sf-inc / music_control

More control over Minecraft musics!
MIT License
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Do not detect properly music from some mods #37

Open vAlbum opened 11 months ago

vAlbum commented 11 months ago

i am using the mcci utils mod, so it could just be an issue on that mod's part, but the songs from that mod show up on the list but dont actually play when clicked

charlyb01 commented 11 months ago

Hello and thank you for the report!
I am currently in vacation, but I will take a look at it as soon as I can 😉

charlyb01 commented 9 months ago

MCCI Utils mod is discontinued and doesn't seem to contain any music. Can you give me more details, or maybe a link to the mod if I didn't find the right one?

charlyb01 commented 9 months ago

Even though I didn't find this with your mod, I actually found out that some music may not be registered properly, though they might be detected in the gui. I need to find out if I can detect music category from json. Otherwise, it will need that developers put their music file in a music folder, just like minecraft folder hierarchy

vAlbum commented 9 months ago

I saw your reply, I will reply as soon as I get the chance, I just don't want to leave you in the dark