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Venue Proposal: Interval #138

Closed alexarena closed 1 year ago

alexarena commented 2 years ago

What is the address, floor, room name if any, entrance instructions? 3154 17th St, San Francisco, CA. We'll post a sign at the door. It's a freestanding building, so getting in is pretty obvious.

Do we need to submit an attendee list for security purposes? We'll check attendance at the door, but does not need to be submitted beforehand.

What's the total number of people that space can hold? 100 people

Will food and drinks will be provided? Are there vegetarian and gluten free options? Yes, pizza and drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic alike) We can coordinate V + GF options as well.

What is the AV setup like? Tell us about the setup so we can make sure it matches with the requirements of our speakers for that month. 100"+ (not sure on exact size, but it's very large) screen and projector

What is the microphone setup? Mic stand or headset mic? Tell us about the setup so we can make sure it matches with the requirements of our speakers for that month. TBD, will likely get a mic stand.

What is the parking situation like? Is bike parking available? Any off-street parking? We do get asked about bike parking every month, so it helps us to know if its available. Space in the courtyard is available for parking around 20 bikes.