sfb1451 / crc-schema-draft

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Case study: Author #6

Open mslw opened 9 months ago

mslw commented 9 months ago

This is about slots with two possible classes in their range - and about reusing schema.org definitions when we in fact rely on a modified subset of their properties.

Current state

Our Dataset class defines author slot as:


In https://schema.org/author (as in real life), an author is expected to be an Organization or a Person.

In SFB tabby, we expect an author to have name, email, orcid, affiliation.

We model that as an Author class:


Similar case: DataController.



Should our Author really have class_uri: schema:Person, or be our "own" definition of an Author which is related to a schema:Person? LinkML allows to define mappings, such as close_mapping which map to SKOS data model.

This would shows in the docs as: URI: sfb1451_schema:Author and then in the "Mappings section" as:

Mapping Type Mapped Value
self sfb1451_schema:Author
native sfb1451_schema:Author
close schema:Person

OTOH I am not sure what other practical meaning that would have. E.g. if what I care is feeding the data to the catalog, it's probably better to carry over the schema IRI?

mslw commented 9 months ago

A snapshot from a whiteboard discussion, to refresh our memories:
