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Talk Proposal: Write a 2X Faster-than-Native JSON Parser with Fake Threading #142

Closed amark closed 1 year ago

amark commented 1 year ago

Hi, I'm Mark:

Mark Nadal is the author of GUN, an Open Source Firebase alternative. He spends his time obsessed with performance and benchmarking, and will teach you how little tricks can give you huge gains.

Write a 2X Faster-than-Native JSON Parser with Fake Threading JSON is incredibly slow and blocks the thread, resulting in your app freezing up and web server spiking in latency. In this talk we'll explore how NodeJS's event loop works, how to "thread" heavy work over time, and how converting JSON into an asynchronous parser can speed things up, as well as micro-optimization gains using long-forgotten JavaScript language features.



Are you going to be live coding? A little.

Do you need audio from your computer? No.