sferik / t-ruby

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Some warnings from 'faraday' dependency #424

Open vk0xOrg opened 4 years ago

vk0xOrg commented 4 years ago

I'm getting such a warning .rbenv/versions/2.7.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/faraday-0.11.0/lib/faraday/options.rb:160: warning: Capturing the given block using Proc.new is deprecated; use&blockinstead

Herewas mentioned that the warning was corrected in the following releases (>1.0).

t version is 3.1.0

gem info faraday 0.11.0

ruby --version 2.7.1

How to get rid of this warning?

saulomaximo commented 4 years ago

I have thie error in Rails 5.0.7 and ruby 2.7.1

gems/faraday-0.12.2/lib/faraday/options.rb:166: warning: Capturing the given block using Proc.new is deprecated; use&blockinstead

jasalt commented 4 years ago

I don't know Ruby much but I tried to search a fix for this myself and tried to update the faraday package to a new version where it's fixed but I ran into dependency version mismatch problems.

Then I managed to hack fix it myself by following example in this blog explaining the change in the language https://medium.com/@amliving/proc-new-trick-c1df16185599.

It has similar looking syntax to what I have that gives a warning:

def random_method_three
  prok = Proc.new

That gets converted to this with the new syntax:

def uses_ampersand(trigger, &block)
  if trigger && block_given?

https://blog.saeloun.com/2019/09/02/ruby-2-7-proc-without-block-warning.html also tries to explain theory begind this but examples were a bit more abstract.

Now in vi /var/lib/gems/2.7.0/gems/faraday-0.11.0/lib/faraday/options.rb the apparent fix was to introduce &block as a function argument instead of calling Proc.new as the warning stated.

Changing the lines 159 and 160:

    def self.memoized(key)
      memoized_attributes[key.to_sym] = Proc.new
      class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
        def #{key}() self[:#{key}]; end


    def self.memoized(key, &block)
      memoized_attributes[key.to_sym] = block
      class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
        def #{key}() self[:#{key}]; end

t works now without warnings so I'll leave that there and maybe learn something new later if things break cause of it while hoping the package index would be getting the fix before that.

Running this on Ubuntu 20.04 with stock ruby installation following the normal installation guidance, nothing fancy there.

jasalt commented 4 years ago

Well, that didn't work out too far. Getting this same warning from other code locations too:

$ t followers <handle>

/var/lib/gems/2.7.0/gems/faraday-0.11.0/lib/faraday/rack_builder.rb:55: warning: Capturing the given block using Proc.new is deprecated; use `&block` instead
/var/lib/gems/2.7.0/gems/faraday-0.11.0/lib/faraday/options.rb:69: warning: Capturing the given block using Proc.new is deprecated; use `&block` instead
/var/lib/gems/2.7.0/gems/twitter-6.1.0/lib/twitter/utils.rb:25: warning: Capturing the given block using Proc.new is deprecated; use `&block` instead
jasalt commented 4 years ago

Alright, this environment variable suppresses script warnings:

export RUBYOPT=-W0

Just drop that into .bashrc while the official fix is on it's way and better remember to take it out if you're debugging something

jasalt commented 4 years ago

Just noting that I'm getting this same issue with homebrew installed ruby (2.7.0) on Mac (10.13.6) in addition to this other bug in the installation progress https://github.com/sferik/t/issues/402.