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Venue Proposal: Sauce Labs #150

Closed christian-bromann closed 1 year ago

christian-bromann commented 1 year ago

What is the address, floor, room name if any, entrance instructions? 450 Sansome St 9th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94111

Do we need to submit an attendee list for security purposes? Yes

What's the total number of people that space can hold? I believe about 50

Will food and drinks will be provided? Are there vegetarian and gluten free options? Yes

What is the AV setup like? Slides can be presented on a big screen through regular I/O like HDMI or USBv3

What is the microphone setup? Mic stand or headset mic? Mic stand available

What is the parking situation like? Is bike parking available? Any off-street parking? It's downtown SF so parking might be difficult. Easiest is to commute via Bart to Embarcadero and walk up 2 blocks.

christian-bromann commented 1 year ago

cc @nadvolod

Zahidul-Islam commented 1 year ago

@christian-bromann thank you and Sauce Labs.