sffc / socketio-file-upload

Uploads files to a Node.JS server using Socket.IO
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Cordova app #36

Open nivoset opened 8 years ago

nivoset commented 8 years ago

has anyone gotten this to work with a cordova app/ionic? i am getting just a bunch of errors on it right now. lastly that "addEventListener is not a function" from var _listenTo = function (object, eventName, callback, bubble) { object.addEventListener(eventName, callback, bubble); _listenedReferences.push(arguments); }; i havent attached anything to it yet, ive just done the new instantiate of it.

"var uploader = new SocketIOFileUpload(socket);"

The second question is doing it without the document watcher if possible, not sure if i can just send a file location to it yet, but only will worry about then when it doesn't error i suppose.

Thank you

MaffooBristol commented 7 years ago

Sorry, I'm a bit confused. What's the _listenTo function? Where's it being called from? What are the parameters coming into it? Is this an issue with SIOFU? Because those two code blocks seem to be unrelated 😕