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Create asset inventory of current site. #19

Closed bouncinglime closed 8 years ago

bouncinglime commented 8 years ago

Current "design spec" is limited to the fact that we have a logo, and that we should be using it on our stuff.

Questions What font are we using? How do people feel about red, white, and blue?

cc: @sfbrigade/executive-core-team @sfbrigade/project-launch-core-team @sfbrigade/member-support-core-team @sfbrigade/hack-night-core-team

therebelrobot commented 8 years ago

This is the profile photo of the Twitter account: codeforsanfrancisco

I couldn't find one with text in it, so I threw one together for adopt-a-drain: codeforsanfrancisco

Font in that is frontenac

As for what's in the website, the fonts are google fonts, body text is "Oswald","Helvetica Neue","Verdana", sans-serif, and the nav bar is "Quattrocento", "Georgia",serif;, both in this collection: https://www.google.com/fonts#ChoosePlace:select/Collection:Oswald|Quattrocento

jszwedko commented 8 years ago

Red, white, and blue seems consistent with the current theme so in absence of any better suggestions, that seems fine to me.

hackajesse commented 8 years ago

I don't know what San Francisco's official colors are, but that could be another option.

–  Jesse Biroscak


c. 415.439.3164

[Li] [Tw]

On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 8:04 PM, Jesse Szwedko notifications@github.com wrote:

Red, white, and blue seems consistent with the current theme so in absence of any better suggestions, that seems fine to me.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/sfbrigade/Website-Tools-Team/issues/19#issuecomment-150437704

jszwedko commented 8 years ago

Looks like yellow, brown, and red if the flag is any indication:


hackajesse commented 8 years ago

I’d like us to note that that’s a phoenix rising from the flames… which is bad-fucking-ass. Had no idea about that. The SF City seal also has a phoenix on it…

Me thinks we should somehow bring that phoenix into Code for SF (and lobby the Govt to create an awesomesauce logo out of it).

–  Jesse Biroscak


c. 415.439.3164

[Li] [Tw]

On Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 8:44 AM, Jesse Szwedko notifications@github.com wrote:

Looks like yellow, brown, and red if the flag is any indication:


Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/sfbrigade/Website-Tools-Team/issues/19#issuecomment-150612498

sioux-stark commented 8 years ago

Oro en Paz—Fierro en Guerra, "Gold in Peace, Iron in War". I totally love our flag as well! We could incorporate the color gold. Sadly, there is a campaign to change our flag.... one lame sauce designer said it sucked and everyone is joining the bandwagon.

therebelrobot commented 8 years ago

^ related

hackajesse commented 8 years ago

I can understand an update, but not an outright change.

–  Jesse Biroscak


c. 415.439.3164

[Li] [Tw]

On Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 3:27 PM, Trent Oswald notifications@github.com wrote:

^ related

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/sfbrigade/Website-Tools-Team/issues/19#issuecomment-150707286

bouncinglime commented 8 years ago

Colors in use :

This seems like a lot to me; do we need all these variations on blue? Can we just use one? Does that break anything with a11y?

bouncinglime commented 8 years ago

Fonts in use :

According to the SIL Open Font License, it's totally cool to use them as long as we're not selling the fonts. Just wanted to be sure!

I don't know what fonts the Github and twitter widgets are using, but I'm guessing the fonts there are covered under whatever licenses Github and twitter have.

However, there are several other fonts referenced in the bootstrap css file. We should take them out, since we don't necessarily have licenses for them and don't want to use them.

bouncinglime commented 8 years ago

I'm going to start recreating the logo as an svg file unless someone speaks up and says they have it.

bouncinglime commented 8 years ago

Frontenac, the font in the logo, is only free for personal use. I'm not sure this counts as personal use. How did that font get picked? Is it possible to use Quattrocento instead?

hackajesse commented 8 years ago

Design has been very ad hoc and hasn't regarded licences. You should feel free to simplify, make decisions (collaborating with @therebelrobot / w&t team), and assume there are very few if any existing design resources (i.e. an svg of the logo doesn't exist to the best of my knowledge).

Thanks for your efforts to bring order! That is precisely the goal. :)

–  Jesse Biroscak


c. 415.439.3164

[Li] [Tw]

On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 4:27 PM, Mari Hsu notifications@github.com wrote:

Frontenac, the font in the logo, is only free for personal use. I'm not sure this counts as personal use. How did that font get picked? Is it possible to use Quattrocento instead?

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/sfbrigade/Website-Tools-Team/issues/19#issuecomment-150987089

therebelrobot commented 8 years ago

This seems like a lot to me; do we need all these variations on blue? Can we just use one? Does that break anything with a11y?

(from what I've been told), the colors/design weren't chosen out of a11y or style guides, but rather were what was already present in the template they grabbed (I could be wrong here, @jasonlally?). A revamp of colors, even a completely new palette, is definitely on the table if you want to tackle it.

there are several other fonts referenced in the bootstrap css file

Unless we are distributing the files, the reference is only valid if they are available on the users system, which would be (presumably) legally licensed. This is standard operating procedure on CSS files, to provide alternative fallback references if the user has them. To remove them would be to cut out any user who doesn't have a @font-face enabled browser, which would be older versions of IE, as well as some mobile browsers. Bootstrap has been used commercially for years now, and no font licensing issues have come against them or because of them.

I don't know what fonts the Github and twitter widgets are using, but I'm guessing the fonts there are covered under whatever licenses Github and twitter have.

That would be correct. Those widgets are iframes, and are covered by the license that covers their main sites.

Frontenac, the font in the logo, is only free for personal use. I'm not sure this counts as personal use. How did that font get picked? Is it possible to use Quattrocento instead?

That was just a font I grabbed for the adopt-a-drain mockup. It was an arbitrary decision, other than I liked its serifs. And fair enough, this probably wouldn't qualify as a personal use. Quattrocento works fine there.

I'm going to start recreating the logo as an svg file unless someone speaks up and says they have it.

Go for it ;)

afomi commented 8 years ago

Here's the SF Flag in SVG: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Flag_of_San_Francisco.svg

bouncinglime commented 8 years ago

I've gotten an SVG from Allen Meyer of the C4SF logo! I'm going to convert the font to Quattrocento for consistency.

bouncinglime commented 8 years ago

I can't upload an SVG here, so I've put it on Google Drive for now. Is there a better way to do this for the future?

therebelrobot commented 8 years ago

Google drive works fine, though Github should allow you to upload SVGs to issue threads. Let me look into that more.

therebelrobot commented 8 years ago

So it doesn't look like Github supports posting SVGs in threads, but ZenHub does, so here's that:

CodeForSF_logo_2015-10-30.svg | uploaded via ZenHub

Bitmap version of that: bitmap version

jszwedko commented 8 years ago

While you can't directly upload, you can put on imgur or the equivalent and link here (see @afomi linking above). It is a bit strange that they don't allow direct uploads though.

bouncinglime commented 8 years ago

Permissions fixed on the Google Drive file; everyone should be able to download it now.

Also, we don't seem to be using the wiki function here on GitHub. Can I create the first page as a design spec document? I'd really like to have all the info in one place.

therebelrobot commented 8 years ago

go for it @bouncinglime :) We want to use all tools available.

bouncinglime commented 8 years ago

sweet. https://github.com/sfbrigade/Website-Tools-Team/wiki/Design-Spec-Outline

Closing this issue.