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Talk Proposal: The Joy of E2E Type Safety #140

Closed alexarena closed 1 year ago

alexarena commented 1 year ago

Full name and Bio

Alex Arena / @alexarena

Alex is the CEO and founder of Interval.

Talk title and abstract (description)

TypeScript is now prevalent across browsers, mobile apps, servers, and more. And with good reason: type-safe code allows developers to avoid entire classes of bugs and gives us confidence to undertake ambitious refactors.

Unfortunately, as soon as we serialize or deserialize data, eg. from making REST API calls or otherwise passing messages, guarantees of type soundness go out the window.

That’s changing with a new suite of tools that bridge the divide between static type checking and runtime data parsing. In the talk, we’ll share how we use these tools at Interval to ship code more quickly and with higher confidence.

Url to Slides or GitHub Repo

Either now or can be posted in Meetup comments later. Our attendees love to reference the slides after the talks.

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