sfbrigade / analytics

Analytics project, encompassing metrics for engagement and more.
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Analysis: Does Gender of Lead Impact Gender of Participants? #30

Open gregboyer opened 2 years ago

gregboyer commented 2 years ago

Compare proportion of public posts by male vs female in project by gender of project lead.

  | M | F.  <-- Project Leads

M. |. | F. |. | ^ Participants

Take from conversations.list for channel name, conversation history for number of public messages, and member form for genders; create crosstab.

project channels with female leads: discuss-data-science proj-datasci-bay-releif proj-waterthetrees

Mix leads proj-intentional-walk (mix) proj-teambats

Project channels with male leads: issue-covid-19 proj-3d-street proj-compass proj-tinytown proj-brigade-analytics proj-brigade-website proj-police-budgets

Brigade Channels general discuss-new-member share-civic-jobs share-events

Metric is count of posts by gender

tdevwk commented 2 years ago

taking from user.list data

yosep2m430 commented 12 months ago

Where is the data I can work with?