sfmcdg / Salesforce-Marketing-Cloud-Developer-Edition-Recipes

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Developer Edition Recipes
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Availability of the Journey Builder Developer's Guide #4

Closed eljazouli closed 6 years ago

eljazouli commented 7 years ago

Hi contributors,

I am always pleased to see this kind of initiatives around Salesforce Marketing Cloud so thank you !

I tried to look for the "Journey Builder Developer's Guide" book by Eliot Harper (one of the major contributors of this repo!) but I couldn't find it on sale anymore 😢

Is there a way to find a pdf or paper version of this book on sale ?

I am also certified Salesforce Marketing Cloud consultant and I can contribute to this repo if needed 😃

Thank you so much for your great work !


mattcam commented 7 years ago

Hello Zak, thanks for positive feedback and offer to help contribute. Can you help with a pull request? Whilst doing prep for SFMC consultant exam did the exam guide notes - these could definitely do with another set of eyes to read over and update as required. I will also forward your request re book onto Eliot.

eliotharper commented 7 years ago

Hello @eljazouli, my book that you refer to is somewhat outdated now, as a result of several significant new updates to Journey Builder. However, the concepts still remain and the WDF documentation is still mostly relevant. You can download the book from http://digital-logic.s3.amazonaws.com/temp/isbn9780994311801.pdf

jrcha commented 6 years ago

Hi @eliotharper , the link above is not available anymore, would you be so kind to provide a new link ? I tried to buy your book in Amazon and it's not available.

Thank you!

eliotharper commented 6 years ago

Hello @jrcha, here is updated link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ng07itj488zelbr/ISBN9780994311801.pdf?dl=0

nenadatanasovski commented 5 years ago

Thanks for sharing, @elliotharper. Are you planning to release an always-up-to-date online version similar to the Ampscript guide? Would be great to have working examples when building out custom activities.

eliotharper commented 5 years ago

Hi @nenadatanasovski, I'm considering this, but I'm waiting for development to level out, as it's still rapidly changing at the moment and will be hard to keep up-to-date.

sproutward commented 5 years ago

@eliotharper , thank you very much for the link. Would you provide a few bullet points of the things that outdate the book?

In particular, I am trying to understand the right way to use SFMC Journeys with an app. I have read through your Github recipes(https://github.com/sfmcdg/Salesforce-Marketing-Cloud-Developer-Edition-Recipes/blob/master/firing-events.md)

Currently, I am using dataEvents to upsert data to a DE. Are dataEvents interchangeable with contactEvents? Can the same behavior available thru contactEvents be accomplished upserting columns in a DE as event columns using dataEvents? Do you know any resources available with recipes and best practices?

eliotharper commented 5 years ago

@sproutward, DataEvents are quite different from ContactEvents. You can schedule a [free] call with me at eliot.com.au and we can review your use case together and I will explain the best approach for you.