sfirke / packagemetrics

A Package for Helping You Choose Which Package to Use
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Recently closed issue showing up as `NA` #63

Open sfirke opened 2 years ago

sfirke commented 2 years ago

Running this as of 2022-02-03, I get NA for last issue closed in dplyr repo when it should be 0 days (7 hours ago).

> library(packagemetrics)
> library(dplyr)
> dplyr_and_dt <- package_list_metrics(c("dplyr", "data.table"))
> glimpse(dplyr_and_dt)
Rows: 2
Columns: 17
$ package            <chr> "dplyr", "data.table"
$ last_issue_closed  <dbl> NA, 0
sfirke commented 2 years ago

Might as well make the unit clear. Right now I think it's days divided by 30? Why not just make it days and call the field days_since_last_issue_closed?