sfg-taxonpages / orthoptera

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sources lost names of serials #2

Closed typophyllum closed 9 months ago

typophyllum commented 10 months ago

For example:

Boletín de la Sociedad Zoológica del Uruguay (three sources, fixed) PLoS One (PLOS ONE in original OSF, 43 sources, a few of them fixed) Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad (4 sources - fixed)

Is it possible to filter for sources without serial name (but volume and sometimes issue numbers) to find all cases?

typophyllum commented 10 months ago

All PLOS One cases fixed in OSF (the same problem exists in other species files). Tried to change the obsolete spelling PLoS One to PLOS One, but apparenly doesn't work.

typophyllum commented 10 months ago

European Journal of Taxonomy (ten sources in OSF, fixed) Folia Entomologica Hungarica (15, fixed) Amurian Zoological Journal (3, fixed) Entomological Review (67, so far only Gorochov 2022 fixed)

The last one had migrated well to the sandcastle, PLOS One as well, perhaps all.

... editing ... Entomological Review done

LocoDelAssembly commented 10 months ago

List of refs potentially missing TW serials

typophyllum commented 10 months ago

Thanks, Hernán. This is helpful, although we can no longer search for RefID and PubID (don't appear in URL).

Acta Entomologica Slovenica (2, f) Acta Faunistica Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae (4, fixed) Advances in Entomology (1, f) Animalia. Università Catania (16, fixed) Annalen des K.K. Naturhistorischen Hofmuseums (4, f) Blumen- und Pflanzenbau / Gartenwelt (1, fixed) Boletim do Instituto de Instituto de Investigaçao Científica de Angola (1, f) Bulletin of the Kurashiki Museum of Natural History (2, fixed) Bulletin of the Lithuanian Entomological Society (3, f) Casopis Moravského Muzea v Brne (1, f) Conservation Genetics Resources (5, f) Ecological Informatics (1, f) Ecologica Montenegrina (9, f) eLife (2, f) Entomologia. Società Entomologica Italiana & Accademia Nazionale Italiana di Entomologia (3, f) Entomologia Croatica (2, f) Entomologie heute (3, fixed) Euroasian Entomological Journal (5, f) Fauna Balkana (4, f) Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (4, f) Genetics and Molecular Research (1, fixed) Insect Systematics and Diversity (1, fixed) International Journal of Advanced Research (3, f) International Journal of Advances in Life Science and Technology (1, f) International Journal of Fauna and Biological Studies (3, f) Journal of Cell and Animal Biology (1, f) Journal of Entomological Research (Azad University) (3, f) Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies (26, fixed) Journal of Guangxi Agricultural University (1, f) Journal of Insect Biodiversity (2, f) Journal of Insects (1, f) Journal of the Canadian Acoustical Association (1, f) Journal of the Entomological Society of Ontario (1, f) Korean Journal of Soil Zoology (3, f) Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada (1, fixed). Mitochondrial DNA Part B (18, f) Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences (1, f) Pakistan Journal of Entomology (1, f) Parnassiana Archives (2, f) PeerJ (8, fixed) Proceedings of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (around 40, f) Przegląd Przyrodniczy (1, f) Publicações Culturais da Companhia de Diamantes de Angola (14, fixed) Revista de Biología del Uruguay (1, f) Revista de Biología Tropical (3, f) Revue de l'Association Roussillonnaise d'Entomologie (1, f) Sindh University Research Journal (Sciene Series) (8, f) Scientific Reports (11, fixed) The Science of Nature (5, f) Zoologia Neocaledonica (2, f) and numerous others

LocoDelAssembly commented 10 months ago

In https://sfg.taxonworks.org/data_attributes you may search by RefID. The search pattern is SF.RefID <ID> (e.g. SF.RefID 8409)

Although probably I could write some script to have links in TW sources, but in the meantime searching by data attribute should work.

mjy commented 10 months ago

@jlpereira and I can make a batch-updater, maybe, to update the Serial of all found records. Would this help given the search capabilities above^

mabecabrera commented 10 months ago

I do not know if I am understanding well. But if we could use the PubID number that @LocoDelAssembly got us in the list he made for us in excel... we could get in one step to all of the souces that belong to the same serial and add that information. So we don´t have to add it one by one as we are doing right now.

mabecabrera commented 10 months ago


We have 9 sources that correspond to this serial but it only finds one that is complete...

The problem is not to find the source becouse we can find it in Species Files or google. The super power would be to get to all the sources with this PubID number. And add it to them all.

mjy commented 10 months ago

Side-ish note. I think Source filter is missing data attribute facet like in other filters. Seeing about adding it now.

mjy commented 9 months ago

Source filter data-attribute facet is coming, this might help you.

mjy commented 9 months ago

Actually it looks like there are like no DataAttributes added to Sources for Orthoptera... but the facet is coming regardles.s

LocoDelAssembly commented 9 months ago


We have 9 sources that correspond to this serial but it only finds one that is complete...

ImportAttribute, plenty of them

mjy commented 9 months ago

Aha. Not Internal. So they aren't referenced on the facets I think?

mjy commented 9 months ago

Let us know if import attribute facet search helps here, is live now.

mabecabrera commented 9 months ago

I am trying but I´m no getting to any result.

For instance, I select de Import Attribute SF.RefID and for value add 22780


Acording to the excel @LocoDelAssembly created there are 5 souces at least with that serial...


But it shows only one result of a source out of our project. image

Could it be that the problem is that they are not associated yet? I tried with the ones we have already completed...

image image

But non of them is showing up in the filter as I get cero results... Am I using this filter as it is supposed to?

mabecabrera commented 9 months ago

Sorry, I did the example using the PubID but have just used the correct one and I do not get any results either.

typophyllum commented 9 months ago

This is practically done. Filter sources now finds 17 articles without serial which need further investigation.

mabecabrera commented 9 months ago

The Import attribute filter is working! When using the exact/any checkbox! If not clicked it does not find anything! Now we can solve all the cases!!! Thanks!!!

mjy commented 9 months ago

When using the exact/any checkbox! If not clicked it does not find anything!

Screenshot with difference please?

mabecabrera commented 9 months ago

Here I do not check the exact/any, and do not get results.


And here I do check


And I get results...
