sf-inc / music_control

More control over Minecraft musics!
MIT License
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Issue with Wilder Wild #50

Closed WitherBuilder13 closed 2 months ago

WitherBuilder13 commented 6 months ago

So my game crashed and the crash report includes:

Could not execute entrypoint stage 'client' due to errors, provided by 'music_control'!

Also included is the following:

Suppressed: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unreferenced key: ResourceKey[minecraft:worldgen/biome / wilderwild:dark_birch_forest] at net.minecraft.class_7877$class_7878.method_55299(class_7877.java:167) at net.minecraft.class_7877.method_46780(class_7877.java:289) ... 12 more

(the "wilderwild:dark_birch_forest" is just one biome, this whole module of text is repeated for every biome, for example, "wilderwild:oasis" is in the next module)

If you need any more info please let me know!

charlyb01 commented 4 months ago

Hello, thanks for the report! Which version of Music Control are you playing with?

WitherBuilder13 commented 4 months ago


Anoaxx commented 4 months ago

btw which loader?

WitherBuilder13 commented 4 months ago

fabric 0.15.7 with fabric api 0.96.4+1.20.4

PolyframeX commented 4 months ago

I have the same issue upon loading the game. Issue is present on 1.20.1, also fabric.

Anoaxx commented 4 months ago

As i can see i have similar problem. lets say that chages in 1.7 of music control messes some code, and it cant be use with this mod. I can suppose that this the same problem as with Quilt loader but author needs to investigate

charlyb01 commented 3 months ago

Hello again, sorry for the long wait! It was hard to find a fix, as I didn't understand the issue. Indeed, it does work with other mods adding biomes, so I have no clue what's different with this one. However, I found a way to fix it recently. I will release an update soon with it!