you'll need some environment variables, so it's probably best to wait until #27 is done before starting this
We should move to get a working "live" version of the app up and running so that we can quickly pass around to non-eng people what we have done and what's still in progress.
Definition of Done
App hosting configuration is setup and a working "live" demo site is available for access
Engineering Details
Since we're using NEXT, this is likely easiest done via Vercel (with serverless python functions for the backend), but there are certainly plenty of options for making this happen... The priority is easy to manage and free / cheap
you'll need some environment variables, so it's probably best to wait until #27 is done before starting this
We should move to get a working "live" version of the app up and running so that we can quickly pass around to non-eng people what we have done and what's still in progress.
Definition of Done
Engineering Details