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Talk Proposal: A Tale of Two Runtimes #139

Closed jasnell closed 1 year ago

jasnell commented 1 year ago

Full name and Bio

James M Snell / @jasnell

James has been a core contributor to Node.js for the past 7 years and a member of the Node.js Technical Steering Committee. He is also an engineer on the Cloudflare Workers runtime. His primary focus on both is expanding capability and ensuring Web Platform API interoperability across non-Web browser runtimes.

Talk title and abstract (description)

Node.js and Cloudflare Workers both build on top of the same V8 JavaScript engine, both implement standard Web Platform APIs, both handle HTTP requests, perform asynchronous I/O, and more, but are otherwise entirely dissimilar to each other. As Cloudflare works towards open sourcing key pieces of the Workers runtime, this talk will discuss the similarities and differences between Workers and Node.js from the perspective of someone who works on both.

Url to Slides or GitHub Repo Either now or can be posted in Meetup comments later. Our attendees love to reference the slides after the talks.

Social Media Info (Optional)

Twitter: jasnell GitHub: jasnell

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