to be rewrited?

charlyb01 commented 3 months ago

I didn't find how to not stop the music when joining a world at that time. I may investigate a bit more to find a solution, but as I spent already quite a lot of time for this "small" feature, I don't want to spend too much time on it.

For the portals, I think it might be linked to the same issue when joining a world. I will check again soon and get back to you to tell you if I found a way or not.