sfa-siard / siard-suite

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Environment setup for development #105

Open kimhyohwan opened 3 weeks ago

kimhyohwan commented 3 weeks ago

"When importing the source code downloaded from the siard-suite repository as a project in Eclipse, many errors occur. Please explain the environment setup for development in detail."

mburri commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @kimhyohwan

We are not familiar (anymore) with eclipse, since we usually use Intellij. I think the community edition should be enough to work with the SIARD Suite sources.

Without knowing your error messages, here are some hints that might help you:

Let me know if any of theses tipps helped you to narrow down your problem.

kimhyohwan commented 3 weeks ago

Any additional plugins to install, or libraries to download?

It was successful to 'build' and 'run' using the command.

mburri commented 3 weeks ago

Not that I'm aware of. As I said, I'm unfamiliar with eclipse. Did you add the lib folder to the classpath? What error messages do you get?

mburri commented 3 weeks ago

The repo of previous implementation (SiardGUI) was set up to work with eclipse and still contains the eclipse project files, especially the .classpath: https://github.com/sfa-siard/SiardGui/blob/main/.classpath

The old gui was basically the same tech stack - Maybe this helps?

mburri commented 2 weeks ago

There is a section on how to setup a java fx project with eclipse in the openjfx documentation: https://openjfx.io/openjfx-docs/