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Talk Proposal: How To Get A Better Job Without Learning Another Framework #133

Closed davidguttman closed 3 years ago

davidguttman commented 3 years ago

Full name and Bio David Guttman

At Superstruct, David helps startups build remote engineering teams that ship. He has led teams of engineers to ship projects like ultra-high-scale ad servers handling over 10 billion requests per day, written books like Fullstack Node.js, authored over 90 open-source packages on npm, and runs js.la, one of the largest JavaScript events in the country.

Talk title and abstract (description) How To Get A Better Job Without Learning Another Framework

Too much to learn in today's tech world? Feel like there's no end to what you need to know? Maybe you've completed a web development boot camp and think you have a good grasp on the technology. Of course, the moment you google, you realize there is so much more out there and a ton more to learn. When is enough, enough? Sure, learning is a lot of fun and probably why you got into this field, but if you're looking for a new job, it becomes very intimidating and overwhelming. Well, it turns out that you don't need to know the latest framework to help your career. To get a good gig, the key is to know what hiring managers really want. As a bonus, I'll talk about what to do once you have the job so that you can move up the food chain to where you actually want to be.

Url to Slides or GitHub Repo

Social Media Info (Optional) Twitter: @davidguttman Github: @davidguttman Site: davidguttman.com

Are you going to be live coding? No

Do you need audio from your computer? No

dshaw commented 3 years ago

Thanks @davidguttman 💖✨