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Build an Auditable SMS Proxy Using the Pangea Secure Audit Log Service, Twilio Programmable SMS, and JavaScript #149

Open DeveloperEnvY opened 1 year ago

DeveloperEnvY commented 1 year ago

Full name and Bio Nicolas Vautier is a Developer Advocate at Pangea Cyber and is a privacy and data security enthusiast. He has led engineering efforts and holds patents for various security products, including Digital Rights Management (DRM) solutions, secure Workplace Collaboration software, and Consumer Privacy tools. Follow him on Twitter @DeveloperEnvY to join his journey as he helps unify security services for app builders @PangeaCyber.

Talk title and abstract (description)

Third parties knowing what is said in SMS conversations can be scary, but in a world filled with increasingly false and misleading information being presented as news, not knowing what was said can be just as scary. In this session you'll, learn how to add cryptographically verifiable hashes of Twilio powered SMS conversations to an immutable public ledger or blockchain powered by Pangea’s tamperproof audit and logging service. You'll then learn how to optionally enable the Pangea Redact service.

By publishing conversation hashes to the blockchain you can provide irrefutable evidence of what was said between two parties without actually exposing the contents of the conversation publicly. With Pangea’s Javascript SDK you can deliver the power of the blockchain to your users with a few lines of code.

Url to Slides or GitHub Repo Either now or can be posted in Meetup comments later. Our attendees love to reference the slides after the talks.

Social Media Info (Optional) Twitter: @DeveloperEnvY Github: https://github.com/DeveloperEnvY

Are you going to be live coding? Yes

Do you need audio from your computer? No

Zahidul-Islam commented 1 year ago

@DeveloperEnvY sorry for late reply. Are you still interested to take in the SFNode meetup? Are you planning to talk about the JavaScript SDK and/or blockchain?

christian-bromann commented 1 year ago

ping @DeveloperEnvY , still interested in speaking? We are building up a new pipeline of speakers.