sfmcdg / Salesforce-Marketing-Cloud-Developer-Edition-Recipes

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Developer Edition Recipes
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Marketing Cloud - Multiple business units add-on #7

Open nakulm opened 6 years ago

nakulm commented 6 years ago

So I recently noticed in the edition comparison chart that the Marketing Cloud Corporate Edition does not support multiple business units and that it is an add-on that needs to be purchased.

Has it always been like this? I could've sworn that earlier you could create multiple business units in your corporate edition without paying anything extra. Is this a recent change ?

I tried using wayback machine to look for old edition comparisons or pricing structure but came up with nothing.

Thought I'd post here to check if anyone else knew more about this add-on.

tellanad commented 5 years ago

introduced in marketing cloud 2.0, This is an add on which has to be done by salesforce vendor , multi business is different and multi org is different.