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Talk Proposal: Understanding Node.js #126

Closed JoeDoyle23 closed 4 years ago

JoeDoyle23 commented 4 years ago

Full name and Bio Joe Doyle

Joe is a Staff Software Engineer at Fictiv. He has been using Node.js since Node 0.6 and all of the major releases since. "I work hard to improve my skills in the spirit of software craftsmanship. I'm a constant learner and am always looking for new technologies to improve my software quality."

Talk title and abstract (description) Understanding Node.js Ever wonder how Node.js works and your code runs? Which version of Node.js should you be using? Callbacks or async/await? Then this is the talk for you! Expand your knowledge of modern Node.js versions for fun and profit. We'll also cover the great new features are available in Node.js 12!

Url to Slides or GitHub Repo Google Slides for this talk (In progress!)

Social Media Info (Optional) Twitter: @JoeDoyle23 GitHub: JoeDoyle23 Web: https://joedoyle.dev

Are you going to be live coding? No

Do you need audio from your computer? No