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Talk Proposal: Introduction to Nexus #134

Closed jasonkuhrt closed 3 years ago

jasonkuhrt commented 3 years ago

Full name and Bio Who are you and what are you all about? We will post this in the Meetup description.

Jason Kuhrt

I am a TypeScript developer with a passionate for DX. Educated in design theory, practice, and ethics I became fascinated by systems aspects of software engineering. Over years I've oscillated between frontend (jQuery, Angular, React), backend (HTTP, TCP, GQL, Architecture), devops (AWS, GCP, Terraform, CI/CD, Kubernetes) and creative/leadership contributions all in startup environments. Today I work at Prisma on the developer productivity team responsible for enhancing the reach of our awesome developer centric database tools.

Talk title and abstract (description) Introduction to Nexus

Introduction to Nexus Schema, a NodeJS library for building just the schema aspect of GraphQL APIs with code. I'll build a simple API while touring its primary features, including strong type-safety.

Url to Slides or GitHub Repo Slides from a previous version of this talk https://app.pitch.com/app/presentation/f76a4138-0fba-47a4-a85a-4810afa6a3ef/c4e7d63f-7fed-49cb-9468-4a8ecc9b128c

I would evolve this however based on learnings from the previous talk.

Social Media Info (Optional)

https://twitter.com/jasonkuhrt https://github.com/jasonkuhrt https://www.instagram.com/jasonkuhrt

Are you going to be live coding? Yes

Do you need audio from your computer? No

dshaw commented 3 years ago

@jasonkuhrt Thanks for submitting the talk.

dshaw commented 3 years ago

@jasonkuhrt Our next meetup is on Thursday, January 14th at 7pm PT (10pm ET). Are you interested and available at that time?

jasonkuhrt commented 3 years ago

Hey @dshaw a bit soon for me, when is the next one?

dshaw commented 3 years ago

2nd Tuesday of the month, so for February it's Thursday 2/11 at 7pm PT / 10pm ET. Want to shoot for that, @jasonkuhrt ?

jasonkuhrt commented 3 years ago

Sounds good, Thursday February 11 @ 10pm ET!

dshaw commented 3 years ago

Awesome. Thank you.