sfackler / rust-postgres

Native PostgreSQL driver for the Rust programming language
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Error when inserting custom Enum #938

Closed mmarkmos closed 2 years ago

mmarkmos commented 2 years ago

I have the following SQL

CREATE TYPE foo_type AS ENUM ( 'foo',  'bar');

CREATE TABLE foo_count(
    id INTEGER ,
    foo foo_type;
    count        BIGINT,
    PRIMARY KEY (foo, id)

and the following rust code

#[derive(Debug, ToSql, FromSql, Eq, Hash, PartialEq, Copy, Clone)]
#[postgres(name = "foo_type")]
pub enum Foo {
     #[postgres(name = "foo")]
     #[postgres(name = "bar")]

When trying to insert with BinaryCopyInWriter, it works.

    let foo_type = Type::new(

    let types: &[Type] = &[Type::INT4, foo_type, Type::INT8];
    let sink = client.copy_in("COPY foo_count (id, foo, count) FROM stdin BINARY;").await.unwrap();
    let writer = BinaryCopyInWriter::new(sink, &types);
    let row: Vec<&'_ (dyn ToSql + Sync)> = vec![&(1i32), &Foo::FOO, &(100i64)];

    println!("Rows added {:?}", writer.finish().await);

But when trying to use a prepared Statement it doesn't work;

    let types: &[Type] = &[Type::INT4, foo_type, Type::INT8];
    let stmt: tokio_postgres::Statement = client.prepare_typed("INSERT INTO foo_count (id, foo, count) VALUES ($1, $2, $3);",    types).await.unwrap();

    let row: Vec<&'_ (dyn ToSql + Sync)> = vec![&(1i32),  &Foo::FOO, &(100i64)];
    client.execute(&stmt, &row).await.unwrap();

Getting the error

thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Error { kind: ToSql(1), cause: Some(WrongType { postgres: Other(Other { name: "foo_type", oid: 18157, kind: Enum(["foo", "bar"]), schema: "public" }), rust: "all_in_rust:: Foo" }) }'
sfackler commented 2 years ago

You are setting the OID of the Type to 0, which is not correct. If you need to specify the type explicitly in a statement (which you do not in this case), you will want to retrieve the type from the database by e.g. preparing a statement that returns it and pulling the type from the returned Statement.

mmarkmos commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your quick response, but when getting the type from

client.query("select unnest(enum_range(null::foo_type));");

or statticly setting the oid to 18157 im am still getting the same error.

sfackler commented 2 years ago

This test passes for me.

fn foo() {
    #[derive(Debug, ToSql, FromSql, Eq, Hash, PartialEq, Copy, Clone)]
    #[postgres(name = "foo_type")]
    pub enum Foo {
        #[postgres(name = "foo")]
        #[postgres(name = "bar")]

    let mut conn = Client::connect("user=postgres host=localhost port=5433", NoTls).unwrap();
    CREATE TYPE pg_temp.foo_type AS ENUM ( 'foo',  'bar');

        id INTEGER ,
        foo foo_type,
        count        BIGINT,
        PRIMARY KEY (foo, id)

    let stmt = conn
        .prepare("INSERT INTO foo_count (id, foo, count) VALUES ($1, $2, $3)")

    conn.execute(&stmt, &[&1i32, &Foo::FOO, &100i64]).unwrap();
mmarkmos commented 2 years ago

Thank you again, for your swift help. Apparently I missed one enum in the sql, it was commented out 😅.

Interesting how the copy statement was still working.