sfg-taxonpages / cockroach

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Nesomylacris: Range for genus doesn't include ranges of all constituent species #7

Open dominicev opened 1 week ago

dominicev commented 1 week ago

I don't know if this is an issue with TW or with the underlying data. For Nesomylacris (and maybe other taxa...I don't know) the range map doesn't show Mexico, Panama, and maybe some other places that it should.


hhopkins77 commented 1 week ago

The distributions in CSF are incomplete. Very few were entered by George, and as others (such as me and Christian) have tried to improve the database, distributions have been entered as they come up in current publications. Correct distributions will only be obtained when the entirety of the cockroach research literature has been entered, which is ongoing but slow. If you send me references that contain distribution data for Nesomylacris I could always bump them up the workflow list.

dominicev commented 1 week ago

Sorry, I think I wasn't clear.

If, for example, you look at the page for Nesomylacris asteria ( https://cockroach.speciesfile.org/otus/863736/overview) it shows that it occurs in Costa Rica. But Costa Rica is not included on the Range map for the genus Nesomylacris ( https://cockroach.speciesfile.org/otus/860235/overview). I assume that TW would take the range for the constituent species and compile it into a single range for the whole genus. Maybe I am wrong about how the platform works though...(do you have to input ranges for higher taxa independently?)

hhopkins77 commented 1 week ago

Ohhh, I did misunderstand! That is definitely a bug. I will take it to this week's meeting. Thanks for letting us know! The maps at higher levels of classification should be aggregates of those below them.