sfbrigade / Infrastructure-Team

The central location for the SF Brigade Infrastructure Team organizational issues and planning.
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Hack Night Brainstorming #17

Open therebelrobot opened 8 years ago

therebelrobot commented 8 years ago

cc: (I need to get the Hack Night team's Github usernames)

Hello friends! This Github issue is a thread for your website ideas. What do you want the sfbrigade website to do for you? Any thoughts, no matter how small, feel free to post them anytime as a comment down below. As we are looking at things like website UX, we want to address more of the specific needs the website should meet, and for that we need your input.

To comment, you will need a Github Account. If you do not have one, or do not know how to use it, please reach out anyone on the Website and Tools Team (@sfbrigade/website-tools), and one of us can get you set up / familiarized with the platform.