When importing a Siard file into a SQL Server database into a schema whose the name contains the character "_", the process checks if the schema already exists with the following query:
select sys.schemas.name 'TABLE_SCHEM', CASE WHEN sys.schemas.name IN ('dbo', 'guest','INFORMATION_SCHEMA','sys','db_owner', 'db_accessadmin', 'db_securityadmin',
'db_ddladmin' ,'db_backupoperator','db_datareader','db_datawriter','db_denydatareader','db_denydatawriter') THEN null ELSE DB_NAME() END 'TABLE_CATALOG'
from sys.schemas where sys.schemas.name like N'DBA_JBP' order by 2, 1
The query doesn't work because the escape character "\" (antislash) behind the "_" is ignored in SQL Server (it may be specific to Oracle databases).
If the schema already exists, the query don't find it and the process try to create it, that makes it fail.
When importing a Siard file into a SQL Server database into a schema whose the name contains the character "_", the process checks if the schema already exists with the following query:
The query doesn't work because the escape character "\" (antislash) behind the "_" is ignored in SQL Server (it may be specific to Oracle databases).
If the schema already exists, the query don't find it and the process try to create it, that makes it fail.