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Talk Proposal: Friends don't let friends Cluster #130

Closed tlhunter closed 4 years ago

tlhunter commented 4 years ago

Full name and Bio

Thomas Hunter II: Thomas has contributed to dozens of enterprise Node.js services and has worked for a company dedicated to securing Node.js. He has spoken at several conferences on Node.js and JavaScript, is currently writing a book on Node.js services with O'Reilly, and is an organizer of NodeSchool SF.

Talk title and abstract (description)

Friends don't let friends Cluster: This talk first covers the cluster module, how it works conceptually, and how it compares to the child_process module. Next, HAProxy is examined, which is a reverse proxy capable of solving the same problems as cluster. Finally, the performance of both technologies are measured, both in throughput and memory consumption. Material is based on Thomas's upcoming book, tentatively titled Distributed Node.js.

Url to Slides or GitHub Repo


Social Media Info (Optional)

https://twitter.com/tlhunter https://github.com/tlhunter

Are you going to be live coding?


Do you need audio from your computer?


JoeDoyle23 commented 4 years ago

Hi @tlhunter! Thanks for the talk submission. Are you able to present this Thursday, Feb 13th?

tlhunter commented 4 years ago

@JoeDoyle23, certainly!

tlhunter commented 4 years ago

@joedoyle23 sorry for the late notice but I'm currently going through some health issues and I don't think I'll be able to speak on Thursday

JoeDoyle23 commented 4 years ago

No problem! I hope you get well soon!

tlhunter commented 4 years ago

I can do it next month if you're looking for speakers

Trewaters commented 4 years ago

We would love to have you in March @tlhunter !

Get better soon, sending you good vibes.

tlhunter commented 4 years ago

Ironically, this talk title is more relevant than ever...

dshaw commented 4 years ago

Did we get this in? If not, we’re going virtual for April and yes, this would be perfect. 🤣

tlhunter commented 4 years ago

Virtual works for me!

isurfbecause commented 4 years ago

@tlhunter Are you still free to talk tomorrow?

tlhunter commented 4 years ago


isurfbecause commented 4 years ago

Right on see you online