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Figure out better way to surface Hack Night slides #23

Open jszwedko opened 8 years ago

jszwedko commented 8 years ago

This came up tonight during Hack Night, but it'd be great to post the slides for Hack Night somewhere each week. I'm told there are in the shared Google Drive folder, but that isn't super accessible.


afomi commented 8 years ago

I'd like to avoid re-publishing (copy/paste style) to many channels too.

I'm a fan of good tools for the job. For slides - Slideshare, Google Presentation, etc. Most of these, we can link as content from the website.

Thinking about a quick hack, in terms of making it dynamic:

Maybe a .json file on GitHub could be updated. Then, that file could be loaded via jQuery in order to refresh this content easily. Something like

// sf_brigade_website_resources.json 

  resources: [
    slides: {
      date: "2015-11-04",
      title: "SF Hack Night Night Slides"
      file: "https://googledriveslides_or_slideshare_etc"
   another_resource: {
    }, etc.....
jszwedko commented 8 years ago


We may also be able to leverage https://developers.google.com/drive/v2/reference/children/list if they are all in the same folder. @therebelrobot do you have a link to where they are currently stored?

jszwedko commented 8 years ago

Working with @j6design on a strategy to do this going forward, will update with results.